Hidden Emotions- Chapter 1

The Journal Of Love-



The first day of school. I'm watching you walk with your friends threw the library door. For some reason, I can't take my eyes off you. You're like my spirit, my soul. There's a girl that I've always hated around your arm, I can't help but think that it should be me. Just face it, she hates me, and I hate her. Anyways, I've loved you since the first day I saw you in the 8th grade. You weren't that hard to confuse with anyother demon. Sometimes, I wish I could tell you who this is, but I think... you'd be shocked. I've always been watching, from a distance. Sometimes I think you know who this is. We've never talked; never bumped into eachother, but I hope we will soon, InuYasha.

(Your Secret Admirer)


Kagome Higurashi closed her pink, fuzzy journal. She has had an obsession with InuYasha Tashio since the 8th grade. She'd written every day in her journal about him. Kagome could never really tell anyone her feelings. Not ever her bestfriend, Sango. Sighing, she watched as InuYasha left the library with his bestfriend, Miroku. She put her journal in her backpack, and lugged it onto her back. She left the library doors.

As Kagome left, she crashed into a chest. She fell to the floor. Kagome looked up, and gasped. "Sorry Kagome-sama. Have you seen Sango?" Miroku Kazzana asked, as her life long crush, held his claw out. She took the claw, and stood. "Sorry. I haven't."

Miroku smiled and nodded, as he walked off. InuYasha waved, and chased after his bestfriend. "She's a pretty one. Just contacts." Miroku said with a chuckle.

InuYasha didn't think that there was anything wrong with people wearing glasses. Still, he didn't have any feelings for Kagome Higurashi. As the two were walking down the halls, Kouga Wolf appeared. He went to Miroku's side. The three walked down the emtpy, after school halls.


It was 4:00pm. The janitor, Mr Buff, was cleaning the halls. As he was cleaning, he found a journal on the floor. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Buff said as he opened to the first page. He started laughing. "Someone's got a crush on InuYasha. This is good. This girl should be a writer." He said as he put the journal in his backpack that he always wore. Buff continued cleaning.

(At The Higurashi House...)

Kagome was at home, going crazy. She had lost her journal. "LULU! HAVE YOU SEEN MY PINK JOURNAL!" She yelled as tears started forming in her eyes.

"No dear. I haven't. Try looking somemore." Lulu said as she popped her head into her daughters room.

Kagome was about to die. 'My journal that I've been writing in for four years, is gone. What if InuYasha finds it? He'll know my feelings. But wait! I never actually put my name in the book. He'll never know. Let's just hope it stays that way.' She said to herself as she plopped onto her bed, falling into a deep sleep; thinking about a certain Hanyou.


FOUND- Next Day

Mr Buff was looking for InuYasha. Buff was relieved, when he finally found him. "InuYasha Tashio? I think you should read this." He said as he shoved the journal into the Hanyou's claws.

InuYasha was confused. He opened it, and gasped. There was a picture of him on the first page.

"Just what the hell is that?" Miroku asked.

InuYasha shrugged. He turned the page. It was a table of contents. He read the list, and stopped when a colum said, "InuYasha's favorites." InuYasha turned to the page. His eyes were wide. On the page, were all his favorites. InuYasha was so shocked, that he didn't notice his two bestfriends eyeing him with curiousity. "Let me see!" Miroku pleaded.

InuYasha closed the journal, and put it under his arm; just as the bell rang. He walked in a fast pace to his next class.

During that day, InuYasha didn't even bother opening the journal, but something was nagging him to read it. 'I can't. It's not mine.' He'd keep saying. But as the day went on, InuYasha started glimpsing at whatever page he turned to. 'Some chick really cares about me? Wow. I've always thought that Kikyo was the only one for me.' He said to himself as the bell rang. It was free period.

InuYasha closed the journal, and put it in his backpack. He stood to leave. Miroku pulled him down. "It's just you and Kouga during free peroid. I'm going to find Sango."


InuYasha was sitting on the bleachers, reading the journal. "Mutt. Just WHAT'S in that thing?" Kouga asked him.

InuYasha closed the journal on the page he was on, and put it under his arm. "Nothing," He said with a smile.

Kouga didn't really care. He was paying attention to the beauty that had come into his eyesight.

Kagome was panicking. She still hadn't found her journal.

"HEY KAGOME!" Sango yelled as she ran down the bleachers. Kagome snapped out of her thoughts, and smiled as her bestfriend came running towards her. "What is it, Sango?" She asked. It took Sango a minute to catch her breath. "Nothing. Let's go." She said as she grabbed her bestfriends arm, and pulled her to the school library.


Letters From A Love-

InuYasha walked home as fast as he could. He was dying to read his letters from his secret admirer. As soon as he walked into him house, he plopped onto the couch, and opened the journal. He began reading from the third page, where he left off.


I just saw InuYasha Tashio for the second time. I wonder if he knows that I'm watching him. I'm writing this during Acc. English. InuYasha's a hottie. I don't think that he'll ever pay attention to a girl like me. I haven't even started puberty yet. Kikyo Shikon, is the girl that he sould be paying attention to. I've never been friends Kikyo. She always makes fun of me, and calls me four eyes. Alot of girls have glasses. I wish that I could grow my hair long. Just between you and me, but I hear that InuYasha likes girls with long hair! But, my hair will take some time, since I just got it cut. Mrs InuYasha Tashio. I like it. What am I saying! InuYasha... if you ever read this, I'll always like you!

(Your Secret Admirer)

InuYasha tried his best to memorize the handwriting. "I wanna find out who this girl is." He said as he put the journal under his arm, and carried it to his room. He locked the door, and hid the journal in a place where he thought that no one would look.

InuYasha then, plopped onto his bed. He started thinking about this mystery girl that he had become to have feelings for, even thought he'd never met her. 'I don't even know who this girl is, and I think that I like her. She must have known me since the 8th grade. I've got alot of thinking to do.' InuYasha said to himself as he smiled. The next day, would be the beginning of his hunt. His hunt... for the girl he didn't know.

InuYasha laughed and shook his head. He thought that he should atleast give his 'secret admirer' a name. When he couldn't think of one, he decided against a name. It was too much thinking.


Bri Note- Here we are! The beginning to my LONG tale! Next chapter will be updated soon! WILL be correcting my spelling errors when I see them! Hope there's not alot! READ ON!

Next Time-

Finding You