Author has written 4 stories for Card Captor Sakura. IF ANY OF YOU GUYS ARE STILL ALIVE... as of a long time ago, Colder Than Me is being abandoned. I don't know WHAT I was thinking when I wrote that junk. Perhaps in the future, I'll rewrite it properly. Maybe. In the very distant future. Approaching infinity. Which rounds to never. Sorry guys, especially those of you who faithfully reviewed every chapter. :(. Anywhoozies... About me/life: -I'm a little odd, but we all are -The shift button tires me out, but so does math -words are pretty cool, but so are birds -I'm a sucker for romance, but so are 99 percent of the people on FF -however, cliches suck, but so do plagiarists -I grumble and complain about being short, but in reality I actually kinda like it -I don't know WHY the good Lord created pimples, but I don't know a lot of stuff -nerdy pick up lines are obscenely hilarious, but so is a practical joke gone awfully right -randomness is to be cherished, but so is a good slice of pumpkin pie -love is everywhere, but so many people don't know how to see it -stand in the sun List of Blasphemous Blasphemes 1. Improper grammar/spelling 2. Corny sayings/situations (from my point of view if you'll excuse me) 3. A half-developed plot 4. Copied storyline, character personalities, etc. (cliches pretty much fall into this category) 5. Author's notes in the middle of the story 6. Long, tedious, pointlessly annoying author's notes 7. Flamers (shoudl photocopy their brains and display their microscopic size for the world to see.. but if they really tried to photocopy their brains I suppose it'd be pointless) Now... if you attempt to butcher either of these categories by doing the following, I shall be quite P.O.ed. In the Card Captor Sakura section: 1. Making your main character a helpless Sakura. Oh, DAMSEL. With her "slim, fragile frame" and "delicate soul". It's pathetic. It's disgusting. It's hard on the eyes and the brain. 2. Steroided (which is a crueler way of saying extremely muscular)/"broad-shouldered"/"broad chested"/"deep" and/or "manly" voiced Syaoran or Eriol. Just...take your dream guy and walk away with him. Please. In the Teen Titans section: 1. Failed impersonation of Starfire. Need I elaborate? 2. "Muscular" Beast Boy. Again, need I elaborate? Picture it. And then we have the lines that I detest in general. Such as, "She put her head on his broad chest and he leaned his against her shoulder" or any variation of that. The poor said male would have a horrible neck cramp in the morning, don't you think? And we can't forget corny plots in general. Or people who add something in and then say something later that totally contradicts it. Or crappy endings. Those ruin the whole damn story. I happen to dislike a lot of things that go on here. :). But the peeps on my faves you should go check out. Dear me, if they got any better they'd be toxic. Enjoy the ride. :). |