n0t3: Second part. The last part. Enjoy!


Twoshot-Without: Part Two
Derek stayed in his room for the rest of the night.

He avoided Casey for the whole weekend.

And Casey did the same.

All through his Monday classes, it was spent by staring at an ugly blonde head and debating on whether Casey was worth giving up.

After he finished his lunch, he decided to go see the guidance counselor.

Normally, Derek wouldn't care less about the counselor, but Casey seemed to enjoy his advice.

He pushed open the door, and sat down.

Paul stared at Derek for a moment, then said, "Hi Derek."

"Yeah. Whatever. I have a problem."

Paul nodded for him to continue.

"See. My friend likes this girl. Well it's more like he loves her. But anyway, they kind of just...fell apart. And he's threatening me for advice," Derek said.

"Okay..." Paul said with a slow nod, "How exactly did that 'fall apart'?"

"Well he stared at a few girls."

"I see...Did the girls purposely do that to hurt the girl?" Paul asked.

"People don't exactly know they're dating. They're dating secretly."

"Then why do you know?"

Derek rolled his eyes, "I'm his best friend."

"Mhm," Paul tapped lightly at his watch, "I have someone coming in a minute, Derek."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Um, okay. Well I think your friend should do what his heart tells him to do."

"But if he gets back with her, he has a reputation to keep. So he can't just stop dating girls."

"I see...What does his heart tell him?" Paul repeated.

"His heart told him that without the girl, he's nothing. Like there's no point for him to live," Derek said slowly.

"Then he should get back together with the girl."

"But he has a reputation to keep. It's taken him years to get to where he is. He can't just drop it!" Derek said frustrated.

"Well which is more important to him? The girl or his rep?" Paul asked.


"Then why can't he have both?"

"Because! The girl says he can only have one. He has to either choose her, or his reputation, since they have to keep their relationship a secret!"

"Has he explained to her that both is important to him?" Paul said calmly.

"He can't! Because she won't---" Derek started, before he was interrupted.

"Oh my gosh, Paul. I'm so sor..." Casey stopped, noticing who was also in the room.

Derek whirled around in his chair, then said casually, "Hey Klutzilla."

"Hello, Derek," she said coldly.

The two had a staring contest, until Paul butted in.

"Casey, give me and Derek one more minute to finish what we were talking about."

"One minute," Casey said sternly, before stalking out of the room.

"So Derek, why don't you tell your friend to come see me. Okay?" Paul offered.

"Yeah sure, whatever," Derek said getting up to leave.

"We'll talk at home," Derek said with a smirk as walked past Casey.

Casey gave him an icy glare.

That night, after everyone had gone off to bed, and the house was quiet, Derek entered Casey's room, to see her reading a novel.

She looked up and glared at him, and hissed, "Get out."

"No," Derek simply said, and walked over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Derek," Casey said sternly.

"I have a question."

"And if I answer it, will you go away?" Casey said.

"If your answer is to my satisfaction, then yes."


"Why can't I have both you and my rep?" Derek asked.

"Because. If you have your rep and me, you'll end up dating some bimbo to keep your rep, because we can't go public."

"What if we go public?" Derek said.

"I don't know," Casey shrugged.

"What if I just have you?" Derek asked.

"If you just have me, you wouldn't have to worry about a reputation to keep. So you won't be dating random girls."

"And if I don't have you, it wouldn't matter who I dated," Derek thought outloud.

"Exactly. Now please leave."

Derek left her room, knowing that his questions had been answered, and it was left for him to fix his problems if he wanted them fixed.

The next morning, Derek sat in his first class, sweat pouring down his face.

"Dude. You okay?" Adam asked.

Derek nodded, "Fine."

Derek didn't have any urge to beat Adam up, considering that Casey would be his in two hours fifteen minutes, and twenty seconds.


Ten minutes after lunch had started, the cafeteria was more or less filled with all the students at the school.

Derek jumped on to a table, and whistled with two fingers in his mouth.

The cafeteria fell silent, and everyone looked over at him, including Casey, whose table was behind the one he was standing on, and was sitting practically right next to him from the spot where he was standing.

"I would like you guys to meet my girlfriend officially. A girl that I can't live without with. This girl is," Derek said, then reached down to pull Casey from her seat.

He picked her up, and placed her on the table too.

"Casey Macdonald," Derek said, then pressing his lips against Casey's.

The crowd was silent for a while, then they burst into cheers.

He has his reputation.

Casey froze with shock, but then recovered and kissed back, a smile tugging at her lips.

And he has Casey.

When they broke the kiss, he whispered something in her ear, causing her to smile.

"Without you, I'm nothing."

The End♥


Hope you enjoyed it, as much as I enjoyed writing this!