Reviews for The Whole to Own
Dearlady2002 chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
I'm glad someone busted him out of Azkaban! I hope she writes that letter, too!
asma4life chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
This is one of the most amazing fanfics I've read. So intense, so well planned and such beautiful narration. It surely has hope for hgss. I would like to know if you've written or plan any follow up to this one-shot. I want to see the hope materialise into real friendship (maybe even love later on). Greece is a hardly explored territory on this plane :)
sharpestsatire chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
Ok, I know you wrote this in 2006, but I'm asking on the off chance: sequel, please? :)

You gave an interesting POV of how Harry might've reacted to thinking he was a horcrux, and how he would've tried to make them promise to kill him. Super interesting. Plus, a sequel wouldn't be a "hope for SS/HG," but a continuation past that. :P
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
Very well written.
Light on the Horizon chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
Interesting story, I liked it
yay chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
Dark, but good.
Miravisu chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
I do hope she wrote that letter...

One of those stories that really leaves one thinking.
T.Beedle chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
i think it should continue
UltraAmbiguousID chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
Okay, I know you think this is complete, but really, you could so expand this at least several more chapters. You gave a credible and in-character reading to both Snape and Hermione. I don't even think it matters that it goes AU because you've made the storyline mesmerizing. Well-worded, concise, precise and the flow is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Anachronistic Anglophile chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
It occurs to me that in all of my reviews hence far, I haven't been very...verbose. That's a credit to you, I admit; I'm pretty much left speechless. Usually I write a lot more than just 'fantastic! some other trifling comment!'

Anyhow, I loved this one as well.
quik-wit chapter 1 . 9/28/2007
oh, come on this is a chapter story waiting to happen. With a good writer such as yourself and alittle time this could be an amazing story! it already is an amazing one-shot.
junewilliams7 chapter 1 . 3/17/2007
(jumps up and down excitedly) YES! There is hope for SS/HG! I can easily see Hermione becoming a pariah for her thinking, and Harry asking his friends to kill him - just as Dumbledore asked Harry to feed him the poison in HBP. While this ficlet is complete as is, in my mind I can imagine a future for these two, with Severus telling or showing her (in a Pensieve) how Harry's death was ultimately because of Aurors following Scrimgeour's orders. So after they drive Bellatrix insane, Scrimmy would be the next to go - he certainly deserves to be booted from office. Thank you for writing this story, and thanks to Shiv for asking for it. (applause icon)
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 2/17/2007
Ah! Splendid indeed. I think Hermione is going to write that letter, myself. And she'll hate herself for a little while afterwards.

Eventually, however, she'll smile.

Until the day Bella shows up on her doorstep, of course. But by that time it should be Stefan's doorstep, too, and I suspect that random callers who aren't very polite will become _very_ closely acquainted with the trap door and the Delights Beneath.

Especially Bella.
Madame Oubliette chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
Such a fantastic start! There *is* still hope for HG/SS in fanfiction if you look hard enough - as you've more than ably demonstrated! Very IC dialogue, skilfully paced and some lovely turns of phrase - Hermione being like a fissured egg, for example. I thought Dumbledore's letter was very touching and I particularly liked the bit about the socks. Very amusing to see Sevvy using his voice / sexuality in order to manipulate Hermione into doing what he wants and seemingly succeeding! I also like that you have chosen to set this in Greece, placing the 2 characters in a social vacuum away from all the clutter and shackles of the past - this will make their dalliance so much more the believeable.

Please, please keep writing this as it's the best fic opening I've read in a long time. I like that Severus still has a dark undercurrent (e.g. his desire for revenge on Bellatrix) which makes this characterisation very credible
The Dragon Sorceress chapter 1 . 10/21/2006
Lovely. Definitely an original.

Though his brief homicidal urges were just a tad disturbing.
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