A/N Well here is another story that popped into my head as I was working on my others. I don't know how often this one will be updated but enjoy. I will get updates as soon as I can

Summary: Harry was sentenced to Azkaban when he turned sixteen for a supposed crime that he committed. However, when it was found that he was innocent of the crime, they go to rescue him. However they soon find that his willingness to help them is no longer there.

I know it has been done but I hope to put a different spin on it. So please read and review.

Harry Potter now eighteen was currently sitting in a small dirty prison cell in Azkaban. His unruly black hair now matted with dirt and if someone looked carefully blood. His once vibrant green eyes now had a haunted look, one without any sign of life. He had been a thin boy but now he looked like he was only bones with just a small covering of skin that was extremely pale. He currently wore the tattered and torn robes of all prisoners.

He was extremely lucky in the fact that the Dementors had abandoned the prison to join forces once again with Voldemort. This had taken place a little over a year ago when there had been a massive breakout of prisoners. In the breakout he was one of a few who had not chosen to escape and instead stayed in the cell.

Without the Dementors present he no longer had to feel consistently cold or hear his mother's scream the night she had been killed. Nevertheless he still suffered from the horrible visions of Voldemort. He would see every murder, every torture that the psycho would commit. He would suffer the effects of the Crucio when it was cast and hear the people begging for their lives or the lives of their children.

After every vision not only would he shake but he would still hear the voices. He would feel himself going mad from the grief that he felt as he couldn't help those people. He would eventually breakdown and cry uncontrollably, wishing for death to come, and take him to his parents.


Harry sat there on the chair, the manacles holding him place as he waited silently for the Wizengamot to pronounce sentence. He was trying to stay strong but it was hard to do as he could feel his heart beating rapidly and a sense of doom coming over him. He watched as Fudge turned back to face him, pointing an accusatory finger, with a look of pure unadulterated hate. He saw Dumbledore sitting there glancing every so often over at him with a look of regret and sorrow on his wizened face.

He slowly looked around the room not wanting to see those looks only to see the looks of his former friends and surrogate family. They all had a look of utter disgust on their face as they glared at him, even Remus and Sirius had the exact same look, except Sirius which was slightly different. It appeared to have a mixture of shame and disappointment mixed in.

After seeing all of their faces he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that regardless of the outcome he no longer had any one beside him. Everyone showed him exactly what they thought about him, which was something he had wondered for sometime. It was that Fudge turned to him and began to talk.

"Harry James Potter, the Wizengamot has made a decision on your sentence for the crime of murdering five innocent Muggles. The decision is unanimous and it is that you will spend life in Azkaban without the chance of parole. You will be stripped of all your holdings and as of today no longer have any standing in this world. Since you are under age we cannot administer the kiss so therefore it is as I said life,' Fudge said gloating.

The entire audience began shouting their agreement with the verdict, including his friends and family. Harry just sat there, with a dead look now in his eye and a blank expression on his face. It wasn't as he hadn't expected the outcome, but he had wished that for someone would have believed him. Nevertheless, not one person had believed in him, especially since his wand had been found at the crime scene.

Two Aurors came into the room and quickly released him before putting on magical suppressing bands on his arms and ushering him out. They had roughly pushed him through the halls towards the apparition point. It was obvious that they were only doing this as a show of their contempt for his supposed crime.

The only thing that ran through his was, one day they will see and then where will they be.

End of Flashback


The war was not going well; more and more lives were being lost to the Dark Lord and his followers. Attacks had been launched nearly every day, thinning the forces of the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors at the Ministry. With this happening, fewer and fewer fighters were able to respond to an attack and when they did, they were usually outnumbered making them have to retreat.

This all started snowballing when Harry Potter had been sentenced to Azkaban. It seemed that it was a direct sign to the Dark Lord to attack, as he no longer had to deal with the Boy-Who-Lived. Of course that didn't mean that he didn't have to worry about someone standing up to him, since Dumbledore was doing just that and he still feared the old wizard, but even that fear was now less then before.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Head of The Order Of the Phoenix was sitting his office at Hogwarts. The man's once jovial face looked tired and strained from the current war. Anyone who knew him would think that he had aged another hundred years in the last couple of years.

He was currently going over reports about a couple of the battles that had been fought the previous day. Over one hundred muggles had been killed in two separate attacks and three Aurors as well. The report went onto state that they had been lucky enough to capture three Death Eaters in the attacks. They were currently being held at the Ministry and were going to be given Vertiaserum in hopes of getting some useful information. They were all hoping that they could gain some kind of information that might help stop some of the attacks.

'This is worse then the first war,' Dumbledore thought to himself.

A knock came from his door and he bade the person entrance. Looking up he saw the door open and one Draco Malfoy step into the office.

