Merry Christmas! Your present is me...well not me, but the completion of one of my stories.

Yep, this is it. This is the last chapter for this three-shot. There is a lemon in this chapter as I said there would be though it isn't too bad. It's actually very tame compared to the other lemons I write. There's a little bit of Yoko action as well, if anyone was wondering if he was going to be showing up any time. I hope you all sincerely liked this story. Please review, even if you have before. I want to know what you think of the ending and how you liked the lemon.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Holding Out

Chapter 3

"Well…" Kagome started, staring timidly at the wooden door of her new home, glancing sideways at her husband's handsome visage. Seeing him standing there in his crisp white suit with his flaming red locks floating around his face like a halo, made him appear as if he was filled with angelic holiness. Currently his cat-like, emerald orbs were brimming with anticipation and excitement as he returned her heated stare with a seductive slide of his luscious mouth, causing a strange, nervous fluttering to arise deep in the pit of her stomach. "Here we are...mate," she whispered.

Yes, the butterflies were definitely getting to her now. It had been so easy earlier when all she could focus on was her family and friends. With Kurama by her side the entire night Kagome had truly felt on top of the world as she'd danced with him and stayed in his well-muscled arms the entire night. But now that she was alone with him, the only thing floating about in her mind was the way he was looking at her right now, as if he was undressing her with his eyes. In all the years of their courtship he had never been more desirable than he was right now.

She was so nervous. Her lips were trembling and her body was shaking with sheer anxiety. What was she to do now? Was he going to make her wait like he had in the limo, draw out the killer suspense until she was forced to take from him what she so willingly wanted?

She noticed the stiffening of Kurama's whole body as he turned all the way around to face her upon hearing the softly spoken endearment. His glorious eyes drew her in until all she could see was the look of burning passion lurking within. And the grin he shot her was filled with such promise that she had to hold back the shudder threatening to topple her over. His eyes were filled with such wickedness and such devotion. She could almost see the wanton thoughts hidden beneath his calm facade as his eyes twinkled knowingly. The concept of joining with Kurama in the fullest sense of the word was so frightening and yet oh so exhilarating, that she couldn't wait to have him one with her.

Oh, kami, am I going to be sore tomorrow, she thought in a daze and then grinned internally. Not that I'll mind much.

Kurama smiled and leaned over to whisper against the shell of her delicate ear, "not yet. But after tonight…you will be." His lustful words were filled with an endearing quality and it caused a few shivers to travel deliciously up her spine at his softly spoken words. Kurama allowed the silence to overwhelm her, heightening the tension surrounding them, drawing in a pleased breath as he smelled her sweet arousal. He just loved putting her on edge. It shot a tiny thrill of delight deep into his soul, knowing that he was the only one who knew how to play with her this way, to turn her on and to make her think of all the possibilities that came along with being his mate. It was a way of putting her off balance so she wouldn't know what was coming next. Kagome hated that. That's why he loved it so much.

She let out a squeak of surprise when he pulled her into his arms and backed her slowly against the door frame before she had the chance to flee his wicked grasp. He heard her whimper as his hands came up to embrace her face lovingly, fisting a gentle hand in the loose curls framing her face. "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" He whispered to her, darting to the side and nibbling softly on the shell of her ear. Her alabaster wedding dress gleamed in the moonlight and all Kurama could think about was how her skin would look against the crisp satin sheets of their massive king-sized bed.

He could practically feel the smile that glided across her face and reveled in the telltale sign of contentment in her voice as she relaxed her body against his taller frame. "Just about every five minutes," she answered leaning back to smile at him impishly. "But one more time couldn't hurt." He met her eyes and leaned his forehead against her own, allowing himself to take in her scent and admire the only woman who would truly hold his heart.

Gently, he placed a sweet kiss upon her lips sighing with pleasure when she relaxed even more, practically molding herself to his entire physique, completely allowing her body to melt into his. They stood there lost in each other for a few stolen moments before he finally drew back and stared into her pretty eyes. How, he loved her eyes. For it was her eyes that had ensnared his heart. It was her eyes that had turned his world up side down and made it better than he ever dreamed it would be.

And it was her eyes that had been begging him to take her all night, to truly make her his. For nearly five hours he'd had to watch as she'd danced with friends and laughed with family, all the while shooting him those long, seductive glances filled with such promises. She had been so discreet that no one had been able to catch on to what she was doing.

