Author has written 3 stories for Save the Last Dance, Gundam Wing/AC, and Harry Potter. Important Note: I am extremely sorry about not updating for AGES, but I spent the last month or so preparing for a foreign languages competition, so I've done nothing but study latin! I'll be back soon though, remember that I'd never abandon my stories! Luv you all for your (im-)patience!OK! Since I haven't updated in six months (entirely due to technical problems, not my fault!) I think it's time for a new bio! I, going by various names that range from Nina to Kaddl (never call me that if you want to remain unscathed, I'll hunt you out and flame your stories j/k), am a would-be-dancer, violin player, actor and, my best deception of all, writer! You're perfectly free to flame my stories (even though I prefer constructive criticism) or, of course, to write page-long reviews telling me how much you love the story, it's your choice! I'm still at school sighs and delight in subjects like Latin faints in happiness or History see above. Guess what grade I'm in, you might be surprised! I was born and live in Germany, but thanks to a Canadian mum and a year I spent in Canada, I should be fluent in English. If there are any mistakes, tell me AT ONCE. I will immediately kill myself out of embarassment j/k. I adore movies of most kinds, but can't write fanfic about them so well... so I've resorted to the all-time-favourite Harry Potter (pairing: Draco/Ginny) and the greatest anime on earth, Gundam Wing (pairing: Heero/Relena). My idols on fanfic are: fallen pheniox, for first introducing me to this site and showing me how to get an account (not to mention being my best friend for so long; must be tough, I'm not the most inspiring friend), MochaButterfly for getting me started on D/G (I used to think it was sick - if you do, her stories are a must to read, they'll change your mind soon enough!), TokyoFlame for writing the probably coolest, most hilarious GW story I ever read and entertaining me with it for hours on end, and, last, but not least, Arabian Knight, formerly cuty-cat, my little sister and all-purpose confidant, who has THE knack for writing funny stories. I've put a few poems out on FictionPress... and I might put out an original fic about the Celts (my other huge interest). But that's all in the future; live the moment and enjoy my stories! wow... wonderful slogan, Shooting Jewel, specially cause you borrowed it from a book (I'm always doing that. Just incidentally)! Anyways, remaining faithfully yours, Shooting Jewel |