I'm going to finish my story with one more chapter. I'm still not sure yet. I guess it will be long like my other story. Oh well. Thanks for reviewing guys. Oh I think I'll make this another sessh and rin thing.

Punk Rock Miko2: What can I say, it's Sesshomaru.

Serenity: Thanks for the comment. It's cute for a little girl liking an older guy. It's wierd too.

Satori-Ashinto: I know. Cute, cute. I hope you like this chapter.

punkrockprincess637:Ok, Ok, Ok! I'm updating. )

princess-moon-soul: Thanks for the comment. When it comes to Rin and Sessh it is cute no matter what.

Vampyr-ladie696: My brother dosn't have a pen name. He says fanfiction is for girls. The stupid idiot goes to my cousin's house and they write stories here in fanfic. I just have no idea what's the name. Thanks for the comment though.

Coleer: Wait I don't think that ever happened to me though. Oh no wait, yea it did. Just you waitwhat I got planned for Sessh and Rin.

Reason 2.0: I know me too!Finally I'm not the only one.I rather see Sesshomaru as a father to Rin. But my friends want me to do somethings I wont usually do. So yea I'm having a Rin and Sessh couple just this once. And more likely cause I was blackmailed. Dammit! I'm always blackmailed by my friends. (Some friends)




It was a happy time for the group. Kagome and Inuyasha were married in Kagome's time. All her friends were there from the fudal era and her own time. They did get some looks but no one really mind. Rin ended up being the flower girl, Sesshomru was Inuyasha's best man, and Sango was Kagome's maid of honor. Kagome's mother had Tulip and Orchid in her arms. Over all, the wedding went as Kagome planned. Everyone went back to the fudal era a week after the wedding.But now, ten years after that...

Kagome and Inuyasha are living in their own hut with their child. Inuyasha and Miroku are out looking for food while Kagome and Sango watch their ten year old daughters. Shippo now being eight-teen, has a family of his own. He lives far up in the mountains with his family. Rin who is seven-teen is still living with her lord. She now wears clothing from Kagome's time since she felt more comfortable in that. She walked up to the two little girls playing with Kilala. The little girls ran to Rin in a tight hug.

"Hi Rin!" The girls yelled.

Kagome and Sango walked out their huts and greeted Rin. "Hello Rin." Kagome greeted.

"Hi Kagome, Sango." Rin greeted back.

"How have you been?" Sango asked.

"Just great. I came here because Lord Sesshomaru wanted to be alone. I hope you guys don't mind." Rin said hopefully.

"Ofcourse not. We love it when you come over. The boys are out getting lunch." Sango quickly said.

"Mommy can aunty Rin play with us? Please!" Orchid asked.

"If Rin wants too." Sango said.

"Yay! Did you hear that Tulip- Tulip? Aunty Kagome where is Tulip?" Orchid said looking around.

"Mommy look at me!" Kagome looked up at a tree where Tulip was hanging by a tall branch. She slipped and fell off the branch.

Kagome quickly turned demon and jumped high. She caught Tulip and landed softly on the ground. She turned human again and let Tulip go. "Tulip how many times I've told you not to climb trees anymore. You'll get hurt!" Kagome yelled.

"I'm sorry." Tulip said walking toward Orchid. "Wait a minute I smell daddy!" Tulip climbed another tree and tripped again and fell.

Inuyasha jumped and caught Tulip. "Tulip what are you doing? You know your mother gets scared when you climb trees." Inuyasha said walking back to Miroku.

"I want to jump tree to tree just like you and mommy."

"I know and I'll teach you. Just not right now." Inuyasha said smiling.

"Uncle Miroku!" Tulip jumped into Miroku's arms and gave him a hug.

"Hello Tulip. Where is everybody?" Miroku asked.

"In the village." Tulip said cheerfully.

The boys arrived and were greeted by the girls. They set up lunch and sat under the shade where it was nice and fresh. Kagome and Sango joined them. Rin was playing with Tulip and Orchid when Sesshomaru showed up.

"Rin have you practiced your fighting skills?" Sesshomaru said in his non-emotional tone.

"Yes I have Lord Sesshomaru." Rin said silently.

"Hi uncle Sesshomaru." Tulip and Orchid said at the same time.

"Hello." Sesshomaru said walking toward Inuyasha.

"What happened?" Inuyasha asked. "You usually come here when somethings's up."

