The noise from the constant streams of traffic that surrounded the Jedi Temple did not penetrate the walls of the Council chamber. Kit Fisto stood in the center of the quiet room, facing Masters Yoda and Windu as he gave his report.

"What about your former padawan?" asked Mace Windu thoughtfully.

Closing his eyes briefly, the Nautolan answered, "His heart was in the right place, but he tried to answer Grievous' power with his own."

"To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not," said Yoda. "In this war, a danger there is, of losing who we are." He glanced up, his deep gaze looking right through Kit Fisto, who bowed slightly as he felt the Grandmaster's quiet sympathy.

Mace Windu leaned forward, resting his chin on one hand. "What can you tell us about this fortress, Master Fisto?" he asked.

"The fact that Count Dooku set a trap there seems to indicate that Grievous returns there often," the Nautolan replied. "And I suspect that the fortress is Grievous' main lair."

He paused thoughtfully. "We found a room with Jedi trophies laid out in it. One of the rooms there was filled with his replacement parts. As for the rest of it, Nahdar and I only went through a small area of the complex when trying to locate the control room."

Yoda hummed. "Grievous' stronghold – allowed to stand, it cannot be."

"I agree," said Mace Windu.

"And I," said Obi-Wan. "However . . ."

"An idea have you?" said Yoda shrewdly.

"Possibly. You mentioned a control room. Did you destroy the main computer?"

Kit Fisto smirked. "Only the power core."

"And that is easy to replace – well, for someone like Anakin, in any case."

The blue hologram of Adi Gallia moved an arm. "I see your point, Master Kenobi. It would be in the Republic's best interests if we attempted to retrieve the data before destroying the fortress."

"Exactly," he replied, stroking his beard. "I would go to greet the good General myself, but Anakin and I have another mission."

Yoda shook his head. "Back to the fortress, Master Fisto will go," he said. "Know the situation best, he will."

"I look forward to it," Kit Fisto replied, his voice darkening slightly. "My fleet is currently occupied in the Abregado system, but I don't think a large team is necessary. I could contact Commander Monnk and have him send a squad of his best men."

"But you'd rather not?" said Shaak Ti, her large eyes focusing on Kit Fisto with unnerving intensity. "It would be foolish to attempt the mission on your own."

He gave her a half-bow. "It would, Master Ti. Foolish and pointless. I am no expert at computers or destroying fortresses. But the clones are no match for Grievous and his MagnaGuards, and we have no idea whether the general is still there."

Adi Gallia spoke again, gesturing to Luminara, who stood to her left. "Our mission will be completed within the week," she said in her low voice. "Master Unduli and I could return and accompany you."

"You can't delay that long," said Shaak Ti. "Grievous will be expecting an attack of some sort. He might destroy the information before you can get there."

"If I may," said Obi-Wan, raising a hand. "My commander has called in specialized squads for infiltration missions before. One team forced Ventress to retreat, and did so without any casualties."

Kit Fisto nodded. "Very impressive."

"Very well, Master Kenobi," said Windu, exchanging a glance with Yoda. "Contact your commander."

Obi-Wan pulled out his holocomm and pressed a button. "Cody, come in."

A small blue image flickered to life in his hand. "General. What's up?"

"Another mission needing specialized troops, I'm afraid. Master Fisto is attempting to infiltrate Grievous' base, recover any data available, and destroy the base as he leaves."

Cody remained motionless for perhaps half a second. "Yes, sir. How many men?"

Obi-Wan turned to Kit Fisto, who stepped forward into the hologram's range. "As few as possible, Commander. Perhaps as few as two, if those troopers are skilled with computers and explosives."

"I can do that, sir," said Cody, pulling out a datapad and typing in a command. "In fact, I think I have just the team for you."

Kit Fisto nodded. "Thank you, Commander. I look forward to your report."

"And Cody," said Obi-Wan. "Recall the men from shore leave and have them prepare the ship for departure. I know it's earlier than we'd planned, but we're being given another mission."

