Author has written 27 stories for Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Firefly. Believe it or not, it was The Half Blood Prince that made Snape's character intriguing to me and sent me in search of the fandom and its fan fiction. I saw plenty in the novel to make me believe the reader was being set up, and not all was what it seemed--so I went looking and found that others saw the same things I did. Then I stumbled upon Snape/Hermione fan fiction, and I was lost. Some very fine writers not only convinced me the ship worked better than I could have imagined, but made me fall in love with their vision of Snape. And if that Severus Snape, devious rather than evil, is ultimately not canon come Book Seven, so be it. If we got all we wanted from canon, what would we need fan fiction for? I'm not a Brit but trying to write like one in HPfic, so any pointers on that (or any other crit) would be appreciated. I'm a native New Yorker, closer to Snape's age than Hermione's, and Book of Shadows is my first attempt at a novel-length fic, though I'd written short stories before in another fandom. I won't respond to FFN reviews--you're not allowed to within a story, and I don't like responding via email when the reviews weren't sent that way and my responses won't appear on site. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate each and every review--even the flames. They amuse me--and I get to then ban the troll and it brings the review count up. Win win. Links to all my stories and information on updates can be found on my Live Journal If you're looking for Harry Potter Fanfiction Recs, there are many for SSHG and beyond on Know-it-Alls Before I ever wrote any HP fic, my first fandom was Star Trek as "Rabble Rouser" and those stories can be found here. Happy reading (I hope)! 9/14/2009 - Because someone badgered me about putting a note on my profile about it, no, Book of Shadows is not abandoned, but no, I make no promises about updates, particularly one any time soon. If I do resume updating, it won't be until I have the entire story complete and first pass betaed. Yes, it's been two years--not coincidentally, the last update was just before my mother died. Yes, authors do have real lives that impact writing and after two years I'm not the same person or the same writer--which may make it hard to make my way back into that WIP. For one, I'm no longer as comfortable as I once was with Student/Teacher as the starting point for Snape and Hermione as I was back in my fandom honeymoon when I was under the spell of KazVL, Helga Von Nutwhimple and Caeria among others. So, read the story at your own risk. It's clearly marked incomplete with a last update of two years ago. I can at least promise I will never again post a story that doesn't have a completed draft. |
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