Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Inuyasha, Trinity Blood, Death Note, and Sherlock.
Update 5-18-11: Hello everybody! I wanted to let you know what's going on with For Hire and other possible stories in the coming weeks. I am officially out of school for the summer, and besides working I have free time for about a month where I can finally write! If all goes as planned, I will be updating For Hire over the weekend, after which I will be working simultaneously on several projects. I hope to update once a day for a week, starting closer to the end of the month. (I have to work out the details, but I'll post the solid plan here once I have it!) The things I post will be oneshots, possible new multi-chapter fics, and maybe even some more For Hire. =) We'll see how it goes! I might be mixing in some other fandoms, but I'll try to keep it mostly based in Death Note. If you have a request for a oneshot, feel free to send me a private note! I love sharing ideas with readers and other authors, and if there's something you think I'd like to write, let me know! I love new perspectives. =) Thanks for all the support guys, I hope this summer will be a great time to get some writing done for you all to enjoy!
Thank you for purchasing your new Kelthor™!
(That is Kelly + Author.)
How to care for your Kelthor:
Keep in a well ventilated, well lit room. Requires steady supply of food, water and tea. Bathe often; change clothes when required. Keep within reach of a computer that has Internet access, preferably one with high speed. Also make sure that a large library of literary works is available; keep in mind that Kelthors are very easily bored. Random gadgets and toys are a bonus. To keep your Kelthor happy, feed plenty of reviews, chock-full of constructive criticism and praise. Kelthors work best when highly motivated and happy.
More about your Kelthor:
Hello everyone! As my username suggests, my name is Kelly. Since it is sometimes a unisex name, I will point out that I am in fact female. I am old enough to drive and too young to drink. I go to school, sometimes, and work other times. I live on planet Earth, most of the time.
A note to my lovely readers:
Thank you so much for stopping into my profile, it is an honor to know that you are enjoying my stories enough to be curious about me personally. I would like to apologize to those who have enjoyed those stories I've written, but not finished. You may see that some have not been updated for quite some time. Over the past year I went through some tough times where writing became very difficult for me. I hope that this explanation will clear up any questions you had about the fate of these stories.
For all Naruto stories:
For a long time, I found Naruto to be an extremely entertaining show, and followed it closely. In the past year, however, I have become too busy to follow the ever changing world that the characters live in. I try to make my stories are realistic as possible, or at least have the characters act as they might in the show. Since they are always maturing and changing in the anime, it is hard for me to keep up. I recently lost interest in the show, although I may decide to pick it back up again in the future. I am sincerely thankful to all who have enjoyed the stories I've written, and I'm sorry for the disappointment you may feel that I'm not finishing them. You were all so supportive of me, and I will miss the stories greatly. I will never say that they are gone for good, but for the moment, you will not be receiving updates.
For all Inuyasha stories:
There are so many episodes of Inuyasha, it's hard to keep up! While I watched religiously for a while, it didn't keep my interest for very long. (Read the problem with Naruto above.) I started several stories to write about the characters that interested me most. While I would still watch the show if it came onto TV, I would not go out of my way to find the episodes. This show was more of a test to try something new, it was the first time I'd written something outside of Naruto and I wanted to test the waters. I was very pleased with the results, and all the reviews I received made it so worth while. I'm sorry to say that I am not feeling inspired to continue this at the moment, but I still have some rough chapters lying around somewhere, and might pick them up if I feel a sudden urge to do so. Please don't get your hopes up, but thank you for your unyielding support.
For Apple Blossoms (a Trinity Blood story):
After finishing the entire series, I felt inspired to write something about my two favorite characters, Esther and and Ion. For whatever reason, it lost steam fairly quickly. I may go back and rewatch the series, because at this point I feel as though any continuation would not do the characters justice, and I may stray too far from canon. This story is the most likely to be continued at some point in the near future. It received a very warm reception, and I know that this pairing needs some more love. Bear with me!
Tinted Gold:
Finished. =D My take on the relationship and happenings surrounding Matt and Mello in the Death Note universe. Please enjoy!
For Hire:
My in-progress AU Death Note story. Lots of Matt and Mello in this one was well! Expect weekly updates through the summer months.
I'm thinking about starting some other projects, time allowing. The most prominent at the moment is a collab with the wonderful April, (Living in a Fantasy.) Check out her stories in the meantime, they are amazing! More info on the collab soon. =)
This profile was updated 5-18-11.