![]() My Dearest Readers, I regret to inform you (well, you've probably noticed by now due to the large blank space below were my stories used to be, and by the claim above that I have written no stories) that I have deleted every last one of my fanfics. The only reason I considered leaving them on was for all of you that have reviewed my stories, favorited them, added them to your alerts or communities, etc. It broke my heart to do delete them, and I nearly stopped ten times over...it's not an easy feat for something or someone to bring me to tears, and I nearly was over the removal of my stories. Writing is my life, and writing on here has been such a huge part of it for so long that the idea of completely cutting the connection to this place is nearly tearing me apart... So why did I do it? As most, if not all, of you know...I had one of my stories plagiarized a couple years back. It was a story that meant a great deal to me, and having it ripped off and "hidden" in the middle of a chapter story with some werewolf references and an M-rated scene (a badly written one at that) thrown in at the end did a number on me. That was around when my posts dwindled down to happening far and few between. Whereas I had been into the idea of posting new chapters once every week or two, I did it maybe once every month (sometimes every couple of months)...I think this was the time when my spark of creativity began to fade...after all, what use is writing if this is all that I'm going to get in return? Despite numerous messages and emails from myself and those of you wonderful reviewers/followers who cared enough to try and get the issue set to rights, the story is still up. The person has never been brought to justice for their crimes, and Lord only knows what other stories she stole from in order create that gargantuan monstrosity (likely made up of wonderful but mismatched stories she put her unholy tweak on in order to claim it not to be a rip-off) she claims to be a story from her own imaginings. After learning of this blatant act of plagiarism, I then learned that others have done the same with more of my stories and I never knew it. It cuts me deeply to know someone would do such a thing to me... And that was only the beginning of what I learned is the "justice system" of this site. The people who run it might get mad at me, they might decide to remove this if they can, but I won't keep quiet any longer. I have had my stories taken from me under the names of others, my works twisted to suit their own demented desires with no mention of the idea (or even the words themselves!) having come from my own creation...I have had people message me, flame me, claiming that I ripped off the stories of some child who had taken them from me, my stories having been posted over a year before theirs ever came to ff (yes, because I'm a time-traveler, and I decided not to go into the future in order to make myself a very wealthy woman, but instead to rip off your petty story and recreate it into my own...because that makes complete sense)...I have had stories removed because someone has a problem with my ideas, so they claimed I was inserting myself into the story (despite having no clue who I truly am and that I'm nothing like the characters I write, even if a little piece of me is put into them--that's called writing and caring about what you've written, not making up a story about yourself...if you really knew me, you'd know I wouldn't write about myself because I think my life is boring and no one would really want to hear/read about it about it--honestly, I'm not even certain that any of you are really reading this)... And NOW...to add INSULT to INJURY...I have had another of my stories removed because someone recently claimed I plagiarized a private song that they wrote in a story that I WROTE, POSTED, and COMPLETED YEARS AGO. Again, apparently I went into the future to steal something someone else did not in order to get rich, but just to get readers and reviews on a site on the internet...makes sense. NOT!! Please, explain to me, how is that justice? Again, I'm also sorry for removing my stories, but I have treasured writing them, having you read them, and hearing how you felt about them.And I'm sorry for the rant that you may or may not have read...if you're looking for the Cliff-Notes version, here it is: apology, sorrow, reminder of plagiarism of my stories, dissing on plagiarist, disgust with "justice system," mocking friends of plagiarist, discussion of problems I've had with site, recent removal of story that pushed me over the edge. I'll miss writing for you all and hearing how you felt about my stories... It's been a pleasure. Dara Tavar (DT) and to my SW readers, May the Force be with You (MTFBWY) |