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![]() Author has written 10 stories for Naruto, Inuyasha, Death Note, and Bleach. Name: Danielle Gender: I AM BOTH MALE AND FEMALE! MUAHAHAHA!... lol, just kiddin, just kiddin. I'm a female, yeah. birthday: NOV. 23rd Location: The Village Hidden in Fanfiction Future dreams: I aspire to start my Own Orphanage, or Adopt a kid. My other aspirations include possibly becoming a Famous Author, and or, a Manga-ka. I really hope I can make it! (I'm also studying Japanese) Other Names: For Fictionpress.com its The Last of Legends, for AIM I have 3 Names JSTaCRAZiCHick and KirbyofLegend9,and CanvusTEHNinja Manazashi wa Eien ni- God, this story has to be the most beautiful, dramatic, and wonderful story I have ever come across of in my entire lifetime. I recommend that you read it, whoever you are. It's details are magnificent, and it it literally makes you cry, but also smile. Its the best damn thing I ever read and should be made into a movie! It contains Yaoi, but even if you don't like Yaoi read it. It might change your mind, and even if it is something you don't like in the end you'll have to understand that it was simply beautiful. I deeply encourage to read it, from the pit of my heart. Stories Status: All my stories have been basically discontinued. I do not wish for anyone to adopt then, and I just can't continue with them anymore. Someday I might pick some of them up again (like Kyuubi) but for now they're 'dead'. I'm sorry. Future Stories: Ibui- Kyuubi Season 2: Ibui is to be the second Season of the KyuubiSeries, and is sort of based on the prequal I have decided is going to be deleted so I can edit it into the 2nd Season. It's suppose to be more of a Back-in-Time story, but it's also going to keep the story of Kyuubi moving forward. The new world dictionary/order!evil laugh this is for the obsessive compulsive anime/manga freaks/lovers! Yes this is the new world order that shall someday come our way! Yay! first off earth shall be re-named to D.O.A.M (doe-am) meaning Dominion Of Anime/ Manga! hahaha! second we will have parties with lots of ice cream and cookies annually. third if people do not like our ways of anime/ manga and try to do us harm they will be sent to pluto! Why Pluto? Because everyone forgot about pluto and totally trashed it! OK, other stuff now... I am Kagee Ryuko! CAPTAIN OF THE GALAXY PIRATES! Pirate News: New Qualifications- I've decided to accept anyone I feel is good enough to join the crew based on their completetion of the application (Down Below). If your rejected, well for some reason I might hate you, enough the turn you down just because. Luckily I hate no one on Fanfiction (Except Spammers and Such) so everyone should qualify. New Members: Our newest newest new member is DarkLightZero, who has taken the role of Aikimoto Akira, our crews Scientist! WELCOME TO THE CREW MATE! Story Progress:Okay, I've started the Third Chapter, and since it's taken me the whole summer to write it, I'm making it extra long for you guys. It should be done in a week or so. I'm a slow writer... SUE ME! Flag: I uploaded the Pirate Crew flag here- http:///art/The-Galaxy-Pirate-s-Flag-84672417 Also there's the Colored version that I finally finished, and it actually turned out really well. Here's the Link- http:///art/Galaxy-Pirate-Crew-FLag-Color-94577942 Oh By the way, my Deviant Art name is Crystallic Dragon, in case you haven't figured it out. Crew: Captain/Musician/Stringist: Kagee J. Ryuko =FoCuSyOuRmInD Navigator: Tsuki Kitsunai= Flippers OF SuPrEmE DoOm (shes mah Bestest friend! No offence to anyone else though) Battle Planner: Aiyika Cylestial = LunarRose73 (Myra's Sibling) Spy: Crystal Myra=NarutosCuzTheSpyAgainstSasuke (Aiyika's Silbing) Animal Caretaker: Kamira Hinamen= bloodstainedlove Mechanic/Mage: Annora= hopekills16 Gunswoman: Sakuya Mizu=lilMissRawr Head Chef: Ashura Uchiha = Clara of the Wolves Musician/Pianist: Kaiya= BloodLust13 Tracker/Spy's Assistant: Chujitsu Kessho= Lazarian Language Interpreter/Look out: Miki Mousen= Mikiness Second in command: Angel= Ang5523 Weapons Master: Senkai Ryuko = Only-I-Can-See-You (My Brother) Assassin: Blair Richards= Jazz's Girl Diversionist: Xyal= Xyal/K.Furi (Friend of Yami) Zombie/Skeleton/Dead Thingy: Riri= Arian Yasha Cyborg/Doctor: Zyal= Zyal Swords Woman: Yami= Evil Little Emo Bitch (Friend of Xyal) Singer: Rixxan= Rixxan Black Smith/Capenter/Shipwright: Mika Evans= limegreentangerine Vampire: Kaji Chi= iPyro Scientist: Akimoto Akira=DarklightZERO that's my crew so far.. if you want to join tell me! i need a: Crew Updates:All crew members or people who want to join the crew must fill out an Application. The Application form is Below Fanfiction Name: (='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your profile to help him achieve World "I discovered something quite special yesterday. A majority of animals have eggs, whether in or out of their bodies, so that must mean that we are all somewhat related to... the chicken. And better yet! Chickens are related to Tyrannosaurus Rex's! "Sometimes you got to go with the flow, and when you don't... start a title wave!" Society is about people, Polotics is about Power"- Youtube person "I'm holding onto a dream that won't come true." "Stand up for what is right even if your standing alone" "I was going to take over the world when I got distracted by something sparkly!" "Silly Emo, Cuttings for kids!"