"Do you know what happens tomarrow?" Sesshomaru asked closing his eyes.

"Umm no." Inuyasha said confused.

"Rin turns eight-teen tomarrow." Sesshomaru still had his eyes closed.

"I know. We all know. We already got her something." Inuyasha said.

"What did you all get her?" Sesshomaru asked opening his eyes.

"We're not going to tell you." Inuyasha smirked.

"What did you get her Sesshomaru?" Miroku asked. Everyone looked at Sesshomaru. He just simply stood up and left.


Rin was in the village celebrating her birthday with her friends. Sesshomaru walked over to her. "Rin walk with me to the lake." Sesshomaru walked ahead and Rin shrugged. She walked behind him and stood silent.

They arrived at the lake and Sesshomaru sat down. Rin sat beside him and took off her shoes.

"Lord Sesshomaru is there something you want to say?" Rin asked.

"Rin, ten years ago you and I sat here. Do you remember?" Sesshomru asked.

"Yes I do." Rin replied.

"You said to me you wanted something from me when you mature. Do you remember what it was?"

"Yes but I don't think you would do it."

"Why is that?" Sesshomaru asked confused.

"Because you see me as a daughter. There's no point of having a father when he dosn't act like one." Rin answered.

"That's what you wanted? A father?"

"That and something else. I wanted you to open up to me. I wanted to see your feelings. Lord Sesshomaru, you took care of me and raised me well. But I'm eight-teen now. I want to do something I wouldn't do in a million years. I want to go wild." Rin said in awe. "Besides, I don't think I need a father anymore."

"Well then what do you want? It's your birthday-" Sesshomaru was interrupted.

"Birthday? What do you care. You never gave me anything for my birthday. Why start now! It's how I've known you don't love me in any way. Inuyasha didn't do anything for me and here he is loving me, making me smile and make me feel like a part of the family and he is your brother!" Rin yelled.

"You don't think I love you?" Sesshomaru asked calmly.

"I've known that for a very long time." Rin saidsilently.

"If you've known that, why did you stay by my side? You could havemoved in with Inuyasha."

"See! It's a fact that you never wanted me there-"

"Rin would you stop yelling!" Sesshomaru yelled.

"No! not this time! I've always wanted to tell you that I do love you! But the fact that you just don't care broke my heart and-"

"You're wrong! I've always been thinking about it. I love you Rin!" Sesshomaru's eyes turned purple and back to his original color.

"Why?" Rin asked surprised.

"Why? Why can't you just accept the fact that I do?"

"Because it dosn't happen like that."

"Well then just remember all the times you were there for me."

"I bet you didn't want me there." Rin said walking back to the village.

"But you were there."

"Thanks for saying that Sesshomaru. I think I'll get back to my party."

"Finally. You said my name without honoring me. Thank you." Sesshomaru smiled.

"Your welcome." Rin said walking away.

"Wait Rin. You said you wanted to do somethingyou would never do. Lets go do something."

"Sure like what." Rin said blankly. Sesshomaru walked up to Rin and whispered in her ear. She turned bright red. "Sesshomaru!"

"What! Can't blame a guy for trying."

"Yea well demon or not there is still one thing on a guy's mind." Rin said still looking red.

Sesshomaru walked up to Rin and gave her a sweet kiss. "How about now?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Well... um... ok. A while won't hurt." Rin said in awe.

Sesshomaru grabbed Rin and went to their hut.


"I wonder where Sesshomaru and Rin are." Sango said. Inuyasha tried to sniff them out and started laughing.

"Kagome turn demon real quick." Inuyasha said. Kagome turned demon and looked confused.

"Tell me what you smell?" Inuyasha said laughing harder.

"It smells like... Rin.. and Sesshomaru. A little too much. Oh my god." Kagome began to laugh.

"What happened?" Miroku asked.

"Sesshomaru scored points with Rin." Inuyasha laughed.

Kagome laughed and accidentally dropped her ring. "Oops." Kagome reached for her ring when a crow snatched it and flew away. Kagome and the group looked at the crow.


The End

There it is. Don't think I forgot about the ring. That's what it's all about right? Well there is the whole story. Don't forget to check out the story 'Not What I Expected' It used to be my brother's but now he dosn't want it. So because of the reviews I got I will continue that story today or tomarrow. Make sure you chek it out. Latazzzzz!

-Corral's lifeRKIN