As they were cutting the cake, she'd allowed her thumb to ghost along his wrist, pulling his hand to her mouth and nibbling on the tips of his fingers when he fed her some of their rich, creamy cake. Her blue eyes had been twinkling merrily with laughter as she'd released his fingers and carried on as if she hadn't just wanted to pull him closer, as if she hadn't wanted to lick more icing off other desirable parts of his body.

And when they'd danced their first dance, Kagome had pulled him in close and whispered in his ear all the things she was going to do to him, to his body, and to his soul that night, although to everyone else it simply looked as if she were whispering sweet nothings to her new husband.

Oh, yes Kurama had heard her sweet nothings before, softly spoken whispers that she loved him and cherished him above anyone else in the world. But the words spoken on this night, those positively sinful words which flowed easily from her wicked mouth had not been designed to sooth or to comfort. No those words had caused his body to react all too well and he'd had to spend the majority of the night stationing her in front of his mid section, thus he totally embarrass himself in front of his family, not to mention his teammates who would have never let him live it down.

Yusuke, Kurama knew, had caught on very quickly and, 'as a good friend should', Yusuke informed him, kept up with the innuendos and strategically placed elbows all night. It was all Kurama could do not wring Yusuke's neck and then drag his pretty wife off to the nearest restroom and have his wicked way with her.

So as you can plainly tell, by the time the reception was over, our seriously repressed red headed demon thief was going out of his mind with the force of his lust. He had then proceeded to practically herd Kagome into their limo, telling the driver to speed it up and he'd double the fee.

Kurama had been so overwhelmed that he almost couldn't control his ever-growing lust and so decided that he was not going to touch his wife (AT ALL) until they reached their home located just a few miles from his mother's house. He didn't want to embarrass himself, plus he also wanted to see how long it took her to grow frustrated over his lack of attention.

He figured if she did touch him, he'd snap and it would all be over. He would take her in the limo, heedless of the driver. So he'd watched as she stared dreamily out the darkened window for the first half of the trip, a small peaceful smile on her face, as she gazed at the full moon and glowing stars. It hadn't taken very long before Kurama could sense his wife's underlying irritation and several times he had to stop himself from laughing at the growing pout on her pretty face. After a few more tense moments Kurama noticed her sneaking furtive glances beneath her sooty eyelashes at him every couple of seconds and knew that it wouldn't be long before she cracked.

He had, had to clench his hands into fists to stop himself from pouncing on her in the back of the limo. She'd looked so beautiful and princess-like, sitting so primly in her custom-made wedding gown. Nevertheless it would have been quite undignified to drag his wife into his lap and play with her in the back of the limo, much as the idea appealed to him in that moment. However, he was a kitsune who knew the art of a true seduction and would not disgrace himself from acting like a common dog.

She must have noticed his lop-sided smirk for as soon as she turned all the way to face him she smiled at him innocently, moving over just enough to place a soft kiss on his temple, and then darted back to her seat, eyes sparkling when he growled slightly and forced his hands away from her tempting body.

And so it was her eyes that were staring up at him with such innocence and love.

She wanted to be taken, made his mate in all matters of the word, and yet her body was practically vibrating with nervousness. Perhaps I should find a way to relax her a bit, Kurama mused to himself while staring down at her soft, doe eyes. She was staring up at him hungrily, body trembling with suppressed need and desire and he had to fight himself not to take her against the door. He didn't think she'd appreciate it much…at least not on their wedding night. Maybe later...when neighbors weren't around. He didn't care much for prying eyes, especially ones that would look upon his mate with lust in their eyes. But he sighed and held himself back, simply holding her close and allowing the softness of her body to mold with his own hard body.

Suddenly she grinned, apparently losing all trace of nervousness, boldly placing an arm around his neck and clutching him to her tightly as if he would suddenly disappear from her arms like some kind of bittersweet dream. "Well aren't you going to carry me in?" She asked reaching behind her with one arm and expertly opening the door with a smooth twist of her delicate wrist.

"Of course," Kurama teased stoically, bowing deeply before picking her up in his arms like she weighed nothing. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck as he stepped through the threshold, throwing on a light switch as they entered their abode.

"Thank you, kind sir," Kagome replied in a royal manner, blinking her lashes coyly. "How ever should I repay you?"

Kurama placed his wife gently on her feet, kissing her quickly and then releasing her. "I can think of a few ways," he called over his shoulder as he shut the door with a soft thud and locked it. He turned to her with a look that nearly froze all the blood in Kagome's body. All at once Kagome was taken aback to the first day he'd cornered her in the park, a strong sense of déjà vu overwhelming her senses.

