Chapter one Rediscovering someone who thought he would never see her again

A person lay on the dirty ground the smell of blood is what fills the mans nose every time he breathes in as the minutes go by, his body lay still and motionless. The man wore a pair of ripped pure black hakamas that had tares and had blood stains on them. He wore a black long vest but the front was open showing a well muscled chest with a gash across it that could kill him. He had very pale skin.

Atop his head was long messy black hair with what looked like a tattered hat. His hair tipped in his own blood. His eyes were closed as he lay almost unconscious. A pair of black scaly wings were spread out that had rips in them behind him with spikes on them. They were long and could be passed as dragon wings but they were actually bat wings. His chest was closing and the mans breathing was becoming more calm. His eyes opened slightly to show his indigo colored eyes.

His arms pushed his upper body up so he was sitting and a stray tear ran down his cheek falling onto his own leg as the hakamas quickly absorbs it. "Kagome….Youko" was what left the mans lips showing long pointed fangs. He reached a clawed hand up and held it to his face as tears were starting to fall freely. He shook his head as some of the tears flew off and he stood up abruptly as he looked at his surroundings.

He was in a large clearing with what was luscious green grass that was now bloodied and dead bodies lay around him. The one closest to him was a silver fox that had a giant hole where it's heart should be. It was his dear friend Youko that had taken one of the blows that would have killed him instantly but he had blocked him from the blow he fell as fast as the blow came dead upon impact of the ground. Their was also the bodies of Kagome's old traveling companions the demon slayers Sango and Kohaku, the monk Miroku, the hanyo Inu Yasha and the fire cat Kilala. The one person that meant the most to him and Youko the one girl that had managed to melt the ice around their cold hearts and became both there mates. She had disappeared when her arrow pierced the clay bitches heart their for disintegrating the clay bitches body and then her soul colliding with her then she was gone just disappeared into thin air.

All that was left was the black and silver bow that him and Youko had made for her on the occasion that she had shared their blood as well as the fact that she was living the rest of her life with them. Also the sword she had made when she intertwined our hair together as a result of their mating. She had become a half bat half silver fox demon for them so she wouldn't die as they still live.

The mans point of view

I looked up into the cold sky close to where I knelled me too see a thunder storm coming as I staggered closer to Youkos body. I fell down as I stared into his now lifeless golden eyes. His weapon had disappeared as well as my own he had a black rose in his mouth and in my pocket a black ruby necklace the rarest jewel sought after by all but he had stolen it for her. I took it from his teeth as I felt a tingling sensation run through me as a bright light blinded me and I opened them as the light disappeared. I gasped as Youkos form stood before me well actually his spirit. His 9 silver tails blowing lightly in the wind as he had a light smile on his face, not a happy smile but a sad smile.

"Yo…" I didn't trust my voice as I felt the tears threatening to fall again. I looked to see him beginning to speak.

"kuronue my dear and trusted friend as well as thief companion" he said as I watched shocked as he started walking towards me until we were face to face.

"I thank you for staying loyal to me during all the thieving trips we've had and I want you two take my share of all the treasure that I owned and for it to become yours. I will be wandering the earth for a while I want you to know that I wasn't dead but I forced my soul out of that body so I'm not exactly dead if I do live through the many years till Kagome's era I will watch over our mate" he said as he seemed to glow a brighter red

"good bye my dear friend" was Youkos whispered words as he disappeared his body doing the same thing.

End Kuronue's point of view

5 days later

Kagome's point of view

As I awoke I was in a bed and felt a cloth on my forehead and bandages wrapped tightly around my whole body. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was killing Kikyo and my soul returning to me. I suddenly almost bit my tongue. The voices that reached my ears were not the voices of Youko, Kuronue or any of the maids or my friends. But my actual family, jii-chan mom and Souta. I opened my eyes to see my old room that was the black red and silver that I remember. I lifted myself up from the silken sheets and slid my bandaged feet to the floor.

