Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. November 4, 2007 To: Those who want to write a flame, Please check over your grammar. I know my grammar isn't perfect. But if you have to, write baby sentences. I don't care! If you ever feel like writing a flame to me, please keep all capitals in the right places and add punctuations. If you don't know how to write a proper sentence, please learn first before giving me a flame. These are my prerequisites. If you do not follow them, I will not even consider them valid or meaningful. So you're wasting your time. I believe if you're below me in grammar skills, you do not have the right to criticize my work or I. Thanks to those who will follow this. (For those who are wonder what just happened... I just received a review that claimed there's something wrong with people writing crossovers. I find that ridiculous and insulting as it came from a person who had missing capitals, commas and a run-on-sentence in her review. So (before anyone else tries to tell me off again), I will let you people know I will keep arguing with the flamers unless they can come up with a good, solid point with no weaknesses (which includes grammar). This is how I work. If you insult me, I insult you back. A bit childish, I know, but if you make a good point and there's absolutely no problems in it, then I will admit defeat. Thanks to those who actually read my rant.) June 15, 2007 I'm still alive... and I'm not giving up on my stories... It just might take a while... Also... I have exams at the moment... and I'm in the process of preparing for them. Wish me luck. What I find annoying is people writing about Kagome controlling all of the elements but she still has trouble beating Naraku even with the help of her friends. It's just that her power is over exaggerated but she can still lose easily. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy reading those just 'cause the plot is good. Besides I think I exaggerate her miko abilities into something unreal, but I try not to. Oh just one thing, you can flame me if you want or criticize it. I'd like to improve my work, but I'd like it if you would not call me names. I had been called names once in a review and let me say, I didn't enjoy it. I've actually never really seen Yu Yu Hakusho :P but I've read tons of fics and I'm hooked on them. That's why I decided to write a crossover too. My story(ies) Last Regrets Category: IYxYYH Rating: T (I think) Pairing(s): Youko/Kagome/Kurama or Youko/Kagome Summary: Kagome is the only one who makes it out of the battle alive with the whole Shikon no Tama. Regretting everything, Kagome makes 4 wishes on the Shikon no Tama. One of those wishes was she had never set foot in their lives. Status: I've posted 7 chapters Kissed by the Heart Category: IYxYYH Rating: T Pairing(s): Youko/Kagome/Kurama, a bit Keiko/Yusuke Summary: How hard is it for Kurama to express love? Is it just because she's perfect? Beautiful? Supposedly has a boyfriend? Or is it the fact that she's his boss? Status: 5 chapters posted. If you're looking for some IYxYYH stories to read, I have some in my favourites list. |