And suddenly she grinned, tossing him a wink, before darting of into the house and disappearing around a corner. She peaked her head around the edge of the wall, cackling when she noticed the stunned look on his slightly devilish face. She stuck out her tongue. "Catch me if you can." And with a flash of white and black, his newly wed wife was gone.

It took only seconds for Kurama's befuddled mind to clear of his stupefied look.

He chuckled evilly and began walking steadily in her apparent direction, not bothering to use his senses, besides that of scent, to track his playful wife. He hummed mysteriously under his breath and whistled an unknown tune as he picked up his wife's aroused scent, passion immediately clouding his face as he picked up the pace.

All too soon his pace slowed tremendously. He wanted this night to last. And her scent was laced with amusement, love, passion, and lust as he ambled along drawing out the suspense and heightening her enjoyment.

He found the door to their bedroom and wordlessly stood outside, listening for any sounds. Already he could hear soft panting coming from within and his head immediately came up with the image of her panting beneath him as he drove her time and time again over the edge of insanity. He heard a soft giggle and opened the door silently, eyes traveling over to the covers on their large king size bed. Interestingly enough her dress had somehow found its way to the floor, followed by several other garments Kurama had previously not been aware of. Inari, how many layers do women need? Still, that was less for him to take off, much as he would love to be the one stripping her.

Kurama continued further into the room every once in awhile growling playfully as he stalked over to the bed where his giggling wife lay squirming underneath the covers. "Oh where, oh where, could my Kagome be?" Kurama's voice had dropped a few octaves and Kagome fought not scream when he pounced and landed on top of her.

She let out a breath of air as he pulled back the covers and threw them to the floor, eyes widening with arousal when he spotted her attire. Kagome was sporting a pure white teddy, complete with the garter and leggings. Her hair had fallen out of its intricate hold and it lay in rivers of pure silk around her body as she gazed into his eyes, hoping he liked his surprise. Kurama hadn't realized he was gawking until he realized his Kagome was calling him sweetly. "Kurama," she whispered. "Are you all right? Do you not like it?"

Kurama's eyes snapped up and he growled viciously. "Do I not like it?" He very nearly screamed. He lay across her, crushing her into the cool mattress and running his hands up her exposed sides. "Kagome, do you realize that 'like' is a huge understatement to what I'm feeling at the moment?" And all at once Kagome felt his arousal, nudging insistently into her belly and she blushed at his heated words. Kurama was hard, harder than she'd ever felt him before. Kurama gentled his words a bit and caressed her face. "Kagome, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, an angel couldn't hold a candle to your beauty."

Kagome's eyes fogged over with passion and her arms came up to embrace the all-but-burning boy. His skin felt on fire and his eyes were lit with hunger…hunger for her and only her. She couldn't help but to drag him down and kiss him soundly on the mouth, drawing a ragged groan from within his chest cavity.

His hand came up and boldly began tracing along the contours of her lacy bra, tracing the delicate skin beneath the satin garment and drawing a gasp of delight from her mouth. "Kagome," he groaned lifting his head and burying it in her sweet-scented neck, tracing the arch of her neck with his tongue and feeling her pulse beating rapidly beneath his touch.

"No fair," Kagome whined moments later, realizing Kurama still had yet to undress. She began tugging at his clothes and Kurama was helpless to do anything but aid her trembling hands. In no time at all, Kurama's tux had somehow disappeared, leaving a smirking kitsune lounging in only his boxers.

"There," she grinned up at him. "Now the odds are even."

Kurama smirked like a Cheshire car. "Not yet they aren't," he murmured in her ear, nibbling a bit and drawing forth a gasping moan. "But they will be." Kurama kissed her again, hard and deep this time, thrusting his tongue against the sealed barrier that kept him from exploring the riches of her mouth. She opened instantly upon feeling his insistent tongue, moaning deeply as his tongue swept into her cavity and carried her away into a sea of hazy lust.

Kami, he tastes good, Kagome thought dreamily. He tasted like chocolate and almonds and Champaign. It was an altogether glorious combination and she wanted to stay like this forever. Kagome tore her mouth away as a hand began traveling southwards, mouth following in its wake as he chuckled darkly against her soft, supple flesh. "Do you like my touch, my love?" He whispered against her baby soft skin, tongue leaving behind a cool, damp feeling as his lips slipped beneath white satin and found the rosy peak of her breast. Kurama's left hand reached back and released the clasps, tearing away the top half of her teddy, causing his mate to gasp in surprise.

