Disclaimer= I do not own any of the characters. I own the plot.


Number Five

            He ran, more like trotted down the hall. His long silver hair was flowing gracefully behind him. Several men were chasing him. He increased his speed. The front doors were so close; he entered the lobby and glanced at the young woman at the front desk. Suddenly men piled out from nowhere and blocked his only exit. He skidded to a halt and quickly looked behind him to see the men following him had blocked all the other doors.

            "Now Number Five, why do you keep trying to escape?" One of the men said as he inched closer. "We're just trying to help you." The man frowned. One of the men who was blocking a door hit the ground hard as a woman wearing a white lab coat pushed through it. The man looked up from his spot on the floor and glared at the woman as she ran by.

            "Dr. Sango." Some of the men greeted as she stopped mere feet away from Number Five. But Number Five wasn't going to have any of this, and he bolted for the front doors. To bad for him that there were four men there waiting for him to do just that. They tackled him to the ground and each one grabbed either an arm or a leg. Number Five struggled with all his might. The four men were having trouble holding him down. Dr. Sango kneeled down beside the struggling patient and pulled out a needle from one of her pockets. This only made Number Five struggle more wildly.

            "You over there, blocking the doors, get over here and help!" She yelled as she tapped the syringe to make sure no air bubbles were in it. The men did as they were told and now there were eight men holding Number Five to the ground. "Now, this is only a mild sedative, it will calm you down." She rubbed his shoulder and quickly jabbed the needle into it, pushing the liquid in. "Shhh." She said as Number Five struggled against the shot. "Calm down." She gently rubbed his for head as the drugs started to kick in. The men loosened their grip on his arms but still held on.

            "This is his sixth time he's tried to escape Doctor." The man holding on to Number Five's right arm said.

            "I know, I know." Sango muttered. She put the syringe back in her pocket and continued to brush Number Five's bangs back.

            "What do you think we should do?" he asked her.

            "Call Dr. Higurashi." Sango said as Number Five's body went completely limp.


            Kagome sat happily at the breakfast table, on a beautiful Monday morning. "Beautiful day." She told her dad as he walked into the kitchen. He finished tying his tie and looked out the kitchen window.

            "Kagome, have you noticed it's raining up a storm." He said looking back at his daughter.

            "Yup," she said and took a sip from her coffee.

            Her father just shook his head, "I'll never understand teenagers." He said. He walked over to the coffee pot and began pouring himself a glass.

            "It's the Christmas holiday's Dad!" Kagome jumped up. "No more school, no more homework, no more teacher's dirty looks!" Kagome started to sing.

            "Okay, okay." He laughed. Then he stopped abruptly and stared at Kagome.

            "What is it Dad?" she asked.

            "Your mother and your brother went to visit your grandfather, there not here." He said like he had just been told he had one week to live.

            "I know that, Dad." Kagome took another sip of coffee.

            "That means there's no one here to watch you." He said.

            "I'm here." Kagome said.

            "You'll have to come to work with me." He stated like that was the end of the discussion. Well he wasn't even close.

            "WHAT!" Kagome yelled, standing up in her chair. She had her hands on the counter. "Dad, why can't I just stay home I'm sixteen now, that's old enough!" She slammed a fist into the counter.

            "Kagome, we are not going to discuss this. Your coming and that's that." He took a gulp out of his coffee and had to fan his tongue.

            "But DAD!" Kagome whined. "You work at an insane asylum!"

            "That's not what it's called Kagome. It's called, Private Hospital for the Mentally Unstable." He corrected her.

            "That's just what you want the public to think." She said more to herself then to him.  "Your probably actually making mutants or something."

            "Don't be silly Kagome, the government does that. We better get leaving or I'll be late." He poured out the rest of the hot coffee into the sink.  Kagome stared at him a moment pondering what he said about the government. Then she remembered the asylum.

            "I'm staying right here."

            "Fine if you want to stay home all by yourself, with nothing to do. That's fine with me." He grabbed his keys off the counter. Kagome stood there, arms crossed, thinking.

            "Whatever, let me grab my coat." She stomped off down the hallway and into her room.

            "Now, that's my girl!" He called after her.


            "So why is it so important that you go to work today?" Kagome asked once they were on the road.

            "Dr. Sango called me in and said she was having trouble with a patient." He nearly missed a light pole.

            Kagome clenched the armrest of her seat, "Yeah, right. You used that excuse like a month ago." She closed her eyes when another motorist went zooming by honking his horn.

            "Get off the road, grandpa!" he zoomed by. Mr. Higurashi just ignored him.

            "That's because she called me last month and told me about it. I've been putting it off." He honked his horn to the guy in front of him. "Move it or lose it!" he yelled.

            "Why would you put off seeing a patient?" She looked at him.

            "Because, he's been there longer than I have. No one even knows his name." He slowed and stopped at a red light. He looked at his daughter. "We call him Number Five. Why? We don't know, we just always have. Perhaps when I check over his files I'll find out. Dr. Sango told me that he can't hear. He doesn't speak either but she thinks he can." Kagome's eyes widened.

            "I'm glad I can hear." She said flatly.