I stretched and heard the cracks of my joints and stood up. I examined my body to see bandages on my wrist and upper right arm, my chest was bandaged as well as my lower left leg. I unwrapped the bandages from my chest to see the perfect flesh that was always their. I then undid my upper arm and wrist to see a light scar but nothing to noticeable then my leg as well. I was about to do the same for the one on my knee and shin but as I did a bone deep gash was shown and I re-wrapped it. I looked to the left to my night stand to see my black kimono that had slits on the waist with silver roses on it. I quickly put the dress on as well as the silver slippers. I reached my hand up to the juncture of my neck and felt Youko and Kuronue's marks on each side and felt light tears trying to fall but I kept them in check.

"I'm almost entirely alone. Though I do have my family and I have my kit still" I said placing my hand on my stomach that held a concealing spell on it. I smiled lightly as I remembered that night Youko had gone off on a mission alone since it was an easy target. Me and Kuronue were at his estate and well... we got very constructive. This was only 4 moths prier to today. It was definitely Kuronue's baby boy.

I walked over to the door and opened it as I walked out into the hallway and down the stairs towards the living room to see my family sitting on the couch talking quietly to each other. I jumped to the bottom and landed silently walking slowly over to where my family stood.

I had left them 14 years ago for me in the past and three years to them and Souta had to be at least 14 years old now. Jii-chan looked the same as well as my mother. I walked stoically over to them and hugged Souta and mom by their necks as they jumped and turned as I felt tears streaming down my face as I let them go and hugged Jii-chan.

I felt some one tap my shoulder as I released jii-chan and turned slightly to see Souta's red puffy eyes as he quickly pulled me into his muscular arms and squeezing me as if I might disappear. I smiled as I hugged Souta so hard he was practically begging me to let him go so I did.

"Kagome it's bin so long since we've seen you" my mother said as I nodded still smiling softly

"yea I guess it has. I've been on all kinds of thieving missions with Youko or Kuronue and even with Inu, Sango, Miroku and even visiting Shippo…but that's all over now" I said sadly as I shook my head

"what and how do you think you got back here?" asked mom as I shrugged my shoulders

"last thing I remember is shooting Kikyo with my arrow and the battle about to end" I said as I looked to Souta

"how long have I been asleep?" I asked him

"about 4 days I was wondering about something when we found you though you were holding a red rose" he said as my eyes widened

"what'd you do with it?" I asked

"I was examining it for evil spirits" Jii-chan said as I shook my head

"did you do anything to it?" I asked him

"besides the scrolls no I haven't" he said as I felt a flash of anger

"where is it" I said as I stretched my fingers preparing to summon it to me

"in my room but I'm not done" he said crossing his arms as I spread my arms out and they glowed a dark silver/black as I felt the rose materialize in my hands as I hugged it to me.

"honey what's so special about it?" asked my mother as I felt the tears start to fall again

"the is/was the red rose was Youko gave to me when I first met him" I said

"Kagome since you are home now what are you going to do?" she asked quietly unsure of anything at the moment

"I'm not sure I'm sorry I left you guys but I would have lived to this era had I not been taken from them. Youko died when blocking a fatal hit for Kuronue. Sango, Kohaku and Miroku had died battling some upper class youkai, Inu Yasha had died when Kikyo's arrow pierced his heart" I said broken heartedly as they nodded

"In the morning I must show you something it appeared a couple days ago out of no where" my mom said as I looked to her.

"hm?" I asked

"there is a grave yard made in front of the god tree with your friends names on it as well as your friend Youkos. There is also a hut that appeared near the back of the shrine but whenever we try to open it, it will glow white as if it is a barrier and won't let us in" she explained as my eyes narrowed at the ground.