"Yes, sir. Are we still sending the Advocate to Kamino for the new recruits?"

"Yes. I've already moved the rest of the fleet to support Admiral Yularen in the Arkanis Sector. Oh, and if you can get a hold of Rex, ask him to pass a message to Anakin. I need him on the Negotiator by 1300 hours."

"Will do, sir." Cody stiffened to attention, then vanished.

Obi-Wan put his holocomm away and looked up to see Mace Windu watching him, one eyebrow lifted. He smiled apologetically. "I'm afraid that my former padawan is not answering my calls. To be fair, though, we did expect to be on leave for another three movements."

Shaak Ti sighed. "This war is not letting anyone rest," she said. "Least of all the Jedi and their troops."

"Indeed," said Luminara. "We seem to barely complete one mission before being sent on the next." She gave a wry smile. "But at least that means the Separatists are getting no rest either."

"True," said Obi-Wan. "Master Yoda, what exactly does this mission entail? You suggested I bring Anakin."

"To Rattatak, you must go." Yoda narrowed his eyes, looking at the ground. "A wild planet, full of evil, it is."

"We have reason to believe that Ventress comes from Rattatak," said Mace Windu slowly. "She might not have bested any of the Jedi yet, but it is only a matter of time before she becomes more dangerous even than Grievous. She has sabotaged several ships, and singlehandedly killed hundreds of our men."

Luminara nodded. "As most of you know, it was she who freed Nute Gunray from the Tranquility. I lost almost a full company of men to her, and she would have killed me if not for Padawan Ahsoka."

"Might I ask why you think she comes from Rattatak?" Obi-Wan asked. "Not that a world of criminals wouldn't suit her, but I was under the impression that she was a Dathomirian."

Luminara glanced at him. "She is. When I meditated after the battle, however, my mind went only to Rattatak. We did some research; there is a castle there. From the local records I read, it seems that she defeated the warlords and took over leadership of the capital."

"I assume you have the location of this castle?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Indeed." Her lips twitched wryly. "It was not hard to locate Castle Ventress."

Obi-Wan blinked. "How – unassuming."

"Your mission will be to take General Skywalker and capture Ventress," Mace Windu said. "I advise caution. Not only is the planet full of criminals and sympathetic towards the Separatists, but Ventress has spread her hatred of the Jedi to the Rattataki."

"Perhaps," said Adi Gallia. "I suspect that a civilization such as theirs would not take kindly to the Jedi, in any case."

"True enough," said Obi-Wan. "It will certainly be a challenge."

Mace Windu glanced across at him, unimpressed. "That's putting it lightly."

An hour later, the Council adjourned, Obi-Wan and Kit Fisto landed the small passenger transport in the hangar bay of the Negotiator. Anakin turned from where he had been having an argument with R2 and grinned.

"Well, Master, I thought you were waiting for me."

Obi-Wan made a show of checking his chronometer. "I said 1300 hours, Anakin. You still have ten minutes. And where is Ahsoka?"

"I sent her up to the bridge. Greetings, Master Fisto. Are you coming with us?"

"General Skywalker," said the Nautolan. "I have a mission to Vassek III."

"Again?" Anakin shrugged. "Well, have fun."

They entered the elevator. Obi-Wan pressed the control for the bridge and gave Anakin a look. "Why weren't you answering my calls? Why is it that every time we're on Coruscant, I have to go through my commander, and then your captain, or your padawan, to reach you?"

Anakin grinned. "Just trying to keep you on your toes, Master. Besides, Cody was able to contact me directly. Maybe you just didn't try hard enough."

The doors opened, and the clones on duty stood at attention as the three Jedi entered the bridge. Obi-Wan waved a hand. "At ease, men. Anakin, I've called you nine times over the past two hours. Perhaps you should make more of an effort not to ignore your comm signal, and then we wouldn't have these little misunderstandings."

Anakin ignored him. "Hey, Snips."

Obi-Wan took the liberty of sending an exasperated look at the back of his head. "I don't think that –"

"It's okay, Master," said Anakin cheerfully. "Everyone has their off days."

