Reviews for The Forget Me Do Chew
irislim chapter 1 . 8/22/2019
I can’t say how much I love this gem of a story! I’m so glad I’ve found it 14 years after it’s been written :) Everyone is so in character, and I have a soft spot for all the stories that have Harry making the first move. HG forever! :)
Love2read23 chapter 1 . 7/18/2018
I understand the appeal but I would think that Harry and Ginny and anyone who would be the victim of the chews would be upset that someone had basically forced them. It's like a date-rape drug. Thank goodness it only lasts a minute though I am sure someone dastardly could revers-engineer them to make longer ones. Then again why candies when you're a society that can just erase someone's memory. Glad it worked out and they don't hate each other. Glad Ginny thinks you don't fall in love forever at 15. It's ridiculous. Thanks for writing.
MaraudersForLife chapter 1 . 7/2/2017
Just a perfect story to spend your time reading!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2017
Very cute.. A bit farfetched that Ginny wouldn't recognise the toffee.. But a nice fic overall!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
Awwww... this has always been one of my favourite HP stories.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
This is so good. Your HG are well done.
SeekerIce20571 chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
I liked that a lot more than I thought I would. It was really cute.
GUEST chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
Omg if any of you have heard the recent Selena Gomez song, the Heart wants what it wants you would have noticed it when Fred says it in the story!
Omg and to think that this story was posted ten years ago...
lololololololol chapter 1 . 9/8/2014
OMG, that was perfect!
Mura48 chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
BEAUTIFUL! Fantastic story loved reading it! I love these type of one-shots and haven't been getting enough lately!
MrsJeck chapter 1 . 11/17/2013
This made me smile, no, made me grin stupidly! I love harry and Ginny!
nevillelongbotom chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
freelf13 chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
I love it!
nayin chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
i love this it 8x already at siye
nayin chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
i love this story, read it at SIYE for 10x and 1st time here lol
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