konnichiwa minna-san! i am raikendai, previously starsprinkles... i sorta changed my pen name... teehee! and i'm back with a new fic... i will leave my other fic for a while for i have to come up with new ideas... weeeeeeeee! here's my new fic, on one way and another... enjoy!

disclaimers: i do not own gundam seed... (isn't it obvious!) hehehe


Athrun Zala, Kira Yamato, Dearka Elthman, Yzak Jule and Nicol Amarfi are childhood friends and are now studying at PLANT's most prestigious school for high school. Athrun was always the introvert and although he would socialize, he's still very quiet and would constantly be found silent in a corner, minding his own business. Kira was the one who's like the ordinary high school kid only that he has much more extraordinary abilities. At times studious, just like any high school boy but focuses more on sports. Dearka on the other hand is like the class clown, always shrugging off formalities for a joke or two. And he's the laziest of the bunch. Yzak however, is the hot-headed frank coordinator who is not afraid to say what's on his mind. Has a tendency to complain much but miraculously obedient to rules. Nicol was the youngest so he's like the one with the most harmonious relationship with everyone. He doesn't like conflicts and he loves music. He's probably the most peace-loving of the five of them.

Growing up in militaristic families, the five of them knew they'd all end up in military academy for college and so be a part of PLANT's army, ZAFT.

Monday morning

The alarm clock beside Kira Yamato's bed has been ringing for the past 30 minutes and still, he was not awaken by the noise. Kira's siste, or should we say twin sister was the one who was awaken by it and not him.

Cagalli, aged 16 was a hot-headed type of girl on the outside but sweet and gentle on the inside although her inside-self couldn't be seen that much. It was the start of a brand new year and Cagalli transferred to Kira's school from her old school in Orb.

"Wake up Kira, remember, you're going to show me around today!" Cagalli said as she sat at the side of Kira's bed.

Kira did not bulge, nor did he seem to have heard what Cagalli just said. Cagalli rolled her eyes and wanted to beat him up but figured that it will only consume much more time if she did.

"I said wake up now sleepyhead! This is no time to doze around, it's the first day of school for pete's sake!" Cagalli said as she slapped Kira's cheek a couple of times.

Kira was now awake and he massaged his already red cheek.

"That hurts, you know…" he mumbled and yawned.

"Yeah yeah, whatever! Just get going now, we'll miss the bus!" Cagalli said, already in uniform.

"What time is it?" Kira asked as he stretched his arms.

"Six thirty" Cagalli replied.

"Six thirty? Six thirty! Man! We should be there by seven!" Kira said, panicking.

"I know, that's why I have been waking you up since six am! Just stop panicking and get ready." Cagalli said and stood up and went outside, closing the door behind her.

It was already a stressing morning and Kira did not want to get into any trouble, just the fact of having his sister with him at the same school made him want to hide from all the other people in school. Not that he is ashamed of Cagalli, it's just that Cagalli's like the big-sister type and she would really scold him big time if he gets into trouble.

Upon arriving in school, he directly left Cagalli and went off to his group of friends.

"See you later sis, I hope you'll find friends!" Kira said as he ran away.

Cagalli just sighed. "Gosh, is this the lifestyle in this school? Try and find friends and if you had a tough luck you're on your own…" she muttered to herself.

She continued to walk until she bumped into a girl who was busy fiddling with her timetable.

"Oh, I'm sorry…" the brown-haired girl said.

"That's okay… are you new around here too?" Cagalli asked, determined to find her first friend that can share with her the lifestyle she described earlier.

"Yeah, I'm Miriallia Haww by the way… I came from Orb." The girl replied.

"From Orb? That's great! I came from there too! But now I'm stuck in this horrid school because of my brother… I'm Cagalli Yula Attha." Cagalli answered.

Miriallia giggled at her statement.

"It's a good thing you already know somebody… but me, I'm a complete outcast!" Miriallia said as she kept her timetable inside her pocket.

