Let's see... I've been dying to write a Life With Derek fic ever since I saw the promos this summer, and my computer was evil, so I had to retype this... And I should totally be working on my Instant Star fic, but what's a few more minutes?

Isn't it weird how they dressed up as Mary and Percy Shelley (in Grade Point: Average)? Who were married... And known for their position on free love! Percy eloped twice with sixteen-year-olds... And he tried to have an open marriage with his first wife. And Percy wrote love poetry, while Mary, well, Mary wrote Frankenstein. It just doesn't add up. Ooh, and after Percy died, Mary kept his heart until the day she died... Which is really romantic and really creepy...

Anyhow, this is set after Episode Thirteen... Or the season finale, which, yes, I realize they have not shown, well, at least here in the U.S. anyways, but I went to and they had spoilers there, so I decided to use them. I'm assuming that Casey/Sam hooked up... Which annoys me because Sam is not that cute, really, and Derek's cooler...

Anyways, so let's see here... Um, okay... Casey's fifteen-going-on-sixteen, Derek's sixteen-going-on-seventeen... The chapters are going to alternate from Derek's POV to Casey's POV for prolly the whole story... This chapter happens to be a Derek chapter. Oh, and it starts out somewhere before Halloween (kinda like now, actually). Or maybe a few weeks before Halloween.

"What Derek wants, Derek gets."

I cannot believe Casey! She's going out with Sam! My best friend! And, I mean, I know I gave him the okay and all to go out with her, but seriously! I didn't think he would actually listen. I mean... Him and Casey are such wusses... Usually.

But I guess I underestimated Casey. I'm always underestimating her. I've got her mostly figured out, but then she'll just go and do something totally out of character. I told them no boyfriend/girlfriend stuff in front of me... But then I walked in on them making out, and I felt a uncontrollable urge to beat the crap out of Sam. Odd, considering he's my best friend.

I mean, why did she have to pick Sam, my best friend? Am I trying to get with her best friend, Emily? Hell no. She could at least repay the favor.

Ugh... And now I've got those pictures of them kissing ingrained in my brain. Ewww. I don't want her to be making out with him... They were SO obvious about it too... In the doorway, for crying out loud!

Wait, why do I care? I mean, sure, it's weird... But what hasn't been weird about Life With Casey? Everything's been all screwed up since Dad married Nora. Everything.

I mean, it's weird and all, but why do I care? I guess I don't want Sam telling her my secrets... Y'know, the whole Dereka thing... Nope, that's not it...

Wait... No! It can't be! I am not that kind of guy!

I can't... I don't... It's insane! I don't feel... anything. Especially for Casey.

Ugh. I cannot believe that I like Casey. No, no, I don't like Casey! I just want her... I'm attracted to her, that's all, nothing more! That's what happens when you live with someone and you're around them all the time. You start overthinking things and before you know it, you've started crushing on your stepsister...

No, I am not crushing on Casey. I like her. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe.

I like my pain in the ass stepsister. I want Casey. This is insane! I've officially lost my mind. I'll just try and avoid her... That'll be easy, and before you know it, the feelings will be completely gone! I'll just keep my mouth shut so I don't screw everything up.

You know what? I'm not that guy either. I do not suffer in silence. I do not suffer. If I want it, I get it. That's what kind of guy I am. I do not pine after girls from afar. I am not some noble Prince Charming type. I am Mr. Cool. I mean, I upset Casey much more than she upsets me.

Damnit, I bet this is exactly what she wanted.

Because I'll be damned if she isn't under my skin. Ugh. Now I know how it feels to be on the other side. Ugh. This sucks.

Yeah, I'm not that guy... So I shouldn't even try. I don't want to be something I'm not. If I want something, I go after it. And I don't stop until I've gotten it. But if I do go after Casey... What'll happen? I would have to be really subtle, because if she figures out what I'm doing, then I'll have no chance with her... Listen to me, talking about getting a chance with Casey... Like I've become some monogamist.

Ugh... I feel like I'm Sebastien from Cruel Intentions. Minus the froo-froo name. Being attracted to my stepsister, though with a stepsister as hot as Sarah Michelle Gellar, who wouldn't be? Ugh, it makes me feel so wrong and sick and dirty. Stupid Casey... Stupid me.

I've got to formulate a plan, yeah.

But first, I've got to break up her and Little Sammy. It might hurt, but it's really for the better.

Why do I want Casey so bad? Damn, living with her is gonna kill me! How am I going to do this for so long before we're together?

I don't know, but I guess I'll have to find out...

Still, I can't believe I like Casey... Of all people, I like the one I can't have, the one that would not give me the time of day, the one girl at school who simply cannot stand me...

Well, I've always liked a challenge.

And it just figures, doesn't it?

- Loren ;

Okay, so review if you liked it... I love reviews, they make my day. Man, there should so be a category for this... Oh, and I don't own Life With Derek or Cruel Intentions (which would be kinda cool, if there was a Casey/Derek story like that... Refreshingly dark).