A Kid Named Link

A Kid Named Link


By: (o'.')o (Kirby Kid)


I won Zelda, Link and Nintendo. My name is Shiguru Miya….wait…that's just a dream. No, I'm (o'.')o, and NO I DO NOT own Zelda Link or Nintendo. I don't even own the clothes I'm wearing. I think my brain is on rental too.

Notes from the Editor (That's me.)

Before I start, you should know that you're going to see a lot of familiar names. Names like Link and Zelda. I just want you to know that these aren't THE Link and Zelda from any game previous or any game to come. Names like Link and Zelda are important in Hyrule, and hence get passed on from generation to generation. I'm taking that little fact and using it for other recognizable names too.

So as a reminder, if you read any name you remember from a past Zelda game…just remember, that isn't THE character, it's another character with the same name.

Complicated enough for ya? Good! Then on with the game.

I mean story.


Link was washing his hands furiously, as if they were infected with some kind of smelly virus. He scrubbed and scrubbed until he nearly bled. He brought his left hand up from the stream of crystal flowing water, and frowned.

"God-dammit!" Link growled.

He should be happy, it was his 14th birthday. He was finally a man…a man dammit. He was gonna be treated like a king today. There would be no chores for him today at the ranch. Usually Ingo worked him like a bitch…er dog, but not today!

'Cause today was his day. Today he was king of the world.

Or at least of the Lon Lon Ranch.

They'd have a party, invite some friends over from Kakkariko. Heck he didn't need anyone else over, Malon and Talon and Epona were more than enough company. He was pretty darn sure this was gonna be a heckuva day, and now it was all being jeopardized.

Because of some damn prank tattoo that wont come off his left hand!

Link looked at the mark with disdain. It was way to clear to be a birthmark. It was composed of 3 bright yellow triangles, forming a pyramid of sorts, with two on the bottom and one on the top. In other words, the Triforce.

Link sighed. Whoever did this did it real good. He didn't even feel it being put on. Maybe Malon did it, she was good at knitting things. Link shook his head in doubt. Malon wouldn't do it, even for a joke. Everyone knew the Triforce was a legend, but some people took it real seriously.

They especially took seriously the legend of a hero with this kind of birthmark on his left hand.

There had been some strife in Hyrule nearly a millennium ago. It was well documented in the history books. Still it had nothing to do with the Triforce, and more with a war between Hyrule and a sect of the Gerudo clan. Still, some people were adamant that the Triforce had a lot to do with –

"Link! Are you ever coming out of that bathroom?" a voice called. " If you're having trouble…"

"I'm fine Malon." Link shouted back. He wrapped his left hand with a bandage, then left the room.

Malon was standing there, pretty as ever. She had yet to reach the milestone of 14, but she acted with more maturity than Talon and even Ingo did sometimes. She wore her plain flower-patterned dress with an apron for partial protection. The apron bore tracks of dirt and mud from her work this morning. So did Malon's pretty face.

She looked down on Link's hand with concern. "What happened? You cut yourself?"

Link looked down, then laughed heartily. "I cut myself shaving!" he boasted.

Malon looked at him incredulously. "Shaving? You cut your hand shaving?"

"Yeah, uh.. I was using my sword!" Link put his hand on the handle of the fine blade that nestled on his hip. He grinned as he caught the look on Malon's face. "Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it!"

Malon shook her head slightly, then smiled. "Whatever." She turned away from him, her scarlet curls swinging. Link suddenly realized how nice she smelled…despite the fact that she had been tracking in mud all morning. Link thought he should help out with some chores anyway.

They were walking towards the Stables, to go visit Epona. The walked side by side, silent as always. Link sighed. He wanted to say something to her…anything…but he didn't want to sound like an idiot. He glanced at Malon and smiled a bit. "What's your excuse?" He thought to her silently.

Suddenly, the tall lanky Ingo rushed in from the main gate. He stopped a few meters behind the young pair, and panted heavily for breath. His white suspenders were nearly brown with dirt and mud, and his mustache was a jumble of hair. Poor Ingo was usually overworked, Talon didn't do much work around the Ranch.

Link thought he could almost hear Ingo cursing Talon under his breath before he straightened and stared at him straight on. "You, boy!" he started. He gulped and turned towards the gate. " Get to the gate. Someone wants to see you."

"Why didn't you just let them in--?"

"You idiot! You don't let a messenger from the Royal Family into a Ranch!!" Ingo shook his head disdainfully at the suggestion. "Now get there before he gets upset, and closes us down!"

Malon looked at Link intensely. "You're not in trouble are you?"

