Author has written 10 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Fruits Basket, Beyblade, Ouran High School Host Club, and Kingdom Hearts.
ZOMG, there's an update!? 2.0.
School is out so fics can hopefully commence again.
I'm seriously behind, but Ouran Carol is getting worked on now.
Once that is done, get ready for a Shugo Chara! and KH II fics.
An Ouran Christmas Carol chapter six is complete.
Xemnas Reports chapter two is up.
Fics in the works…
An Ouran Christmas Carol (chapter 7...soon, I swear!)
Xemnas Reports
Fics to come…someday…
Shugo Chara!
Kingdom Hearts II
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Name: Kairan Akiyama (or Kai-chan).
Age: 21. forgot my birthday again. @_@.
Preference: guys and dolls.
Tools: pencil and paper, Microsoft Word.
Spirituality: Wicca.
Colour: red.
Animal: giraffe, penguin.
Hobby: collecting semi-precious stones and quartz hunting.
Authors: Hans Christian Anderson, Brothers Grimm, Charles Perault, J.K. Rowling.
Books: Stardust (Neil Gaiman) and the HP series.
Manga-ka: You Higuri (Gorgeous Carat series and Gakuen Heaven). Mikiyo Tsuda (Princess Princess). Makeno Tateno (Yellow, Hero Heel, Ka Shin Fu and a few others). Peach-pit (Shugo Chara!).
Manga: A Kiss for My Prince (Hee-Eun Kim).
Anime: Sailor Moon and Shugo Chara! and So Long, Mr. Despair ZETSUBOUSHITAAA~~
Game: Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.
TV: Power Rangers franchise (Mighty Morphin’, Dino Thunder, and SPD). Heroes.
Cartoon: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Camp Lazlo and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
Movie: Pokémon 4ever and Pokémon: Jirachi Wishmaker. Man of the Year. Labyrinth.
Character: Demyx.
Quote(s): Want me to widen my stance? No intense offended.