"Well you don't have to worry about that now, you got me…" Cagalli said and the two girls laughed a bit.

They started to walk inside the rather big school as they talk about their similarities and differences. They enjoyed each other's company and figured that they will be in the same class. When they found their classroom, it was deserted only that there was a long-haired girl standing beside the window, looking out at the school grounds.

"Oh… hello… I thought I was still alone." The girl said as she turned around.

"Hey… I'm Cagalli… and this is Miriallia… we're new here… nice to meet you." Cagalli said and offered a handshake.

The girl happily shook it and smiled. "I'm Shiho, I'm new too… someone told me this was an all-boy school before and was renovated to be a co-ed school." She said.

"Really? So that means, every girl around here is new!" Miriallia said excitedly.

"Yup… you're so right… I thought no one would even bother to talk to me…" Shiho added.

"Oh we'll talk to you! We belong to the same class… I will be glad if we can be friends." Cagalli said.

"For real? Thanks… I was thinking you'd say that… you think we'll enjoy a year in this school which is practically dominated by boys?" Shiho said as she looked out of the window and back at Cagalli again.

"I'm sure we would… if we could show them that girls are not as weak as they think!" Miriallia said and the two girls nodded in agreement.

They decided to sit together and were chatting out loud until the school bell rang.

"Hey, does that mean classes are going to start?" Cagalli asked.

"Perhaps…" Shiho said.

"Most probably, students are piling up now…" Miriallia said as a group of flirtatious girls entered the room.

They looked at each other with anxiety and all had the same thoughts in mind, this year doesn't seem very good. They dismissed the topic and decided that it's best to just steer-clear of them. Suddenly, Cagalli noticed Kira coming in with his so-called friends.

One had a blonde hair that contrasted his dark skin color, the other a platinum-silver hair, the other one with green hair and the last one, with dark blue hair.

Kira did not seem to notice Cagalli since he was busy talking with the blue haired guy which was undeniably cute.

Suddenly, a girl with metallic-blue hair was approaching them. She looked a bit shy and she occupied the seat next to Miriallia.

"Hello…" Miriallia said and Cagalli and Shiho waved at her.

"Hi… I'm new around here…" the girl said.

"Us too… I'm Miriallia, this is Cagalli and that one's Shiho… and you are?" Miriallia said excitedly.

"I'm Natalie… you can call me Nat… I'm more comfortable with that." She said and smiled.

"Oh that's great! Do you want to join us later for break time?" Cagalli asked as Shiho nodded.

"That would be very kind of you… thanks…" she said.

Kira saw Cagalli and excused himself from the guys. He approached Cagalli and her friends and introduced himself.

"Hey there, I'm Kira, Cagalli's brother… can I talk to her for a moment?" he said and pulled Cagalli off her chair.

"What?" she asked irritated.

"You mean we're in the same class?" Kira asked, outraged.

"As it seems… you have a problem with that?" Cagalli asked sternly.

"Huh? Oh! Absolutely fine with me sis, I am so… uhm… glad that we belong in the same class… just don't go tellin' everybody, okay?" Kira said sweatdropping.

Cagalli stared at him and clearly understood that Kira was a bit ashamed of having his sister in the same class so she formulated a naughty idea to make Kira accept the fact that he has to live with the fact that Cagalli is now his classmate in this school he's so proud of.

Cagalli then smiled slyly and faced her new-found friends.

"Girls, I would like you to meet my twin brother, Kira. Kira, meet my friends!" she said quite loudly.

Kira sweatdropped more and swore this was the day he'll end his high school life forever. Every head turned around and stared at him and his sister, especially the group of flirts and Kira's friends.

"Cagalli I swear I'll kick your butt for this…" he muttered through gritted teeth.

"Really? You've got your bro here, in this same class? Amazing! Nice to meet you Kira." Shiho said and smiled widely.

"Hello" Miriallia and Natalie greeted in unison.