"Me trouble? Please!" Link grinned. "Maybe they want to give me a medal, me being such a stud and all." Malon shook her head at the suggestion, even though Link could see a hint of a smile.

"Mr. Ingo's right, I'd better go." He hopped and the quick-stepped towards the main gate. "I'll be back before the party!" he called back to the others. Malon waved back, while Ingo just shook his head and walked towards the Stable.

"Medal…" Link thought. He brought up his left hand and sighed. "It's never easy is it?"


As Link reached the gate, he saw him. The knight was huge, covered head to toe in shiny black and white armor. The sigil of the Triforce dominated its décor, all over his cape, his gauntlet and chest plate. A shawl covered the man's face, and only piercing blue eyes were perceivable. His horse was huge, a war-horse that wouldn't be able to outrun Epona, but could crush her to a pulp. It was decorated with armor and sigils. All in all, the figure before him screamed, "Don't mess with me bitch!" Intimidation was the name of the game.

Link gulped and approached the figure with heads-up. The figure flashed out a 6-foot long broadsword and aimed the tip at his face.

"You will come with me to the palace? Understood?" the man boomed.

Link blinked, then suddenly became a lot more relaxed. He nodded and smiled. "I understand. Just, point that thing somewhere else will yeah? Please?"

The man hesitated, then sheathed his mighty blade. He noticed the fine sword by Link's side and chuckled. Link chuckled too, the stopped when the man shot him a look.

"Hey.." Link began. "I'm I gonna have to walk there, cause I don't have my walking boots on, and…"

Link stopped when the man pointed to the animal behind him. The mule was about 1/3rd the size of the War-horse that the man rode probably ½ the size of Epona. It didn't even have a saddle!

Link sighed and took off his green Tuke, revealing unruly bushy blonde hair. From underneath the long "tail" of the headgear, he fished out an emergency carrot, and fed it to the animal. The he hopped on its back and looked at the huge man beside him.

"Well, ain't none of us getting any younger." Link grinned. The man shot him a look that said, "If you don't shut up…right now, I will pull your tongue out with my teeth." Link understood the look and fell silent.

Then the two of them made their way to Hyrule Castle.


Link was given the quick, 15-second tour of the gorgeous castle. Link was simply amazed at the little he saw. Beautiful Statues, fountains, paintings, gardens… it was like living in a fairy-tale. But Without fairies, they didn't live in Hyrule.

As Link was rushed through the castle, he noticed the Triforce on nearly everything. Link remembered that besides being a mythological artifact, the Triforce was also the official sigil for the Royal Family, and it was illegal to use the sigil anywhere, on anything, without expressed written permission of the Royal Family.

That included tattooing it on your left hand.

Link looked up at the big man that rode quickly beside him. "Hey, um…what's the punishment for using the Royal Sigil without permiss-"


"Oh." Link let out. "Okay. That's good that's…. that's good." He suddenly wished the animal he rode could be persuaded into a fast run.

The man stopped at a Garden Cove, nestled in between buildings. The cove had a stream, paintings of the Royal Family, and a garden filled with every conceivable flower imaginable. Link smiled. "Yes, this is a good place to die." He thought viscously.

Link got off the mule and patted it once. It followed the huge man and its steed out of the cove. Link stood there, looking at the beautiful surrounding and waited.

And waited….

And waited….

Link growled. "Hey look, I have a party to go to! If you're gonna kill me hurry up and do it!!" he shouted.

"Oh be quiet." A voice responded.

Link froze and turned behind him. There stood the illustrious princess Zelda. Link was flabbergasted. He had no idea he was going to meet a member of the royalty. He had no idea what to do. Bow? Kneel? Stand at attention?

The princess gazed at him with her piercing blue eyes. She wore a hooded cape that trailed on the ground. Some golden strands of hair fell from underneath the hood, draping her perfectly formed face.

If only she smiled, she could have been deemed as drop dead gorgeous.

"What party?" she asked suddenly, striding towards the young elf.

Link stammered for a bit. "Uh..wha? A birthday party…. Uh your highness." He responded.

"Let me guess, you're 14 now right?"

"All that and a brain too." Link thought sarcastically. "Uh, yep."

Zelda took yet another step towards him. "Why would we want to kill you? Have you done anything wrong?"

She got him there. "Me and my mouth." He growled. "No way, your highness, I'm a model citizen!", he exclaimed, saluting with his left hand.

"Let me see that hand."

Link froze, then gulped. "Uh…my hand?"

"Yes, that thing attached to your arm." Zelda scolded.

"You mean this hand?"

Zelda huffed angrily. "No. I meant my hand. I'm sorry to have bothered you, you can go home now."

