Author has written 13 stories for Voltron: Legendary Defender, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Sherlock Holmes. Quote of the Week: I like movies about moral courage and people who are indomitable and courageous and right. ~ Harrison Ford Soundtrack of the Week: Hunt for Red October Song of the Week: Killing Me Softly - Perry Como Soundtrack for 'Separatist Web': Republic Commando Soundtrack Arrangement Random quotes from the PC game 'Republic Commando': Boss: Alone against all these droids. . . ? Hm. They don't stand a chance. Fixer: With all due respect, sir, you're in my way. Sev: Here's hoping they don't surrender. . . Scorch: I wonder what the weather's like on Kamino right now. Current projects: Separatist Web Misadventures of Jedi Generals (ongoing, ad infinitum) Projects that are still in the 'frantic planning' stage: Where Loyalties Lie - A story about the stormtroopers from Timothy Zahn's fantastic books 'Allegiance' and 'Choices of One'. This story takes place in between those two books, and will be mostly about LaRone, Marcross, Quiller, Grave, and Brightwater, and about how they get from the way they were in the first book to how they were in the second. It will also include two villains from 'Allegiance' whose stories were left unfinished. I love the stormtroopers' characters, and I've only found two fan fiction stories with them in it. *Count Dooku voice* We must rectify the situation. Untitled - First, no, that is not the actual title. :) This is story about the end of 'Republic Commando' - and the end of the Clone Wars. What happened to Sev? What happened to the rest of Delta Squad? What happened to Bad Batch and Echo? What happened to Cody? What happened to the rest of the commanders? I should mention here and now that this should probably be listed as AU - first, because I'm ignoring Rebels; second, because Jesse lives; and, third, because it doesn't take fifty years for Kix to be found, so there. Take that, canon! This story is more complicated than anything of my other stories, plot-wise, so I'm going to try and do something I've never done before - outline it completely before writing! Yeah. I don't believe it'll happen either. :D But either way, I'll have the major points planned out, so as not to write myself into a figurative black hole. I'd like to thank everyone who has read my stories, because what is a story without readers? A special thanks to those who have followed or favorited, and a very special thanks to those who have taken the time to review! :) One of the highlights of posting stories here is knowing that they're being enjoyed by others, so I greatly appreciate it when readers tell me what they think of the story. On that note, it seems fitting to thank those who wrote the stories that I've enjoyed over the past few years. I've learned a lot about the craft of writing by reading stories on here, some of which have been of astonishingly high quality. Random writing revelations: Unless you're one of those brilliant people who can keep many plot threads intact in your mind as you write, I strongly recommend that you draft a complete and detailed outline - I always regret it when I don't. Too many characters and conflicts and crossing timelines and details. You probably wouldn't be surprised, the number of times I've had to go back and edit because I forgot exactly how much a specific character in THIS setting knew about the situation as opposed to a specific character in THAT setting. Also, research until you're blue in the face. And then stop to take a breath, because breathing tends to be essential to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Happy writing, and happy reading! :) |
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