Author has written 8 stories for Prince of Tennis, Naruto, and Gundam Seed. My... never thought there would come a day when I actually write and post a fanfic. Just doesn't seem like me. First thing about me is I am extremely lazy. Therefore I am somewhat surprised when I started writing a fanfic and continued writing it. Anime: I love anime and manga. I love them to the point where my taste in guys is the tall and lean with big eyes, literally. By the way, I am female and not a gay guy stating my preferences. Anyway, I love anime and manga: romance, violence, adventure, sports, erotic, fantasy, horror, you name it. The only things I don't read much are yaoi, yuri and sci-fi. Nothing against them, but I just don't prefer them because I can't relate to them much, horrible science student I was, thankfully I am no longer one, though I am a student. About My Stories: - I really should not start so many stories but ideas came and somehow, I just could not help it. Especially during the exam period... However, I did start another one which came up while I was wondering about what I could write for Gundam Seed Destiny. It was just really interesting and I loved the characters, annoying though some of them are. I did not want another school story because there are so many of them around and I did not want to put it in its original context because that was too sad. Suddenly this idea came up and I started typing. I wonder if people will enjoy it. Two rather clueless people meeting seemed to be amusing . Some of my favourite anime and manga include: - Naruto (brilliant and original) - The Prince of Tennis (the characters are so cool, and there are so many good-looking guys too) - Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed (again, the cute characters and the sexy mobile suits!) - Fruits Basket (the sweetest girl ever - Tohru) - Inuyasha (I love Takahashi Rumiko since I knew about Ranma) - Bleach (funny and original) -Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter X Hunter (extremely original and wonderfully violent) - Slam Dunk (hilarious) - FullMetal Alchemist (funny but also heart-wrenching, great characters!) - Eyeshield 21 (makes me laugh every time I read it; Hiruma is the best evil character there is!) - Cardcaptor Sakura and other Clamp works (what can I say... one word: beautiful) - Sailor Moon, Dragonball series and Saint Seiya (I started with these three and they are classic) - sCRYed (I just finished watching this and it was both brilliant and annoying) There are lots more that I love but for the time being these are my first choices when I choose fanfic to read. Character Pairings: - Itachi X Hinata, Gaara X Hinata, Sasuke X Hinata - Sesshoumaru X Rin - Yukina X Kurama (if Hiei is not her brother... well I don't really care that he is her brother but for the sake of decency, not that I have a lot...) - Hiruma X Mamori - Ami X any cool guy - Zaraki X Unohana - Heero X Relena - Dearka X Milly, Athrun X Cagalli, Kira X Lacus, Shinn X Stellar - my all time favourite character - Sakuno X anyone who protects her! Comments on Anime I've watched: I just finished watching sCRYed and I have to say that I loved it. I loved the artwork and the seiyuu and the characters. Most of all the characters. However, I also have to say the two heros are real jerks. I mean, I love them but there is only so much wandering I can take from a guy. I don't mind them fighting all the time but at least, if they love someone, be with them sometimes! All in all, I would say though I love them, they are selfish, simple-minded jerks with a wander-lust and I feel really sorry for the two girls who are in love with them and are still waiting. - I started watching Gundam Seed Destiny and it is as I thought, Shinn pisses the hell out of me, pardon my language, but he does. Luna and Rey also annoys me very much. Probably because I am first and foremost, a fan of Kira but still, Shinn is immature and emotional. Athrun is annoying as well because he is making Cagalli unhappy and I cannot stand that. That just shows he is not sure about what he is doing and if he is not sure, then he should not be doing what he is doing until he is sure. Geez! I grant that people are allowed to be unsure of themselves but it still annoys the hell out of me. I know they have lots to think about but still, to see all that indecisive frowning just annoys me so much. That is why Yzak is one of my favourite characters. He does not get decisive much and even when he does, he gets out of it very quickly. He knows his priorities and that is so rare. I want to like Shinn and I probably do but he is a real jerk, as well as Athrun, just like Ryuhou and Kazuma from sCRYed... - I was watching the episode in Naruto when Sasuke reflects on the past. Especially his time with his brother, Itachi. This episode told me much more about the Uchiha clan, Sasuke's relationship with his father and his brother and most importantly, some of what Itachi had been thinking before he killed his entire clan with the exception of Sasuke. I was most surprised and not a bit proud to find that my interpretation of Itachi's thoughts had been very close to the original. My interpretation had mostly been based on the little bits I had seen of him before and what the Akatsuki had been about and just plain logic and a little bit of experience. He had been a genius in a famous clan. People looked to him for great things but in a traditional clan, how great can one get with all the rules binding him. It was like Orochimaru's case, a genius with a need to improve and to learn. Orochimaru was probably just a twisted genius but part of Itachi's revolt would have been caused by his father and his clan. |