Whispers from the others inside the room emerged. The flirts just stared in dismay and went off with their whispering and Kira's friends were all in shock.

They all came running to where Kira and Cagalli was.

"Kira, you never told us you had a sister!" the blonde one said and patted Kira's back.

"Yeah! Oh and hey, we're his friends, miss… uhm… miss Kira's sister!" Nicol said and waved a bit.

"Uh… she was in Orb and I seemed to have forgotten to mention her… teehee!" Kira said and scratched his head.

Miriallia and Natalie laughed as Shiho interrupted their conversation as a pink-haired shy girl entered the room. The flirts snubbed her and completely ignored her presence. As Cagalli dealt with her twin, Shiho went up to the girl and asked her to sit along with them. The girl was more than delighted to do so and joined their group.

"Hey! Shut up for minute you guys… we have a new friend… she's Lacus Clyne… she's also new…" Shiho said and introduced her.

She greeted them with a warm smile. The girls introduced themselves and Kira's mouth fell open. He was stunned to see such a beautiful creature just right in front of him.

Athrun noticed this and he did the honors in whacking Kira hard on the head to shrug him off his gaze.

"Ow!" Kira yelled and got everyone's attention.

"No need to thank me…" Athrun said and sat down on a chair near him.

It was the first time everybody heard him speak and was the first time that Cagalli really looked at him directly.

"Gosh… he's hot! No… no! This is the first day of school and I am not supposed to go on having crushes and checking out guys!" she thought to herself.

Natalie noticed that her friend was feeling a bit uneasy.

"Hey… you okay?" she asked Cagalli.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure I'm fine… I just… oh nothing… don't mind me." Cagalli said and went back to Kira.

Kira was trying to shoo his friends away, although only two of them are totally interested, the blue-haired guy and the silver-haired snob didn't seem to care at all.

"Okay! She's my twin! You happy?" Kira blurted out.

"Ooh… now that's uncalled for… the great Yamato has a twin! Just wait till the whole school hears about this." The blonde dark guy said.

Kira shot him ultimate death glares so the guy stopped. The other two who remained utterly silent pulled the other two who spoke a lot out of the way.

"Let's go you guys, you shouldn't go around making trouble… and you better set a good example at girls." The blue-haired guy said again.

"And please… can you just shut up for a moment?" the snobby silver-haired guy said, irritably.

The other two cannot do anything but to follow. Kira realized that it was really wrong to have denied he had a twin and was feeling guilty so he apologized to Cagalli. Cagalli accepted it and Kira went back to his group of friends. Moments later, the classroom was almost full and when it was, the teacher came in.

The teacher cleared his throat and motioned for everybody to settle down. All the students obliged and silence emerged.

"Okay… if you still don't know which class you belong to, you belong to class 31A. And I am your adviser, Mr. Mwu La Flaga. I am surprised to see a bunch of girls here in my class for as you all know, this school was previously exclusive for boys." He said for an introduction.

"I smell gender-discrimination coming up…" Shiho muttered under her breath.

"I agree" Cagalli mumbled to Shiho.

Mr. La Flaga smiled and scanned the people for some familiar faces.

"So… I will be holding your math classes… and in case you haven't checked it out, your timetables were handed out near the school entrance, just get it from there if you don't have it yet." He continued.

The class just stared at him wide-eyed. Not a single utterance. He figured out he needed to liven up the atmosphere and so he proceeded.

"I think we better get acquainted with one another, don't you think?" he said.

Once again, the class just looked at him blankly, indicating that they did not understand a thing.

"What I mean was I will call you one by one and you'll introduce yourselves…" he said and smiled, he was a bit giddy and happy about it.

The class was dumbfounded. Some have their mouth open in confusion and some raised a brow on him.

"Uh… sir? Isn't that… for elementary school?" one of the flirts said and she really had the nerve to do so.

"Yeah… I know… but it's worth doing so… and I'll be glad if you'll go first!" Mr. La Flaga replied and the girl had no choice but to oblige.