She didn't have much time to recover for Kurama was now devouring her breasts with teeth, lips, and tongue, heating her blood even more and causing a fine sheen of sweat to layer across her body. She felt his hair moving against her abdomen sending shivers coursing through her hot body. The wet slide of his tongue licking the very tip of her breast caused her eyes to fly open and she let out a loud wail.

He nibbled lightly on her skin, soothing the slight sting away with his tongue. "You never answered me, Ka-go-me," he drawled out her name. "Don't you like when I touch you like this? Don't you like what my kiss can do to you? Does it make you burn for me?"

Her eyes fluttered open and she realized she didn't remembered closing them. "Oh, kami yes," she whimpered when he pinched her. He chuckled again, amused at her broken response, and continued his exploration further down, Kagome's hands urging his head closer to the one spot she wanted him to touch more than anything.

She didn't have long to wait for she screamed and nearly came off the bed when he tentatively dragged his tongue across the tiny slit of her lower regions. Kurama moaned and wanted to hear her scream again, so he increased the smooth glide of his talented tongue, nibbling on the little cleft of skin, causing her to grow increasingly wetter. She tasted so good and so pure; like honey and silk. "Oh, Kami, Kurama that feels so good," she groaned hands tugging at his gleaming hair and trying to force his head as deep as it could go. And all at once the taunt spring that had been building up for what seemed an eternity, burst loose as Kurama gave her, her very first orgasm.

It was a mind numbing, earth-shattering experience that left Kagome so lost in her euphoria she hardly noticed when her husband removed the last few vestiges of their clothing and moved steadily up her body. Kagome came back to herself when she felt a very insistent piece of his anatomy nudging at her lower walls. Her eyes fluttered open to find him gazing down at her with a soft, loving expression. His eyes were filled with such love and splendor that she almost wanted to cry. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss across her sweaty brow. "I love you," he whispered. "Are you ready?"

She nodded and moved her legs higher on his waist begging him without words to complete her, to make her his mate forever. She could feel every thick inch of him as he slid slowly into her until he was seated just before her barrier. She was gasping now at the fullness and could only imagine what it would be like to be one with her mate. Before she could even draw in her next breath Kurama surged forward, breaking her barrier and causing Kagome to scream out at the painful pleasure.

It was unlike any feeling she'd ever felt before. The emotional and physical pleasure over rid the slight tearing sensation and Kagome was lost in a sea of passion, love, and lust as Kurama drew back and slide home even deeper. "You...all right?" Kurama panted, a fine sheet of sweat building on his flushed forehead as he gaze down at her sweetly.

She opened her tear-filled eyes, nodding without words and clutching him to her, letting him know how much she loved and wanted him. "Y-yes," she whispered. "Please..." She trailed off, unable to find the words to tell him what she wanted. But Kurama was already moving, increasing the steady glide of his erection as he pulled in and out experimentally until he found just the right angle to make her get the most pleasure.

His movements quickened and he leaned down kissing his wife on her liquid lips, tongue mocking the way his hips were rolling into her own. Kurama groaned at the velvety glove he'd slipped into, as she tightened around his thick shaft. She felt so hot and tight surrounding him in her velvet heat and he was hard pressed not to pound the daylights out of her. It had been so long since he'd been with anyone this way, not since his demon existence at least, and he knew he wouldn't be able to last least not the first time.

Kagome's nails clutched at his shoulders as Kurama tried to hold back so as not to hurt her. "K-Kurama," she gasped upon noticing how tense his shoulders were and how arched his back had become. His movements slowed and he opened his emerald-gold-rimmed eyes, bringing her legs even further up so they could lock around his waist. The movement caused their bodies to slide together even more and both let out gasps at the complete fulfillment. "Let go," Kagome suddenly whispered.

"Wh-what?" Kurama groaned back, eyes beginning to turn more gold than green. Kagome noticed the silver appearing in his hair and knew the kitsune was very close to transforming into his true form.

"Let go," she whispered again, releasing her hold on his shoulders so slide her fingers through his slick, drooping hair. "You don't have to be afraid to hurt me. Let yourself go."

