A/N This is my first fic so I'd love any feedback! I've given it a T rating but may increase it to M depending on future chapters.

Chapter One

"I had really wished I was done with this place," Nyota Uhura sighed as she gazed up at Starfleet Academy's Physics building.

Sarah Morris placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to look solemn. She couldn't quite hide the smile in her eyes. "Come on, Ny. You can do it. Just one more semester."

"No, two!" Nyota wailed as the two friends left the rare San Francisco sun for the shady interior. "Dr. Ferrous is making me take an intermediate level warp physics course next semester too, didn't I tell you?"

"Maybe. Sorry, I was preoccupied this morning…"

"I'm just glad we're in…" Nyota looked down at her schedule to double-check and read, "…Advanced Subspace Communicative Physics…together." They walked through the sleek building toward their destination companionably. Nyota tried to console herself by reminding herself this was required if she wanted to go active. Why did she need to know how subspace communications worked as long as it did? She was a communications cadet; she had been sure her science requirements would be mostly confined to biology. She had failed to realize there would be so much physics to learn to be a communications officer.

"Come, dear Nyota, head up," Sarah urged with a giggle as she motioned toward room S117. The two girls entered with just two minutes to settle in before class started.

The classroom was small, with only perhaps twenty seats arranged in a slope before the lectern and desk. The front wall to their right was an old fashioned white board with a projector up above. Nyota had been expecting the class to be more of a lecture, but it appeared to just be a small group of people she already knew from her communications and language classes. The poor professor, trying to teach physics to a bunch of communications majors…

Nyota clutched her PADD to her chest and strode to two unoccupied seats near the back. She didn't like to be too far from the professor in general, but Sarah liked the back and most of the seats were taken, so they compromised. "Hey, Jon, Ling," she nodded with a grin. As the four students bemoaned their situation good naturedly, Nyota watched the door. She shouldn't have been complaining so much, really, as she was anticipating seeing their professor.

"Let's just hope Lt. Spock meets expectations," Ling shrugged, voicing Nyota's own thoughts. "I've heard he's brilliant, so maybe it won't be as bad as we think," she suggested.

"Yeah, or maybe it means it'll just be that much harder to understand," Jon pouted.

"Oh, hush, Jon, we all know you've been checking out his Vulcan ass for weeks," Sarah stage whispered. Jon pretended to be insulted, but couldn't pull it off. Nyota giggled, pretending she hadn't been doing the same…

As they sat giggling in a very undignified manner in the back corner, the half Vulcan himself entered the small classroom and the students quieted quickly. He was standing as Nyota often saw him around campus, with his hands clasped behind his back and head down as though he was thinking deeply. His eyes swept the classroom and Nyota could not look away from his gently sloped eyebrows, delicately pointed ears and stunning cheekbones. She knew the glimpses she'd caught across rooms and lecture halls couldn't be so misleading; he really was quite good looking.

He paced to his desk and pulled his PADD out from behind his back. Without preamble, he began taking roll. His voice was low and soothing and he pronounced all names correctly.

"This is Advanced Subspace Communicative Physics. It is a requirement for most cadets who wish to become active on a starship. We will be discussing the mechanics of interstellar communication…" He spoke with no notes and no inflection.

So much for that, Nyota thought to herself. Even if he was brilliant, he apparently wouldn't be helping Sub Physics be any more entertaining. How was she supposed to survive a whole semester of this monotony? Physics was difficult enough without a dull teacher. She found her mind wandering more to the quality of his voice than what he was saying and berated herself. She needed to do well in physics if she wanted that post on the Enterprise. Hell, she needed to understand physics of she was going to survive on the Enterprise. Focus, Nyota, focus.

The lieutenant started into their course work even though it was their first day of class. Nyota, at least, already had her textbook, but Sarah and Jon hadn't gotten theirs yet. Looked like the half Vulcan was going to drive his class hard.

Spock suppressed his sigh. It was an unfortunate human trait he had picked up from his mother, but he tried not to give in to the temptation while around others. It was illogical to prefer one teaching post over another, but he found he did not wish to be teaching Advanced Subspace Communicative Physics. He found biology much more mentally stimulating, and he did not understand why Commander Lee had assigned him this post outside his area of expertise.