The girl stood up and for the first time, everyone got a full view of her. Her hair was a bit reddish pink and she had a clip on her hair, more of the one Lacus was wearing. Everyone was astonished for she does look a lot like Lacus. Even Lacus cannot believe her eyes.

"How come she looks like me? As far as I remember I don't have a twin of some sort…" Lacus said, still looking directly at the girl standing beside Mr. La Flaga.

"I'm getting goosebumps…" Miriallia said.

The girl looked at Lacus and she smiled as if she did not notice a thing.

"Hi, I'm Mia Campbell… and I know I look like that girl so stop giving me those stares!" she said nastily and went straight back to her seat.

"Harsh… the nerve…" Dearka muttered disapprovingly, getting nods of agreement from the others.

"Perhaps you want to go next?" Mr. La Flaga said to Dearka.

Dearka followed and stood in front. He looked at everybody and smiled.

"I'm Dearka Elthman" he said and went back to his seat.

Some giggled and some just laughed at his cocky attitude. The rest waited for their turns.

"I'm Lacus Clyne… uhm… nice to meet you all…" Lacus said pleasantly.

"I'm Lacus Clyne… blah blah blah!" Mia repeated in a girly voice. Her friends burst in laughter. Shiho and Cagalli exchange looks of extreme rage.

Lacus just smiled. She figured out that at some point, that girl just has her own problem that Lacus did not want to take part of.

"What's your problem?" Mr. La Flaga said to Mia. "Your classmate is introducing herself, I guess it's just right to show some respect. If you can't do that then I'd probably be sending you out now."

Mia was perplexed and shut her mouth and so did her posse. Shiho and Cagalli smiled triumphantly and Lacus went back to her seat.

Then after a while it was Yzak's turn. He stood up from his chair, not looking at anyone but the floor he walked on and went in front. He kept his hands inside his pocket and when he looked up, his blue eyes darted from side to side and he glared at the group of flirts.

"Gosh he's gorgeous!" one of them said.

"Duh… he glared at you for pete's sake!" Dearka said and everybody laughed heartily, including Mr. La Flaga.

The girl looked crestfallen but did not argue with Dearka.

"I am Yzak Jule. I hate social climbers, plastics and definitely flirts. I just hate them." He said and went back to his seat.

The class gave him a warm applause except for the self-confessed flirts. Shiho, who was looking at Yzak and listening intently, was overtaken by his statement and she decided she idolized the guy. Mr. La Flaga motioned to Athrun to stand up for his turn. Athrun rolled his eyes and lazily walked up to Mr. La Flaga. Cagalli felt her cheeks burn and hid it.

"My name's Athrun Zala. Just don't bug me and we'll be in good terms." He said calmly and went back to his seat. The girls' eyes followed his every move like glue and sighed.

Athrun looked at them blankly and then glared. All the girls looked the other way in an instant.

Mr. La Flaga called Cagalli to speak in front and she did as she was told.

"I'm Cagalli Yula Attha… just don't get on my nerves. I hate injustice and I defend what I think is right. And by the way, I'm his twin." She said and pointed to Kira who just smiled and shrugged.

"YOU'RE TWINS?" Kira's friends said in unison with Cagalli's.

Kira scratched his head and Cagalli grinned and went back to his seat. Shiho was supposed to be next.

"I'm Shiho Hahnenfuss… for those who love to ruin everything and everybody, get a life and get off mine." She said and went back to her seat as she gave a high five to Cagalli.

Miriallia, Kira, Nicol already got their turn and they cracked some jokes that entertained the class. Up next was Natalie.

"My name's Natalie Ishigami… uhm…" she said and smiled then she shrugged. The class laughed a bit, she was too shy to speak up.

The rest took their turns and when everybody was done, Mr. La Flaga took the limelight again.

"There you have it… some revelations from your classmates… I just hope it's a start for you to try to get to know each other better. So… I'll give you a thirty-minute break and afterwards, we're electing class officers." He said and motioned for the class to exit the room.

