Author has written 1 story for Naruto. I am Asian. NO. I am NOT Asian, I'm Canadian. CANADIANS RULE!!!!! (But Harper doesn't!!) Age: Go and get a life. You really think that I'm going to tell you? Your crazy. Hi! I'm 13! 2 things. (maybe more if i'm in the mood) 1. NEVER try to argue about Corea. Since, Corea is WAY BETTER than Japan!!! No, I am NOT sorry I said that. And NO, I did NOT spell COREA wrong. If you want to know the "wonderful" history behind this, email me, but here is the basic story: Japan annexed COREA in the early 1900's. They decided to changed COREA's country's name to KOREA. This way, JAPAN will come before COREA in the dictionary. "J" before "K". COREANS were also forced to study JAPANESE . HOW MEAN IS THAT?????? Then why, am I writing fanfiction on a Japanese comic if I hate Japs so much? USE YOUR BIG BRAIN AND THINK... Got the answer yet? ... 2. I am more mature than most people my age, usually, as in usually never. Expect for Jun...and John...and Ste-. No, Steven is Jun's follower. He used to be unhuman. I think he still is. He is blind and deaf when I talk to him (just like John, I did a few tests...). When I talk about him, the blindess and deafness is gone and he hears every word !!(...John) So he doesn't count. And not John either, he's sicker than any gay person I know. Richard is an expection, since he's already gay and wrong and a fag and sick and wrong and gay and sick and a fag and... is in love with his butt... (playing truth or dare and this subject of loving his butt came up...)...WAIT!...JUN IS MATURE?!!!? ... HE'S AN IDIOT, and ugly, don't forget ugly. Seriously. Who dyes their beautiful black hair RED anyways...DID I SAY BEAUTIFUL?!!? ...FAINTS...oh, yeah. Jun has these huge ears, invisible ears, that lets him hear EVERYTHING!!! I was telling my friend that Corea is better than Japan, and then HE turns around a glares at me! I found out that he is sensitive to the word COREA, oh WOW!... Kinda strange too, since Jun is Corean himself... 3. (Cool! I'm in the mood! I have a mood? Wow. Self discovery.) If you are stupid (everyone is in some way, including me.) which you are. You would try to argue with me. Big mistake if you try to. Maybe your so selfcentred and think that you are smart and don't make mistakes , well guess what? Your not as smart as you think. If I laughed every time YOU made a mistake, I would have died from laughting, the moment i was borned, because thats how many mistakes you have just made. And once you see that you don't know much and finaly understands that what I'm saying is wise, the world just got smarter. 4. (Wow. I'm making a process. I HAVE REACHED A NEW LEVEL!!!!) Peace is not a word. You kill millions to get peace, and it never lasts. So how would "peace" be a word, if you do the exact OPPISITE to get it? War = Ya, I know, it doesn't make sense. On the other hand, UNIQUE IS A WORD, and everyone forgets it. IDIOTS. 5. We are the Future. The Future is now. |