"has anything else weird happened?" I asked them as Souta nodded

"there have been a strange boy coming by as of late. He has flaming red hair and emerald eyes usually has a weird pink uniform on. Whenever I ask him if he would like a tour he says he already had one he usually comes by around noon every other day. Since at the moment it is summer vacation. He looks around your age too" he said as I nodded my eyes closed as I could feel the power coming from somewhere on the shrine grounds.

"I need to go out side that hut you had told me about has a weird signal coming from it yet it is familiar" I said as my mother nodded. I walked towards the door and opened it to see the full moon shining red down on us as a light breeze settled upon the shrine. The trees blew gently with the breeze.

"I'll be back later I want to go out I promise I'll be back" I said as I heard my mother say that she understood. I closed the door behind me as the smell of this era hit me full force but I spread my natural scent of roses, pine and samurai blossoms spread around the area. The whole area was covered in snow making it look flamboyant. I walked towards the Goshinbaku tree first wanting to see there graves as I shut my eyes replaying the memories. Youkos lecherous smile and Kuronue's loving smile wandered across my mind.

"what happened to make me come back here?" I asked myself as the gentle breeze played with my hair.

"oh how much I truly miss them all of them" I said as I saw the graves in front of the Goshinbaku tree come into view. It was a long row each had green grass over them. Sango was next to Miroku and Kohaku. Inu Yasha was next to Youko.

'But where was Kuronue's? Did he survive the attack maybe?' ran through my mind as a single tear escaped my eye.

'he was left alone all of us died well in my case went back to my era' I thought sadly. I let my demon form take over as my body changed to it's demon form. I then pulled a couple seeds from my hair and manipulated my energy making each grow into a different bouquet of flowers. Youko a bouquet of golden roses, Inu Yasha carnations with red tips, Miroku violets, Sango & Kohaku samurai sakuras that were black and pink for Sango then black and green for Kohaku. The last I placed near the Goshinbaku. It was a bouquet of black roses that were tipped in red. I felt my eyes burning with the unshed tears as I blinked and they started to stream down my face.

'I have no one left. My mates are dead and gone. If only I hadn't killed Kikyo then maybe I could have stayed' I said to myself as I sat cross legged on the ground in front of the graves as I put my hand in a one handed prayer position as I said my peace.

"Sango my best friend and sister figure I hope you keep Miroku in line in the afterlife. I wished you to had lived happily. Kohaku I hope you help your sister in that chore and stay cheerful. Inu Yasha my brother figure and first love I hope in the next life you are not betrayed again. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from Kikyo's arrow. And last Youko my true love, and one of my mates. I hope you keep your arrogant and lecherous ways. Along with your caring and loving side to your many personalities. I hope you all rest in peace" I cried out as I got up walking away towards the edge of the shrine as I felt my 10 tails swaying back and forth.

'wait ten I had 9 last time I remember.' I said to myself as I looked to each to see the same silver fur with a black tip.

'weird' I thought as I continued on, not thinking much of it. My ears turning to every sound made in the forest and around me as I walked past the well house that had a new wood frame around it that was painted black with a little sign over it.

"the well house" was what read across it as I smiled to see the yellow, pink and blue roses that had grew around it. I continued on as the supposed hut came into view. It was large and even now I could see the crackles of energy coming from the hut that was hidden yet at the same time in full view. My eyes narrowed as I made it in arms reach as I stared at the wooden door.

"it has a familiar energy coming from it who is it?" I asked myself as I touched the door knob. The hut glowed black before it opened as I felt a wave of calmness roll over me. I opened it and looked inside. The room was lit with black candles with white flames the walls were covered in purple silk. The floor was wood but it was polished. In the center something laid on a platform like stand. I walked closer and gaped at what it was. I brought a hand to my mouth as my eyes widened looking down at who was before me.

End Chapter 1.

I am now working on getting everything updated, I have everything half way finished and should have another couple of chapters for my other stories going up so Enjoy. I am also editing cause I looked through and saw all the terrible mistakes I have made in the past.