Kira exited with his friends, Nicol was looking at Natalie when she looked at him too. He blushed a bit and tried his best to smile. Natalie was puzzled but nevertheless she smiled back at him and he went outside.

"I see someone here's smilin' at someone…" Miriallia teased her.

"Really? Hmmm… lemme guess… Nicol Amarfi, is it Natalie?" Lacus rubbed in.

"Oh my gosh! You like him!" Cagalli said and shrieked.

"Girls, you're getting it all wrong! I don't even know him yet! He just smiled so I smiled back! What's so wrong with that?" Natalie retorted.

"No, nothing's wrong honey… it's just that… we bet he has a crush on you!" Shiho said.

Natalie rolled her eyes. "Whatever… having crushes on the first day of school is like… out of this world!"

They walked out of the room together and proceeded to the cafeteria to buy some snacks. They sat on a table which is not very far away from Kira and the others' table. Kira waved at his sister and Cagalli acknowledged him but did not bother to speak up since she's too hungry.

Suddenly, Mia Campbell, the bth approached them, wearing the most plastic smile ever as her followers stood behind her.

"What do you want?" Cagalli asked sternly, glaring at her.

"Oh, don't glare at me like that… I mean no harm…" she said, playing innocent.

Lacus did not mind her; she just continued to eat her sandwich and pretended that Mia doesn't exist. Cagalli and the others were the ones concerned about the situation and Lacus chose to let them do the job.

"I just want to uhm… apologize to you, Lacus, for what I said earlier… I was just carried away." She paused for a while; Lacus was pretending that she doesn't exist. "I hope that'll do… and I just want to inform you that you can vote for me as class president later, feel free to do so!"

The five girls looked as if they just got struck by lightning. Miriallia's brow was twitching violently as she struggled not to throw her water glass to Mia's face.

"Dream on, no one in the right mind would ever do that." Shiho said simply.

"Girls, don't pick a fight with them…" Lacus said, restraining the argument.

"Aww… what an angel you are Lacus…" Mia said sarcastically.

"Look Mia, I am not taking your side. I am just trying to stop my friends from engaging in a fight with you for you are one evil lady and you should not be pondered at." Lacus said and stood up so that she and Mia were level with each other.

Not far behind, the boys were concerned about the scene so Kira stood up and went to their table. Athrun followed closely.

"Stop this nonsense Mia." Kira said heatedly.

"Oh I'm not doing anything wrong… it's them who's picking a fight… oh, hello there Athrun." She said and smiled at Athrun.

"Cut that out, you're not cute and don't try to be. Stop pestering these girls." He said firmly.

Mia still smiled, although her smile was convulsing at the end of her lips. She snapped and her posse followed her out of the cafeteria. Nicol came running along with the other two.

"Don't mind them sis, they're just jealous." Kira said.

"Nah, I'd say she's so vain!" Cagalli said as she did a Mia impersonation.

Everyone laughed at her impressive impersonation, even Lacus who was just out of the mood managed to laugh. For the first time, she caught Athrun's eye Athrun looked at her and looked down then smiled. He scratched his ear and looked at her again.

Natalie saw it and giggled. "Shy guy…"

Cagalli just pretended not to hear it. After a few moments, the boys left the cafeteria and went to their classroom. The girls were left there.

"Did you see that? Athrun smiled at Cagalli!" Natalie said dreamily.

"He smiled at the floor doodlebrain…" Cagalli muttered as she munched on her remaining cookies.

"Oh no… maybe he's just shy!" Lacus said and clapped her hands in excitement.

Cagalli stuck her tongue out at them. "You know, we should go now… we'll be late for class!" she said and stood up while wiping her lips with her hanky.

They went inside the classroom closely followed by Mr. La Flaga. The moment he got in, he placed his stuff on his desk and grabbed a chalk.

