![]() Author has written 7 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Marvel, and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Hi, I'll try to answer some of the points brought up in reviews here. I set up a forum. It's got the story name in it in the tv/BTVS section of the forums, so it should be easy enough to find. Updated: 7/1/10 Mind Game will eventually be updated. It's gotten complex enough that I need to review it all in order to pick up where I left off. I'll get to it eventually, but I'm really busy with other stuff to be able to put in that investment. Poster for Like a Thing Unto Iron What the Immortal Weapons look like. A Character Chart to sort out the characters in the Iron Fist stories. It's 3 MB; but shows who many of the characters are and how they're connected. Author Replies Disappointed: "Ugh. Don't get me wrong you're one of the best fanfiction writers out there but this story is beyond awful. Not for the style but the morality of pushing the Sons as some sort of Robin Hoods. Don't get me wrong SoA is several levels above the kind of grey that Whedon attempted but pushing them as some sort of heroes when they're nothing but slime. They're not victims they're Jack O'Toole before he died only hardened. Ugh." Canonically speaking, the Sons do have a role in protecting Charming. They keep meth and the Nords out, for instance. I don't think I did portray them as Robin Hoods, and it's unfair to say that they're nothing but slime. They actually do provide benefits for the citizens of Charming, though ultimately, they are criminals. I don't think I ignored either part. Xander does call out the fact that the weapons the Sons sell can take the lives of innocent people and that they are culpable for that. Xavier Mcleod: "Xander is in a tough situation, however I don't think he should join SHIELD and work for Nick Fury. He already has enough on his plate as it is. He has to defend the Hellmouth, deal with Wolfram and Hart, as well as with the City he is champion of." Tony Stark runs his own company. There are places in between working with them and not working with them. "Colonel Fury is just worried about treats to the U.S.A. While Xander has to worry about threats to the whole planet. Including threats to his extra-dimensional City, to himself, and to the Slayers and the Potentials as well." Threats to the world are also threats to the United States. Fury knows what he's doing. "Fury's threats to Jenny and himself doesn't help his sales pitch either." True, but he was trying to be threatening. It's a security issue, but he needs people to want to sign up, not people being drafted. Peaslums: "I still can't decide if I enjoy this series or your Iron Fist series more. Either way, this series has some of the best written multiple plotlines I've seen. The slayer, the faeries, the gods, etc. You have them all as characters but you made it work, and that's rather difficult to do. I do hope to see more of this one, even though it's a year and a half or so after the last update, as I rather enjoy the way you have made Xander grow up." Thanks. I'm still planning on eventually finishing it, but Buffy as a fandom feels like it's dying, or at least maintaining its coma-like state. S8 didn't feel like it spurred more creativity; just writers doing the same old thing. "On a side note, you make a lot of mentions about comments for your stories, but FF isn't all that great for reviews to be honest. It's just too big and impersonal for it. I know you write on TTH (where I first saw Spy Game) and I'm pretty sure you would get more reviews there, even if it is just to finish uploading what you have for this series." You're probably right. Thanks. leader: "Good chapter. I liked the aftermath of the fight, especially how we got from both perspectives. I liked the call back to what SHIELD originally stood for, thought it took me a second to get it. I really liked the scene between Xander and Jenny. I'm sharing their concern about Amy. I agree with him, it does say something that he can trust Lilah more than the Council. It is a fair point that he knows where he stands with her, but it's still a sign of things." Heh, he still remembers that Orson told him that they couldn't be trusted. "It looks like the smackdown with the horsemen is coming up, I'm so looking forward to it. The scene with Fury before the Senators had me laughing. The ending was great, I especially liked the points Fury and Black Widow raised. I'm concerned with his reasons for joining though. It seems like he is doing it because he knows he has to, but that he still doesn't want to. That seems like a setup for bad things to happen to me." Well, his joining is not so cut and dry. It ends in the middle of the conversation, not the end. Thanks. darkie: "The same thing would happen if he joins or not." I don't follow, same what thing? "Only if Xander joins he's going to be ordered around. He's been independent for while, it'd be a downer if he was 'convinced' so easily." It's never easy. Even if Nick does have a point. Aaron W: "So we see the aftermath of the fight. Seems like those people were sent by the Mandarin. Of course Xander talking to Lilah was interesting, looks like he's looking from different perspectives than he has before. I also like the conversations between Amadeus and Xander and the decision for him to go to SHIELD's custody. Will we be seeing Amadeus again, seems like Vi and Amadeus will make a cute couple." Yes, Amadeus will show up again. "So Col Fury finally approached Xander with a job offer (rather threatened). He also brought Clint and Natasha with him, I like the connection they have, teammates and of course Clint's attraction to Natasha and she noticing it. Seems like Fury won't take no for an answer, He wants Xander on his team, and also to fight on the Hellmouth. So how does this go, Xander's part of the team, they'll get him when things go belly up and until then, he fights for them sort of in Sunnydale?" There's some hints to what he has in mind in earlier chapters. Let's just say that he's not supposed to be there in an operational capacity. Officially. "I like to see how this works, it will be intersting to see what happens and how the rest of Xander's bunch reacts to this." It's technically a secret team. For now. "Even threatening Jenny with their relationship and her Latverian background, we know why she went back to Latveria, but to Fury with Doom having control over that country, well we can see why, Fury would become suspicious. Seems like Amy has gotten a bit more powerful lately. Some consequences that come with it, hopefully Jenny will help her with it. I like the emotion that Xander said when he says he might have to kill another friend. At least I hope he doesn't have to kill Amy, she's coming into her own, lately and being Jenny's protege is helping. At least I think so." Drafting people isn't the best way to get people onboard, which is what blackmail and threats would ultimately result in. Which is why he cut off Natasha when she was listing the dirt they had. It buys Nick an in, but that's no way to build a cohesive unit. Convincing, not coercing. "It's been a while since your latest chapter and glad to have a new chapter come up. Great chapter and love to see where you take this" Thanks. RobClark: "Don't really like Fury or Xander working for him, maybe just an ally?" What don't you like about Fury as written? Admittedly, he's always been walking that line, but he's generally the straight shooter. As for Xander, it'll be a complicated situation. |