At the end of their first class, after he watched all nineteen of his students file out, he proceeded to the dining hall. He intended to get his food and carry it back to his office, but he was sidetracked by the call of his name on his way out.

"Lieutenant Spock!" Spock turned to see Dr. George Ferrous and Professor Alice Cormier sitting together eating lunch. Dr. Ferrous was motioning him over enthusiastically. Spock shifted his path and paused before their table.

"Dr. Ferrous, Professor Cormier," he greeted them with a raised eyebrow.

"Spock, we were just arguing over something I believe you would know the answer to," Dr. Ferrous informed him. When no explanation came, Spock prompted him, "Indeed?"

Prof Cormier continued for him. "We really shouldn't ask," she started, sending Dr. Ferrous a look Spock did not imagine could be positive, "but we were discussing Vulcan physiology and were wondering if, with the desert planet and all…I cannot believe I'm asking this…" she hesitated, blushing.

"Do you take showers?" Dr. Ferrous finished unabashedly. Spock blinked down at them. Would it not be simpler to answer their question as opposed to wondering aloud how they had reached a point in conversation where they were discussing the bathing habits of Vulcans?

"Indeed we do," he answered simply. "The desert climate necessitates them being short and less frequent than human habit. Also, we have drier skin and fewer regular secretions, meaning such frequent bathing is unnecessary."

"That was more than I needed to know," Prof Cormier said, frowning slightly.

"Since he won't say it, Alice, I will: you asked," Dr. Ferrous grinned. Spock raised an eyebrow.

"Do you require anything else?"

"Actually, Spock, would you mind sitting down? I wanted to ask you about your new classes."

Spock set down his lunch tray somewhat hesitantly, but seated himself. He was not accustomed to small talk, but Dr. Ferrous seemed intent on pulling him into conversation lately. The communications head was an intelligent man and they often had interesting conversations, but Spock did not know why the man felt so compelled to speak with him.

"I'm sure you noticed your Sub Physics class is mostly communications majors."

"I did."

"Well, first of all, let me apologize, as it's mostly my fault."

Prof Cormier added, "He decided his spoiled students needed a dose of the real world."

"They are so coddled," Dr. Ferrous said rolling his eyes. "A lot of them have the most trouble with their science classes, so they're always assigned to classes with…enthusiastic professors. Or they transfer into those classes." Spock ate silently, trying to understand the relevance of Dr. Ferrous' explanation. "But if they're going to work in Starfleet, they are going to work with scientists. With people like you, Spock."

The lieutenant raised his gaze. "Are you referring to the stereotype of scientists as less social people?"

"In my experience, it's not just a stereotype," Prof Cormier laughed. Spock tilted his head; this was interesting, as she was herself a scientist. "I know plenty of scientists who fit the bill. Myself occasionally included."

"I would not define you as antisocial, Professor Cormier," Spock said.

"Nonetheless, they will have to work with people like…well, more like you, Spock," Dr. Ferrous continued. "I don't think you'll take it as a criticism, which it's not." Spock inclined his head in acknowledgement. "So I asked Lee to give you a class of my little darlings." Fascinating. Dr. Ferrous seemed to have formed an emotional attachment to the students he taught and advised. Was it perhaps because of his responsibility for them?

"I think what he's saying is, 'Be nice,'" Prof Cormier laughed.

"Not at all, not at all!" Dr. Ferrous protested, still grinning widely. "Be as cold as you can, Lieutenant. I want them to get a good dose of scientific detachment."

Spock inclined his head again. "I believe I will be able to provide just that, Doctor."

"Thanks, Spock." The lieutenant refrained from telling him it was illogical to thank him for something he could not control if he wished. "Oh, and I want to ask what you think of Cadet Uhura. I know it's only been one class…"

Prof Cormier leaned towards Spock conspiratorially. "Ferrous here thinks she's his prodigy."

"No I don't. I've had no part it in. But she's a genius, Spock, you'll see. She might have trouble with the Physics, but it's worth teaching her. When she's interested, she'll learn quicker than a Vulcan mind melded straight to a computer."

Spock opened his mouth to respond, but Prof Cormier cut him off. "Don't even try, Spock. That analogy is beyond helping." Her laughter stopped him from attempting a correction.