Disclaimer: Kairan Akiyama is not the owner YGO, that title belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (lucky bastard).
"…" – talking
italics – thoughts
Kairan: Apparently I didn't give my buddy Misao the scrapped Malik parts of chapter seven, "Itooshii Hito no Tame ni". So here it is, a bonus chapter. XD.
Enjoy the ride.
If I could say "I love You"
OMAKE: To Cast Aside with Eyes Shut Tight
I stood in the elevator in awkward silence. Enjoy it, I thought, glancing down at Mokuba, who cried silently and kept wiping tears away. I might not be here to help you next time. The door opened and I heard Mokuba take in a small breath. "Calm down, we're just going to talk." That's right; Mokuba's never been up to Crystal Point. Crystal Point was like a miniature house; sofa, chairs, kitchenette, bathroom, the basics. Its décor was very bland, everything was white; then again, one doesn't really focus on their surroundings when they're at it like rabbits. Mokuba and I steered clear of the bedroom, I was worried about what he'd do in his mind set. Liar, you want him and are afraid you can't control yourself. "I think I have some ice cream," I said, taking the first step. "Any kind in particular you want?"
"Mint Chocolate Chip, please" Mokuba answered softly. He sat on the sofa and wrapped his arms around his knees, taking steady breaths between his knees.
I came back and tapped Mokuba gently, smiling as I handed him his ice cream. "Let's talk, Mokuba." I sat beside him twirling the straw nervously in my iced tea. "I know it's hard, but you'll feel better."
"I'd rather not," Mokuba answered, staring into his ice cream like it would make the world go away. "Can't we just sit here and enjoy each other's company?"
"We need to talk, Mokuba," I repeated, getting up to sit across from him. I made a soft sound as Mokuba grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto the sofa, lying on top of me and lips precariously close to mine. "I don't want to go back, Malik Let me stay here you, forever." His lips hesitantly touched mine before drawing courage and demanding entrance into my mouth.
I just lied there, letting Mokuba have his way with me, enjoying it. No, it's not fair, make him stop. I broke the kiss and tried talking sense into Mokuba. "Mokuba –" He kissed me again, more needy this time, "Mokuba, stop."
He tore away from my mouth, clinging like a sleeping child dreaming of nightmares. "Malik, I want you," he said, his voice soft, seductive. "Make me forget everything, Malik. I just want to see you, to be a part of you…" He stopped, choking on sobs. "He hates me now, doesn't he?"
"Oh," I cooed, hugging Mokuba closely. "Oh Mokuba, Seto could never hate you." I picked him up, petting him affectionately and laying him on the bed. "Take a nap; just get your mind off everything." I kissed his forehead and wiped his tears away. "I'll get you and you'll see, Seto could never hate you."
"Thank you, Malik."
I nodded and closed the door, smiling to myself as Mokuba sighed contently, giving in to sleep. I sat on the couch, taking a sip of my tea. My cell phone rang and I nearly jumped in surprise. "Hello?"
"Malik, where are you?"
"Hey Kisamaki." I looked out the window and saw the rain come down. "No, my little dragon is going to the nest. I still need the handcuffs." I smiled took a spoonful of Mokuba's ice cream. "What do you mean Bakura has them?"
An uneventful hour went by, the rain turning into a storm and quickly dispersing and turning into soft rain. I went to the bedroom and sat beside Mokuba. You're so beautiful, Mokuba. I hope you know that. I absentmindedly stroked his head, twirling stray hairs. "I love you, Mokuba."
"I know."
I tried my surprise as Mokuba's arms wrapped around me and pulled me atop his lithe thirteen year old body. "Feel better?"
"A whole lot better," he smiled cuddling against me.
"I'm gonna get you home, okay? But before I do…" I sat up, pulling Mokuba into my arms and kissed him passionately, holding him closer as my hands danced on his back. "We'll be like this again in a few years, I promise." We walked to my motorcycle in silence and enjoyed each other's company. I pulled up to the Kaiba estate, it looking more like a dreaded haunted house on a cliff by the second. "Hurry in, before you catch a cold."
"I won't forget this, Malik," Mokuba promised. He kissed my cheek and ran inside, into the outstretched arms of a loving brother, I hoped.
I gunned my engine and turned my back on the Kaiba estate, hearing the distinct sound of metal fall onto wet pavement. I wasn't coming back.
Kairan: And thus If I could say "I love You" is concluded. Again. This had a more tragic ending, i.e. Malik leaving his house-key copy behind and riding out of Mokuba's life. I liked it, but wanted a happy ending and so it was scrapped. Man, I wish I could still write like this…DX. (cries)
So what'd ya think?