Reviews for Cynehelme
Guest chapter 23 . 8/4/2016
This is like the 10th time I've read this story. I can't get over how perfectly written it is. You are my fave author!

Calme chapter 23 . 3/24/2016
This is the best story EVER. Hands down. You have no idea how many times I've read this. Over and over again. It still captivates me even after all these years. You took great care in keeping everyone in character. I love it. I miss your writing too. I wish you'd write more or get published! You have all my love. Cheers!
arharge chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
Wow! Gotta agree with Kansa, such a well written story, and obviously I want more!
kansa chapter 23 . 3/30/2015
I think you could have gotten another 10 chapters out of this story easily. I liked it though. Seemed like there was a lot of forthought that went into it. The storyline of GW was still here which made me happy. I think a sequal could be done...
abcdef chapter 23 . 12/14/2014
AAAHHHW. I SUPER LOVE THIS FIC! Thank you so much for writing this one and for sharing this to us. I want to hug you for this lovely fic! Aaahh! :D
PrincessHNPY207 chapter 23 . 6/24/2013
Love this story so much! I'm glad Relena is still the strong woman we all know & love so much. Duo being a drunkard is funny to imagine.
I have read Ladies of Silva & waiting to read the rest I loved it so much. I always knew Heero could defy his stubbornness somehow to let her know how he really feels.
hardtofathom chapter 23 . 5/10/2013
One of the best GW-AU fics i have read here in FF!
KenRik chapter 23 . 10/21/2011
I cannot be more so delighted to add this story to my favorites list. This has been, by far, the best story I've read. Not only was it well-written but well-thought of in terms of spontaneity and plot. Beautiful. Marvelous! Plus, did I mention I love reading on Alternate Universes for this pair. Once more, it's been a pleasure reading this story! Great pleasure!
908765434567 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011

I read this years ago, in 2003; I know because I distinctly remember I read it in one night before the last chapter was posted, and I was sad that it wasn't finished, and a few days later I came back and there was a new chapter! I favourited it right away.

Back then, FFnet restricted the number of stories on your favourites list (I'm sure you remember), and ultimately this story was removed from mine to make way for some new fandom. I moved on. I haven't even been remotely into Gundam Wing for...upwards of six years. And I still sought out this story, even though I couldn't remember the title, or even the name of the author...because I wanted it on my favourites again.

Re-reading it tonight, it's just as amazing as I remember it being eight years ago. I was so afraid that I was remembering wrong, that I had read it back when my thirteen year-old brain was impressed by just about anything. But I have to say, my twenty-one year-old brain is just as impressed.

This story, Miss KMF, is fucking amazing. The characters, the story, just...everything. These days, but especially back then, I have a short attention span, and can rarely make it through multi-chaptered fics. But this was...the set-up, the backdrop. Just all of the story. It was beautiful. Even when you put them in a scenario completely opposite from their canon, the characters are still blessedly -themselves-. I was enthralled; I still am. I thought you ought to know.

And more than that, I want to thank you. This story inspired me so much as a writer, and I didn't even realize it until I read it again now. Your story subconsciously influenced my writing style, all the way up to the present day. Holy crap.

So, thank for, for writing such an amazing experience. Anyone who says fanfiction doesn't make good memories, has never read something like this.
star chapter 23 . 11/28/2010
nice!woot woot
knight with out heart S-K chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
keep it up like it good job hm!
Cla.V chapter 23 . 1/19/2010
This, my friend, is a f*ing amazing story.

Solid plot, great development of the characters.. Very, very good. Congratulations! :D


Cherrysinger chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
After my exams I'll be sure to read this.
Honourable Fool chapter 9 . 6/7/2008
I know this is an old story, but I had favorited ages ago and never finished it. I'm so happy I'm reading it again because it's wonderful and I have to say I am so happy that Zechs lived! I knew he would, but I still wasn't sure. Oh! I love it! I actually forgot how much I loved this story!

I'll probably review again as I read more chapters, but I just have to say... Mysterious Milliardo/Zechs rescuing her from evil Dorothy... Love it! Absolutely and completely! Brilliant!

Primus2021 chapter 23 . 6/16/2007
Great Story, I hope there is a part 2 Because Thats what the Epilog implied, 10 out of 10, Can't wait for more, Time to viset your Profile.

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