"Settle down class… I have an announcement. This year is very important since it will be our school's 50th anniversary. And the moment we elect the class officers, they will attend a seminar for the student council election. Those council members will be the representative of the student body for the organization of the occasion. So we better start electing now…" he said and scanned his record book.

Many whispers emerged and Mia was clearly holding up a campaign for class president.

"Oh no, there's no way that girl will be the class president…" Miriallia said, with her eyebrow raised.

"Listen girls, if you want to have a suitable representative for this class, elect someone who will fit the job." Yzak said mockingly at the girls, looking at Mia with extreme dislike.

"Look boy, you don't care…" Mia shot back at him who completely ignored her.

"So, I declare the table for nominations of class president is open!" Mr. La Flaga said.

It was a complete drag. Mia argued with every attempt to snag the position from her but the nominees were lowered down to four. Dearka nominated Kira, Nicol nominated Athrun, a flirt nominated Mia and Lacus nominated Cagalli.

By the end of the tallying…

"Uh… me?" Cagalli said, seeing her votes. She was voted by the majority.

Mr. La Flaga was quite impressed. "I hope your reign will be meaningful, good luck to you Cagalli." He said and smiled.

Cagalli felt her knees turn to jelly. "You won! I'm so good… you beat that girl!" Lacus said happily.

"Even the boys voted for you… even your twin!" Shiho said.

Cagalli couldn't speak. The election proceeded. By the end of the long run, Mia didn't bag a position and so ended up in tears. Kira was vice president, Lacus was secretary, Athrun and was the treasurer, Dearka was the P.R.O.

Mr. La Flaga was disturbed by Mia's howls and found it irritating. "Fine, make that diva the muse of this class…" he said.

The class was in an uproar. Some refused but some agreed. But in the end, it was the only way to make Mia stop. Mr. La Flaga announced that he was to have a meeting with the school director, Mr. Dullindal and that he had to dismiss the class early. The students were more than happy and did so.

Shiho and Milly needed to go home early and so did Natalie. Cagalli had no idea where Kira went off to and so she was left alone. Lacus luckily stayed behind to keep her company.

"Gosh! You're class president! You beat her off! You rock!" Lacus exclaimed at a still thunderstruck Cagalli.

"I am president! How could that be?" Cagalli asked as they sat on a bench.

"I dunno… perhaps you're just deserving!" Lacus said.

Cagalli shrugged. At some point, she liked the fact that Mia got what she deserved and she got something more than what she bargained for.

"So… is your brother gonna pick you up or are we waiting for absolutely nothing?" Lacus asked.

"Urgh! He ditched me again… I'll go home alone… how about you?" Cagalli said as she checked the time.

"Oh I'll be taking a cab… so you'll go now?" Lacus replied.

"Yeah… see you tomorrow… take care!" Cagalli said and Lacus started to walk away after a short goodbye-hug.

"You too! Call me if you need me!" she said and went inside the cab.

Cagalli decided to walk home to catch some sightseeing in town when she accidentally bumped into someone in the park.

"Huh? Cagalli?" a familiar voice said.

"Athrun?" she said as she looked up into those emerald eyes.

There was a moment of silence, neither can utter a single word.

"You're… on the way home?" he asked suddenly.

"Uh… yeah… sorry if I bumped you…" Cagalli said and smiled.

Once again, he looked down and smiled. "I see… are you going now?"

"Yeah… I guess so… see you around!" Cagalli said and clutched the strap of her bag with her hand and started to walk away.

Athrun ran after her. "Uh… uhm…" he uttered.

Cagalli was puzzled. "What is wrong with this guy? The sun is already setting and I'm still waiting for the continuation of his 'uhm'" Cagalli thought to herself.

"Yeah?" she asked him.

"Do you mind if… uhmm… if I walk you home?" he asked, his cheeks was a bit red.

Cagalli felt blood rush up to her face and looked down and after a few moments, she replied. "Sure"

The two of them started to walk together while attempting to open up a conversation that just might get them to know each other better.

so how was my first shot? please review! thanks...