Ahsoka piped up, her arms crossed. "That's for sure, Master. You were so morose after our last mission that getting you to talk was like pulling a rancor's tooth!"

Anakin looked defensive. "I was tired! And you were literally bouncing off the walls."

"General Kenobi," said Cody, over Obi-Wan's exaggerated sigh. "I thought you might want to have this."

Obi-Wan glanced down at the data-pad wearily. "What is it, Commander?"

"It's a code Switch and I put together, specifically for General Skywalker's comm. It should override the protocols he uses to block your messages."

Obi-Wan brightened. "Why, thank you, Cody. I'm sure this will prove to be useful." He glanced up, clearing the screen quickly as Anakin joined them.

Kit Fisto held back a grin; there was no point in arousing young Skywalker's suspicions before the trap could be sprung. Anakin raised an eyebrow at him, as though to ask what he had found amusing. He gazed back blankly. Anakin narrowed his eyes.

"So. What's the plan this time, Masters?" asked Ahsoka.

"You are going back to the Temple, young one," said Obi-Wan, ignoring her immediate frown. "Just because there's a war doesn't mean you can't keep up on your studies."

"But – Master Kenobi –"

"Now, Snips," said Anakin, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure Obi-Wan wouldn't order you back to the temple without reason."

Ahsoka stared at him as though she didn't recognize him, then looked at Obi-Wan, who was giving Anakin a strange look of his own.

"Anakin . . ."


Obi-Wan sighed. "Never mind. Ahsoka, that message comes from Master Mundi, who is overseeing your clan's instruction for the next week."

Her shoulders drooped, but she nodded. "Yes, Master Kenobi. Just . . . don't do anything too exciting without me."

"Huh," said Anakin. "We'll probably get put on patrol duty anyway."

"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves," Obi-Wan replied, turning to Cody. "Are we ready to get underway?"

"The last shipment of supplies is on its way here, General," said Cody, glancing at the data manifest nearby. "Captain Rex and Torrent Company are in the armory, checking the new weapons. All systems have already been double-checked. We'll be prepared to leave within the hour."

"Wait, Torrent Company?" said Anakin. "I'm guessing this is going to be a covert mission, then?"

"With you along?" Obi-Wan replied snidely.

Kit Fisto laughed. "Commander, I hope your men are ready for some action."

Cody nodded and turned on the holoprojector, bringing up a star map. "General Fisto, sir. I contacted Captain Martz of the RAS Prosecutor about a commando team. He is standing by to speak with you, at your convenience."

"Very well, then."

The clone at the communications station nodded. The holoprojector flickered to life, and the mustached man in impeccable naval uniform before them saluted. "General Kenobi, General Fisto."

"Captain," said Obi-Wan. "What is your position?"

"We're currently orbiting the sixth moon of Fondor. Delta is just completing their mission, sir," said the man.

"They're already on a mission?" asked Kit Fisto.

Captain Martz gave a microscopic shrug. "They're always on a mission. Once they complete this one, we're moving to the Outer Rim, where I'll be deploying three commando teams. Commander Cody requested Delta Squad for General Fisto, sir; if you prefer, I can wait at Fondor a while longer for you to pick them up."

Obi-Wan pulled up a holomap, stroking his beard as he stared at it. "Hmm . . ."

Wordlessly, Cody pointed out Rattatak's position just as Anakin said, "There's Vassek III, in I-17."

"They're fairly close," Obi-Wan noted. "Captain, rather than waiting for us, I suggest you set a course for Gannaria, in the Trilon Sector. That should save time for both of us."

The captain waited for a moment, looking at his own map, before giving a decisive nod. "Very well, General. We'll meet you there."

The call ended, and Obi-Wan looked up to see Anakin watching him. "So, Master, what exactly are we doing on Rattatak?"

Any feedback you wish to leave will be greatly appreciated! :)

Also, Switch is a character invented by Spectersticks, who writes absolutely incredible Clone Wars stories. Thank you for letting me use him!