The boy had turned to the light just after Harry had been sent to Azkaban. He had seen first-hand what his father and the other followers of the Dark Lord did. He had been taken out on a small mission with his Father and a few others. Their task had been to kill a muggleborn and her family. At first when he'd been told by his father that he was to go along, he was very excited about finally getting to follow in his fathers' footsteps. However, that excitement soon changed, when he watched the Death Eaters torture the family before killing them with obvious thrill and bloodlust. They had killed the father quickly but chose to allow the Mother to watch as they tortured her daughter slowly, while she was slowly dying from a poison which had been created by Severus Snape. Draco had felt his stomach turn and felt the bile rise up into his throat at watching this. He so desperately wanted to vomit as his throat filled with even more bile, but knew he couldn't with his father there and being tortured himself later for it.

Once safely back at the manor Draco had gone straight to his room and threw up in his bathroom. It was then that he decided he would not follow anyone who would do that to someone. Of course this didn't change his view on Muggles or Muggleborns, but it did make him see the light, that any problem someone had, should never be solved through an act of violence, as it only made the problem worse.

It was the following day that he had gone to Dumbledore and told him what happened the night before. He told the man that he was in no way ever going to follow a maniac and that he was ashamed of his father. Dumbledore of course was pleased about the boy's sudden change of heart and readily accepted him into the Order.

The one thing that no one knew was he also had a separate mission that he was doing. It was one that could get him into a whole lot of trouble. That mission was to find out who, and how Harry Potter had been framed. Even though he didn't like the boy, he never wanted him to be hurt or sent to Azkaban not in this way at least.

He took up this mission the day after Potter had been sentenced knowing that he would have to do it alone. That was because there was no one he could turn to, not even Snape, as the dark, brooding man believed just as the others did, that Harry in fact was guilty. However, there had been something which had bugged the blond boy regarding the entire situation. That was even though he disliked Potter, he couldn't accept the truth that Harry would ever murder innocent people like that. Another problem he'd with the situation was that Potter's wand had been found at the small park alongside one of the bodies, and he had been found asleep at his relative's home. With these troubling thoughts, were the reasons he chose to get involve and find the real truth.

Now today his investigation had paid off. He was going to speak with Dumbledore about it and give him a copy of the reports. It was a good day indeed he thought to himself as he strolled into the office like he owned it.

"Ah Draco what news have you brought me," Albus asked.

"I have brought you some very startling information, that possibly could be very damaging to us all," Draco replied in his usual drawl as he stepped up to the desk.

"And what information might that be," he asked curiously about what this information could be that young man had brought.

"You do recall the trial and sentence of Harry Potter." He saw Dumbledore nod. "You are also aware that he was denied the use of Vertiaserum as he was underage." Again he saw the man nod. "I have been doing a private investigation, shall we say over this past year into what happened. I'm not completely sure why I did it, but there had been a few things that had bothered me about his case. Simply put, these troubling things made me begin to think he might not have actually done the supposed crimes."

"How can you say that you don't think he murdered those people, Draco? You know as well as I do that his wand was found at the scene, and when the Aurors performed 'priori' incantato' that indeed it had been his wand that cast the killing curses."

"Yes I am well aware of that fact." Draco replied absentmindedly, sounding like he was bored. "However, there was something that just didn't smell right to me. There was a piece of the puzzle that we were all missing. I may dislike Potter, but in know way would I have wished for this to happen to him. Then there is another thing that bothered me, and that was in the time that we were known rivals he never willingly tried to hurt me in our battles. A guilty person wouldn't have been lenient like he was. Potter was the type that would have gone out of his way to protect an innocent; including get himself injured or killed in the process. Hell he was such a goody-goody that he would have even protected myself if he saw that I needed it."

"That maybe true or at least it was once. So what does this have to do with your investigation,' Dumbledore asked a little impatiently.

"Sir I was able to find that the person who committed the murders was none other then my father under a polyjuice potion."

"How can that be, Draco?" Your father would have to have gotten in the house and stolen Harry's wand. Your father would more then likely have killed the Dursley's and then taken Harry to Voldemort."

"Actually, through a very careful plan I was able to find out from my father that he had met Vernon Dursley the day before. At that time he put him under the Imperious and then ordered him to bring Harry's wand to him."

"That still doesn't make any sense. How do you know this to be true?"

"I gave my father a mild truth serum in his nightly whiskey. Once I had gotten this information, I then went to the Dursley's home. As you are aware we have discovered a way of detecting if someone was under the Imperious. I have to give it Granger for that one. She really did us a great service in coming up with that charm. Anyway I went there and performed this on the unsuspecting man. I found what my father had said was indeed the truth and that Dursley was acting under the Imperious. Once I was done and sure of the events, I scared the hell out of him before I convinced the brute to go to the Ministry and file charges as well as have them do a thorough scan to see if anything else had taken place on him. That was the hardest thing that I ever had to do. He just refused to go at first and even threatened me. I was just lucky that his son, who I guess had been saved by Harry once came in at that the moment. He was able to convince his father."