            "Me too." Mr. Higurashi agreed.

            "Dad go! The light's green!" Kagome yelled.

            "Oh…um…yeah." He changed the gears and stepped on the gas. Only to go in reverse and hit the car behind him, he quickly changed it back to drive. "Oops." The man they hit got out of his car and was making his way to the driver side window. He didn't look like a happy camper.

            "Go DAD!" Kagome reached over and stepped her foot on the gas. The car jerked off and left the man in the dust. 


            "Good Morning Dr. Higurashi." The woman at the front desk greeted. It was one of those desks that had the high wall in front of it and for you to actually see who it was behind it you had to be right next to it.

            "Not really Kikyo." He said. "Any mail."

            "Just a bunch from Dr. Sango, seems your avoiding her." She reached below her desk and brought up a very large bag.

            "Is that all from her." He asked nervously. Kikyo just nodded. "Oh." He said. Kagome coughed trying to get her father's attention. "Please forgive me, Kikyo this is my daughter Kagome. Kagome this is Ms. Kikyo." Kikyo stood up. Kagome could have sworn she was staring into a mirror.

            "Kikyo will be just fine." She said and offered her hand for Kagome to shack. Kagome took it. It was one brief shake before both girls let go and just stared at each other.

            "Kagome you can hang out in the T. V. room while I catch up on his file." He reached over the wall and grabbed the giant bag of letters. "The patients there are the good ones, and I am sure you don't want to sit in my office and watch me read." He slung the heavy parcel over his back like he was Santa. 

            "No, I don't." Kagome still stared at Kikyo.

            "Kikyo could you please show her the way? I'm late enough as it is." Before Kikyo could answer he started to walk off. He entered one of the doors on the right side. That's when Kagome actually noticed how big the lobby actually was. The ceilings were high and there were at least five doors behind the counter. And there were chairs lined up on either wall. There were several vending machines as well.

            "Looks as though I have no choice." Kikyo mumbled. She started to make her way out from behind the desk when she stopped and stared at Kagome.

            "What?" Kagome said. Then she noticed that Kikyo wasn't staring at her, but at something behind her. Kagome turned around and saw what looked like a young man dressed up as a monk with a police officer escorting him inside.

            "Miroku! Who said you could sign out?" Kikyo came completely out from behind the desk.

            "Dr. Sango, of course." He said.

            "Dr. Sango would never authorize that!" Kikyo nearly yelled.

            "Excuse me, Miss. What do you want me to do with him?" The officer said.

            "You can go, I can handle him from here." Kikyo said. Both men cocked an eyebrow at her. "Oh stop being perverted!" She yelled and pushed the cop off Miroku and nearly threw Miroku into the desk.

            "I like it rough," Miroku said as he stood up. The cop let out a small chuckle and left.

            "Miroku, do you want to go to the time out room?" Kikyo questioned.

            "Not really, it's rather boring and there's no ladies."

            "Ugh!" Kikyo yelled and grabbed one of the clipboards of the desk. She scribbled something down and pointed at the very first door on the left. "Go back to your room Miroku! Or do I need to sedate you?"

            "Sedate me baby." He said with a hint of lust. Kikyo slapped him upside the head with the clipboard she was holding.

            "Go!" She yelled.

            "As soon as you apologize!" he said rubbing the side of his face. She gave him a death glare and he raised his hands in his defense. "Going, I'm going."

            "And change out of those robs." She put the clipboard down.

            "But I like the breeze." He pulled up the bottom and flashed the entire lobby. Luckily, Kagome and Kikyo were the only ones in it. That was the last straw for Kikyo she sat down in her desk and clenched her fists just to keep from hitting him. Then Miroku noticed Kagome. "What is such a lovely lady as yourself doing in a place like this?" He looked at Kagome a moment. "Are you related to Kikyo, because then I could understand –owe- hey who threw that?" Kikyo just whistled.

            "No I'm not, my father is Dr. Higurashi." Kagome said. "My name is Kagome."

            "Pleasure to meet you Kagome, I am the Amorous Monk Miroku." He bowed to her. Kagome gave Kikyo a strange look.

            "He thinks he's a monk." Kikyo shrugged. "He's actually a telemarketer."

            "I'd rather be a monk too." Kagome said.

            "I am a monk!" Miroku said.

            "That's not all." Kikyo said. "He thinks he has a black hole in his right hand. That's why the prayer beads are there." Kikyo motioned with her head to his right hand.

            Miroku held it out in front of him. "Do not take my curse lightly." He said. Kikyo rolled her eyes and stood up.

            Kagome turned and saw more people entering the building. "Miroku could you please take Kagome to the T. V. room? And do change into something decent." The people arrived at the desk. "How can I help you?"

            "This way, my lady." Miroku walked towards the first door on the left.

A/N= How's that? I do hope you all enjoy it cause I really want to write the second chapter. A lot of stuff starts to happy. Like what you ask? Kagome finally meets Number Five. (And if you haven't guessed that Number Five is Inuyasha, I'm telling you right now that Number Five is Inuyasha.) And she learns his real name. But how? He can't hear. Stay tuned to find out.