- me and my friend Bret "Mommy, my toe bit my elbow!" -me, lol this happens to me all the time! Emo's; the world's never ending supply for tropical punch. The Truth Behind Ebisu: Jon: Hey Danielle, look at this! (Points to Naruto Manga) Everyone knows Therapist is a typo of “The Rapist”- may10baby I had the weirdest dream that night. Actually, it wasn’t so weird, once you got to the bottom of it. It was just another apocalypse dream. People say that if you dream of the apocalypse, that just means that something big is going to happen to you. But mine was just so real, it felt as if it could have never meant something other than the apocalypse. I woke up with in a cold sweat, right at the point in my dream in which everything was coming to a bloody, violent end. I sat up in bed, shuddering, shaking. I wanted to erase those images from my mind. I wanted to yell. I wanted to scream. More than anything, I wanted Matt. I don’t care if my dream was really real or not, but if Matt’s gonna be with me when the world ends, and if we’re just standing there as the world crashes down, I know exactly what’s going to happen. As everything burns, and the rats are eating all the bodies they can see, Matt’s going to say one thing, and one thing only: “Well, this sucks.”- From Useless, by ArsenicLollipop Special Samiksha Moments: 1. Sami and I walked out of the movie theaters laughing when she spots her mom. It had rained earlier, and her mom had driven into a puddle. Sami's reaction: "HA HA! SHE STEPPED IN A PUDDLE!" 2. Suddenly Sami is hit in the head with a volley ball during Gym class. Her reaction: "Oh Look a pencil!... Ow!" 3. This one has no explanation... Hey... Mom your bed in squishy... I Like it!" 4. ... "Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I shot this upwards?" Me: I don't know... COME BACK DOWN?" 5. Sami cleared off a bench as we were waiting in the snow for her mom. I sat down, and my pants got wet. Me: Uhg, Sami. You made my pants wet! Sami: Don't worry! I'll always be there to make you wet! (... a man was walking by as she said this too. God, these days anything can be perverted.) Important Facts Everyone Should Know In Every Pure Anime/Manga based on fighting it is impossible for a Yaoi fan to NOT find a clip in any fight scene that can be used as Yaoi Material. Examples: In the Series Naruto, when Sasuke and Naruto are fighting in the Valley of the End. Look it up people... that fight won't seem that innocent anymore will it? Anti-Social people aren't that Anti-Social anymore when you gather them in packs. They only reason they probably won't talk to you is because they either feel that everyone else in inferior, they're Claustrophibic, or most importantly/likely, really deep thinker/daydreamers. I should know... I'm one of them. Sticking up your middle finger is a lot easier that frowning... that way you don't have to waste as much energy and the person your doing it to knows your upset with them. It is not okay to stalk a guy when one thinks said male is gay... a majority of the time the said guy is not and when he is he probably won't date you. The only good outcome is Yaoi Material. Cops tend to catch you too when doing so. Screaming 'Rape' does not work well when the person your being 'raped' by is a girl... especially a female in a COP uniform. Orange Juice does not taste good when mixed with Milk. Some people are gay, and those people are awesome. Live with it. Flamers are not permitted to walk two feet too close to a inflammable item. That can cause a fire. I Watch You When Your Sleeping Drunk Crossing I went to school mommy, And when I crossed the street I know I looked both ways! How could I not see? It all went so fast, Mommy I didn't know what was happening The sun was shining; All was good Until I closed my eyes; Then everything started to hurt It wasn't until I opened my eyes Did I see the man in front of me And only when I smiled at him Mommy, he started crying I got to ride in the Hospital Car! All the way to the Medicine Man I smiled at everyone mommy; just to be polite And more people started to cry... And few minutes later, When I was sitting in a red colored bed, I heard a lady in a white dress say, "She was hit by a drunk driver, I'm so sorry but... She's not going to live another day" Why is it Mommy? That people drink and Drive? And I know if that man Hadn't, Mommy He would have seen that stop sign So why do people still do it, When they hear of tales like these, Its not right, So why does it keep happening? Is it Depression? Heartbreak? Or even because they're addicted? I'm not sure, but all I know... is that I'm about to die because of it. Mommy, tell this to everyone you know I don't care how mommy! But I want them to know! That it isn't that mans fault for what happened to me Maybe I should have looked once more, When crossing the street |