"You do have proof of this," Dumbledore asked now sounding as old as he looked.

"Yes I do. I have copies of his testimony that he gave this morning to Amelia," Draco drawled. He then pulled out a folder from within his robe and placed on the man's desk.

"If I may Albus, I would like to suggest you get over to the Ministry and force them to release Potter. I am not stupid and have known for sometime that he is the key to ending this war. Now I must go I have some other errands to run." And with that said, Draco stood up and swept out of the room.

With a shaky hand Dumbledore picked up the report and began to read it. Once he had done this, his hands were both shaking uncontrollably and tears were streaming down his face. Once again he had failed in a vow that he had silently made many years ago. Trying to shake this somber mood off he stood up, wiped his eyes and headed for the fireplace. He grabbed some floo powder off the mantle and through it in. He shouted Ministry of Magic and stepped in; engulfed in the green flames, he was whisked away to the Ministry.


Once he stepped out of the fireplace in the atrium Dumbledore strode with a new purpose towards the Minister's office. It was obvious by those who saw him he was determined like he had been once a long time ago. The man's magic was radiating off him in waves like they used to. Most people who saw and, or felt his magic immediately rushed on not wanting to get in the man's way.

Albus stepped into the outer waiting room of the Minister's office. Without giving the receptionist a glance he strolled over to the door and opened it.

There behind the desk as usual, was the pompous fool, Cornelius Fudge. The man had taken it on himself to degrade Harry ever since the murders. He would tell anyone who would listen that he knew the boy was crazy and would turn dark eventually. He played the event up as if he had single-handedly saved them all from a future Dark Lord. He even acted as if the boy had been working with the Dark Lord the entire time.

The only good thing that had come out of the conviction of Harry Potter in regards to the minister was that his once dwindling support had gone up. This should never have happened, as he did not deserve to be the Minister of Magic, let alone an employee of the ministry at all.

"Cornelius we need to talk," Dumbledore spoke in his once again stern voice.

"What is Albus, can't you see I'm very busy at the moment,' Fudge replied testily as he knew why the man was there.

"You will listen to me at this point. You know of the new information that has been brought to light in regarding Harry Potter."

"Yes I am aware but that doesn't change anything."

"You know as well as I do, Cornelius that if this information somehow gets to the public and that you are unwilling to release Mr. Potter for a crime that is now obvious he did not do, will only result in destroying us all.

"And how do you think that would be, Albus," Fudge sneered.

"If the public were to find out the truth, then they would have no reason to ever trust the ministry again. It could and most probably would cause chaos within the people, since their savior had been wrongfully convicted of a crime, and being refused freedom. Are you aware that, that would play right into the Dark Lord's hands?"

This had the desired effect and saw Fudge pale dramatically at the implication. "There is no way that the information will get out," Fudge spoke in his usual pompous attitude.

"Cornelius, you know as well as I do that these things have a way of getting out. I for one do not wish to further turn our world into anarchy."

Fudge leaned back in his chair for moment lost in thought. No he didn't really want to destroy the world but he also knew that this would be the end of his political career. For once in his life he actually was completely lost at what to do. There just had to be someway he could turn this to his advantage.

"Cornelius you are also aware that Mr. Potter is and maybe our only hope in winning this war."

"Oh fine, Albus, I will release him immediately. However, mark my words if he so much as steps out of line, I will have him back in Azkaban."


Two hours later Albus Dumbledore along with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were headed down the halls of Azkaban towards Harry's cell. All three men were feeling ashamed at how they had treated the young boy, by not having listened to his words of innocence. They were also worried at the state of health, they would find him in.

The only thing that gave them any sort of comfort was the knowledge that the Dementors were no longer guarding the prison as they had left over a year ago to join with the Dark Lord. This at least should have allowed him to keep his mind in tact, but there were still other possible problems that may have occurred. Such as, his physical health, since it was known the prisoners weren't allowed much food. Then of course, there's the emotional issue to think about, the ones dealing with his being sent here when he'd been innocent. All this could make him unfit to help them in war or even himself, once they took him out of there.

On reaching the cell the guard unlocked the door and swung it open allowing the three men to step inside. It was as they stepped in that they gasped at the boy's appearance. It was worse then any of them thought.

Well here it is the first chapter in yet another story. There will be other flashbacks later that will be explaining some of the other problems and situations that had occurred before Harry being in Azkaban. The next chapter will begin the true main plot and a subplot that I have planned. Please let me know what you think.