It was too much for the proud demon to take. Kagome's soft words and even softer body that clenched so boldly around him, caused his eyes to flash and his hair to transform as he reverted back into his true form. When he pulled away, it was not the same red haired man that Kagome married, but the cold, ruthless version of his true self. Only he was not glaring at her as he would his enemies. Instead Kagome was swept away by the total abandon in the beautiful kitsune's eyes as they gazed down at her with a look no one would believe could ever come from such a deadly demon.

Kagome lay beneath him as their bodies stayed entwined and Yoko's hand came up to trace along the ridge of her arched neck, lovingly trailing his deadly, taloned fingers through her rich ebony strands. His face was expressionless as he gazed at her and Kagome remained unafraid of him. She'd seen him before and knew that this was just Kurama's true form, always hidden beneath Shuichi's softer exterior.

Yoko was a bit worried when his mate remained stiff and still. It was true that he did love her. The feelings of Kurama came from both the human and the demon as Kurama felt whatever they felt. And it was Yoko who had noticed her delicious scent so long ago, though it was from behind Shuichi's eyes that they'd studied her and plotted to make her their own. Kurama had only to lay eyes upon her once before he was determined to claim the fiery female as his own.

Kagome must have noticed his sudden anxiety for she smiled at him and reached up to rub a hand through his silver tresses and soft ears, giggling when his head fell a bit to land on her stomach, a rumbling purr escaping before he could stop himself. "I do love you," she whispered, surprised when he jerked against her. She'd said it before, but never had he seen such passion and conviction in her eyes before. "I'm not afraid of you." She shifted her hips a bit, reminding him that they were in the middle of something.

She was taken aback when he lifted his head and grinned seductively, eyes flashing a molten gold as his hands ran down her sides to grasp her hips and pull them flush against his own loins. "If I had any idea you would be this beautiful in my bed, I would have taken you long ago," he whispered, pulling out in one, delicious stroke and gliding in, causing her to gasp at the motion. His furry ears brushed against her neck as he continued his smooth steady strokes while whispering in her ear. "Had I met you back in the Makai, I would have taken one look at you and claimed you as mine. You would have been my female, my mate to protect, the mother of my kits." He drew away and sat her up a bit, rocking her against him, staring deeply into her cloudy, passion-filled eyes. "And now that you are here with me, I can only promise that you will still be my female, my mate, and the mother of my kits. It doesn't matter that I take a human form in this life. What matters now is that you continue to be happy with me for the rest of our lives."

Kagome's eyes widened at the dedication. This was the first time she'd ever heard such talk come from his mouth. Oh, it wasn't the first time he'd used that tone before or tried to seduce her with his words, but this time it was the words itself that turned her on. Her blood heated and Kagome was lost as they were moving together in a frenzy of heat and ecstasy. Their bodies strained against each other, moving in time to the same beat, as Yoko's silver hair cocooned their heated bodies.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Kagome repeated the phrase over and over again, the whispered mantra bringing Yoko closer to his release. Kagome's sharp nails dug into his back as his eyes bled red and he pushed himself harder and faster to bring his woman to completion. All of a sudden, his world exploded in a flash of color as he bit into her neck, releasing his seed into her womb. Kagome climaxed along with him, screaming his name as loud as she could, not even bothering to complain when his arms gave way and he collapsed onto her chest.

"I love you," he whispered, releasing her neck, using his tongue to seal the tiny wounds which were already forming the tattoo of his mark. A red rose appeared seemingly out of nowhere, the green stem as green as Kurama's eyes. Kagome's eyes drifted open after a few dazed moments to find Kurama in his normal form, smiling down at her. His head lowered and his lips descended to kiss her once again, this time staying locked together as both bodies began moving of their own accord.

This time, their courtship remained slow and unhurried as they entwined their hands and moved in perfect harmony. And when it was all over and Kagome lay asleep, draped across her mate's cooling skin, Kurama continued to watch her adoringly. He fell asleep that night still dreaming about the woman who had captured his interest so long ago, his mind continuing to replay their first meeting over and over again until he was sure that had he given up that day and walked away from her, he would have lived a sad and lonely existence. He was only grateful that he had listened to his heart and not his head, for it had granted him the key to his future.

His key; Kagome.

The lock; her eyes.

And that's it. I really hadn't intended on bringing Yoko into the lemon, but that's just the way it worked out and I'm sure none of you are complaining. Well, sad to say, this story is finished. There will be no more updated for this story. I hope you all had a wonderful time reading it, as I had writing it.

Ja ne


P.s. This update is dedicated to my friend KageOtome for her support of me and all my stories. You're the best, woman!