"Really? Cool. You know, you're not so bad once you-"

"YES THAT HAND!" Zelda screamed through grated teeth. Link brought his hand up and unwrapped the bandage quickly. He then offered it to the Princess.

Zelda took it and nodded. The Triforce was still as bright as ever on it. She released his hand and stared at him intently.

"Um…I heard the punishment was death. I hope that was just a little embellishing on your par-"

"Listen, Link, and listen well." Zelda interrupted. "You know what this means don't you?"

Link stared at her. Then shrugged. "It was a joke, I'm su-"

"IT means the Time of Trouble is upon us." Zelda interrupted again. "Hyrule's going to be in trouble, and you, being the Link born with the Triforce birthmark, will save us!"

Link stared at her again. "I'm sure a little surgery and I can get this off-"

"It's not a TATOO you moron!" Zelda shouted. She sighed and looked up to the sky. " The destiny of Hyrule lies in this idiot? Why not me? Why do you curse us Goddesses!!"

Link, oblivious to the insults, tried to soothe the princess. "You know, I don't really think Hyrule's in trouble—"

"Do you know how to use that, or do I have to teach you?" Zelda interrupted (again), pointing at Link's sword.

Link looked down at his blade. He smiled. "Of course!" he exclaimed. "You just whack a guy with it until he dies! How hard can it be?" With that, he struggled to pull the 1 edged sword out of its sheathe. With a grunt, he yanked it out, barely missing Zelda's nose and cutting a short lock of he hair in half.

Link smiled sheepishly, and scratched the back of his head. "I keep it sharp see…in case of emergency."

Zelda stared at him with those beautiful, angry eyes. Her mouth was gaping. Then she shut it angrily. " I guess hero-ship skips a generation. " she muttered.

Link smiled and bowed. "Seems graciousness also skips a generation." Link thought evilly. "So does bitchiness…though not in your favor." He grumbled aloud.

"What was that?"

"Damn! Elf ears!" Link thought up an excuse to save his life. "I uh..said… It seems that…. LOOK UP THERE!"

Link pointed to the top of the stone bridge that graced over the cove. Somehow, three black clothed men were on top of it, and stringing bows.

Before the two knew it, the three assailants were hailing them with arrows. "DIE HYRULE!!!" the assassins shouted. Zelda erected a blue spherical barrier around herself. The arrows bounced off it harmlessly. Link wasn't so lucky. She searched around looking for him, or his body.

Instead, what she saw amazed her. Link had pulled out his sword swiftly and was deflecting each of the shots that came his way. Then he bounded into the air and darted up on the speeding arrows, towards the assassins that were flinging them. Link was suddenly face to face with them, and quicker that thought, he slashed three times. The hail of arrows ended, and the assassins fell from the bridge in a heap.

Zelda gaped at the green tuniced elf. Link smiled and bounded back down to the cove, sheathing his sword in the process. Zelda dropped her shield and stormed towards him.

"You were bluffing!" she huffed angrily.

"No I wasn't."

"My guard said you were spineless! I thought you didn't know how to use a sword!"

"I don't." Link smiled. "What you just saw was a figment of your imagination."

"Quit being a smart-ass! You had no right to deceive me!" she looked down at the three would-be assassins. "And you shouldn't have killed them! We needed them for info."

"I didn't kill them!" Link protested. "I ker-nocked them out. I used the reverse side of my sword to bop 'em." One of the perps was groaning.

Zelda sighed. "See, it's happening again. Like I said." She shook her head slowly.

Link took a step towards her. "Princess…this was just an assassination attempt right? This must happen all the time, not everyone likes Hyrule." He sighed. "It doesn't mean the End of the World."

"I hope you're right, Link." Zelda said silently. Then he turned to him, and for the first time, those baby blues weren't angry…but concerned. "Go home. We'll talk again sometime."

Link halted, then nodded. "Thanks for having me, Princess." With that, he let himself out of the cove.

Zelda called the guards, the walked towards the unconscious assassins. Yes there had been other assassins, but none of them like this. Their ears were the most peculiar part of their person… They had no sharp points. They were round, not like normal ears at all.

"What manner of people are these?" Zelda mused to herself.


The sun was setting as Link reached Lon Lon Ranch. He had to hoof it all the way from Hyrule. Malon was waiting for him at the gate.

Before Link could say a "Hi how are ya," Link was accosted by a hug from the farm girl.

"Happy Birthday Link." She whispered next to his ear, and squeezed him tightly.

Link hesitated, the put his arms around her and smiled.

"Right." Link thought solemly. "Happy Birthday indeed."


NEXT: Link sees his first nekked woman….and the mystery of the danger threatening Hyrule expands. See ya next time. (o'.')o