Author has written 103 stories for Beyblade, and Naruto.
My writing has been on hold for a long while. I may upload the occasional one-shot once in awhile. But for now, i'm not writing at all. (July 10th 2010)
Nationality: I am a proud Kiwi, born and bred in New Zealand. My great grandmother was also a Romney marsh Gypsy so i have Gypsy blood in me. My middle name is also Romney, named after the tribe my Grandmother was a part of.
Nick Names: Bubblz,Artemis, Phoenix, Jub Jub, Pebbles, Nix, Jupiter, Dodo, Turkey, Temari, TemTem, Temmy
Date of Birth: 1/9/1988
Height: Last time i checked i was about 171 cm so around 5'7" ish. It also depends on what shoes im wearing, my trampy boots make me really tall.
Hair: Chocolate Brown. I have been ordered to keep it this colour. I am not allowed to go red, i must not pass go.
Eyes: I have smexy green eyes that have flecks of yellow in them.
Orientation: I'm Bi-Sexual. I love girls, i love guys. I have it the best!
Country: New Zealand, land of the long white cloud.
I am a crazy, weird, psychopath and am always acting nutty. I am currently working at KFC and loving it, i'm currently enrolled in Wintec for Feb 2011 to start my animal care course to get on the road to becoming a vet nurse some where down the line. I love cuddles. But sadly don't get enough. I have issues with my parents that are never likely to be resolved. To my mum being bi is just another one of my fazes, as is my depression. My father has some brain damage from a work accident that happened late 2008, it has changed the way he acts and speaks. It is hard dealing with him as nothing ever really gets through to his brain well. And my baby cat Simi (she's not really a baby any more) hates me, she runs in the opposite direction when i come near. Cos i'm mean, i clean all her wounds with salt water when she gets in scraps and am the only one who cares enough to keep the clean. So i'm the bad guy.
Yes i am a vampire. And i am totally obsessed with anything to do with or about vampires. Even if it does have a complete and total Mary-Sue for the lead character I'll love it anyway.
Yes, that does mean i am obsessed with Twilight. Yes, i am a Twifan, a fanpire whatever else you call them. I do how ever HATE with a passion Edward and Bella including the actors who portray them in the movies, they do such a horrible acting job. Which is a shame since they are individually good actors, yet some how they just suck and not in the good way.
I love the Vampire Academy books and can't wait for the last book to come out in December. Have pre-ordered it.
The Dark-Hunters are my life and i would live in their world all the time if i didn't have to go to work.
The Carpathians are another obsession of mine aswell.
House of Night Series is good.
Vampire Diaries.
Night World Series is amazing
And of course who could ever forget Anne Rice's vampires. Like i said obsessed with vampires.
Fell free to add me on Facebook, the link is my homepage (points up), just let me know you're from , i generally add anyone and everyone, but it'd be nice to know where you came from Lol.
My fav characters/pairings
Kai...How can you not love him.
Tala...He's such a tease and a bad boy.
Brooklyn...Hes a tortured angel.
Daichi...Hes such an insane lil monkey i love him.
Johnny...I love his temper its so fiery and his hair is just so kool Lol.
Rei...He is one sexxi tiger.
Ming Ming...She's an understood lil girl with a heart of gold and eyes you could drown in.
Maxie...he's just the cutest and hyperist you gotta love this boy...Plus he's blue eyed blonde Go the blondes.
Sasuke...Theres just something about a emo boy that you just gotta love.
Itachi...Strangely this mass murderer makes it look sexy.
Kakashi...Ah, my copy ninja. He is mysterious which makes it sexy.
Shikamaru...Lazyness has never been so hott.
Gaara...Psychopathic has never been so intiguing and sexy
Ino...She's alot smarter and tougher than anyone gives her credit for.
Choji...He's such a great big teddybear and completely over looked.
Temari...Who doesn't love a badass sexy chick who can knock you down with a wave of her fan.
Naruto...He can be annoying at times but his hyperness and positive attitude make him fun to hang around.
Beyblade Pairings:
Kai/Mimi (Lamanth's baby) I've just grown to love this girl and her and Kai together are just perfect.
Rei/Mariah...They belong together.
Tyson/Hilary...We can all see that they belong together.Even if they can't.
Kai/Lamb...They just go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Tala/Nix...They go together like honey and cheese...Delicious go and try it a honey and cheese sandwhich im not kidding its great :D
Yuki/Rei/Jellybean (Iluvbeyblade)...They go together like dark chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate.
Mimi/Mattie...Mattie/Mimi (my baby)...I think they are just so cute together.
Kai/Rei...I think they fit.
Kai/Max...I think they are just too cute together.
Tala/Max...I have one of these done and i only did it cos it seems quite far fetched that these two would get together, but stranger things have happened.
Naruto Pairings:
Sasuke/Ino...Surprisingly these two would actually make a good couple, both headstrong and tough.
Shikamaru/Temari...I just love these two together i think they fit well.
Sasuke/Naruto...Naruto/Sasuke...What can i say, im a sucker for Yaoi pairings.
Gaara/Naruto...Naruto/Gaara...Naru would be able to show Gaara the light while Gaara could show Naru some interesting things to do with sand.
Itachi/Kakashi...Kakashi/Itachi...Strangely enough this pairing just seems weird to me, yet sexy at the same time (drools)
Temari/Ino...Ino/Temari...(Non sexual) If these two could ever be stuck somewhere or made to work together i think they would be great friends. (Sexual) The same thing applies i think they would be good together.
I am a Yaoi fan girl through and through. Nuff said.
Anime is my life. I love finding and watching anime.
I have to admit that i am slowly being morphed into a Sasu/Ino lover i even have written a few fics with them, which is how the obsession with Kai/Mimi started. Watch out.
I am a Shikamaru/Temari lover. Even though Lolly is putting Temari (me) with Shino. He's is ok but i prefer Shikamaru, which i don't hesitate to remind her everytime she puts Temari with Shino.
I am also the Temari to Lamanth's Ino and we have a co-account on here that has been newley created InoandTemari. Bear in mind that this is recent, we has of yet updated so there is something on there right now. If you like mine and Lamanth's Naruto fics then we will be co-writing all the ones on there. Please go and give us suport and love for out Homophobia story on there.
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If you’ve ever read past two in the morning, copy and paste this to your profile.
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