Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, Avengers, Thor, and Star Wars. About Me: Writing fan-fiction is a hobby type of thing, though very intermittent. I've been doing this since 2004 as time permits and the mood strikes. Regarding my WIP stories (October 12, 2018): The Moscow Rules: Has it really been since April of 2015 that I've updated this story? Yes. Yes, it has. This story will be ten chapters and is Black Widow centric. Natasha/Loki pairing, but not what I'd consider a romance in the truest sense of the word. Chapter five is still in the works. It will be up as soon as I'm pleased and I have the time. Hopefully, it will turn out as I have expected. I always finish my stories…eventually. I have not forgotten about this story. It will be completed. Real life does tend to get in the way of my hobbies. I'm not lying when I say that I actually have written new stuff for this. I just need to get motivated to finish it, et cetera. For real though. I've written stuff. This story is taking a back-seat to Empire Down though. Empire Down: Seriously, I'm asking myself why I'm doing this. Yes, it is Reylo. I'm even shaking my head at myself. However, I hope it meets my usual standards. I have no clue how long this story will actually be. Let's call this an experiment. I usually plot everything into the ground. This is just more of a general idea I'm planning to take wherever my whims choose to go this time. This can either end quite well or very badly. We'll see. As of October 12, 2018- I have dusted off the chapter I mentioned I was writing back in July. I need to get on this, I know. I still have an interest in this story and finishing it. Stories I might want to write next: Ahem. Well, with my track record on being slow as molasses when it comes to updating, it might not be the best idea, but I am really interested in writing a Star Trek: Discovery story. I also actually found the beginnings of a true Dark!Harry Potter story I had once considered developing, and am once more inspired to perhaps go there. This would be dependent on actually finishing my two WIP stories. I have no excuses really. I get into reading and forget about writing. |