Author has written 11 stories for Inuyasha, Naruto, Gokusen, Legend of Korra, Detective Conan/Case Closed, and Harry Potter. Hey! This is Reason 2.0 aka Nanase O. And this is my profile. There's nothing much to me I guess. I write short little fun things. Long wonderful stories aren't my strong points. But if you love those kind of stories check out my fav. stories list. The fandoms vary a little, but I enjoyed them all at one point in my life. Been on this site for over a decade so my tastes have evolved a bit. Fandoms written on include Naruto, Inuyasha, ATLA, and Case Closed, but I read a ton others. I also enjoy editing on the side, so if you every need anyone to look over your work, feel free to shoot me a message. Anyway, see you all around. -Nanase |
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