Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…or the Yu Yu Hakusho group…darn it, that's depressing. -_- On the other hand…no one can stop me from messing up their lives! Mwahaha! ^_^

This is going to be, eventually, a Kag/Kur fic. So if you absolutely can't stand those two snuggling up I suppose you shouldn't read this, though I promise that's not the only thing going to happen. There will be a Plot, somewhere…I promise!

I know this idea has been used before, but I'm going to make it different. After all, every author puts their own personal spin on every idea. Sorry for any OOC behaviour or grammatical errors.

Please review! Pretty-please?

~* Equilibrium *~

Prologue Some decades before in the Present

"Ugly hanyou trash," the young boy sneered, his expression mirrored by his five friends.

The object of his disgust looked up defiantly, one eye already swollen closed. It was a small, skinny boy, younger than the boys surrounding him. His legs, shaped like the hind legs of a grey fox, knelt on the ground. One of them was broken. His grey fox ears were bared back in anger and fear.

But he didn't make a sound, even though his pale blue eyes burned with suppressed rage.

The wolf youkai cubs laughed at him.

"Haven't learnt anything yet, have you, fox-spawn?" the ring-leader taunted, stepping forward in a blur of movement.

The skinny boy couldn't move as fast as the wolf youkai. He found himself pushed into the ground as a foot was applied to the back of his neck.

"You should respect us," the ringleader continued

"Yeah!" butted in one of the other boys, giggling, "We're full wolf youkai! You're what? A mangy fox with some wolf thrown in? Slow as a human!"

The ringleader glared at the other boy until his giggles died away.

"As I was saying," he started again, rolling his eyes, "We're not going to listen to you, even if your dad is the chief. You have to win our respect. Right?"

His five friends cheered.


"Prove it, runt!"

"Yeah!" giggle.

The ringleader nodded and then smoothly picked up the smaller boy by the back of his neck. Followed by the others, he walked over to a cleft placed between the cliff face and some rubble.

The little boy's eyes widened. One of the wolf boys kicked in a pebble. There was silence for a long time before a faint splash echoed back up to them. The skinny boy started to struggle as the ringleader held him over the hole.

"Hey! Stop struggling – owww!"

The leader let go as the boy's sharp teeth sank into his arm. With a yelp, the boy fell down…and down and down into the darkness. In the stunned silence the wolf boys exchanged terrified looks. A faint splash was heard.

"Shit." The ringleader finally said. This wasn't supposed to happen.


In the darkness the little fox-wolf cub was batted around like a leaf in a gale. The underground current, swift and icy, clutched him, pulling him along faster than an arrow. He couldn't see or smell, and soon, the cold and pain would numb his senses. His battered body whipped back and forth, tugged along by the current, narrowly missing unseen rocks.

He would fall unconscious, he realised, and then the roaring river would eat him until there was nothing left of his fragile body.

'No.' He screamed into the darkness, 'I will not lose. Not to them! Not to this river! I'll show them that I can survive this chaos!'

Gritting his teeth, he pushed against the current, ignoring the pain that screamed through his body. Through the heavy darkness he fought until his head broke through the water. The current had slowed – he could feel by the air around him that he was in some sort of cavern. Swimmingly blindly, he eventually felt pebbled ground under his paws. Dragging his way through the shallow water, numbed with exhaustion and pain, he stumbled out of the water and onto his hands.

So tired…

Suddenly, he realised he could faintly see the outline of his hands. Sitting up in astonishment, he peered ahead. Unable to make anything out, he got up and stumbled further into the caves. Placing a hand out, he felt a smooth stonewall. A building…down here? Surprised, he followed it until it turned a corner.

A gasp leapt from his lips, echoing around him. What he had discovered changed his life.


Author: Ohh! Mysterious! Inuyasha and others in the next chapter so keep reading! Please review! But more importantly, don't stop reading.