"Kio, you're doing it again." Soubi growled, flicking his hair out of his eyes.

"What am I doing Sou-chan?" Kio asked innocently from the doorway.

"Staring at me while I paint."

"But you're beautiful when you paint Sou-chan." Kio breathed, his eyes never leaving Soubi's graceful form.

"Kio…" Soubi warned.

Kio pretended not to hear the danger in his friends' voice and moved closer. Gently he molded himself against the lithe line of Soubi's back and softly placed his hand atop the one holding his brush. Kio allowed the blonde to continue his painting, his own body swaying fluidly with each stroke until it felt as if the beauty was coming from inside himself as well.

"What do you want from me Kio?" Soubi whispered his voice hushed and unsure.

"To be a part of your beauty." Kio answered, pressing his lips to the back of Soubi's neck—just above the bandages.

"I'm not beautiful. I'm broken and scarred." Soubi corrected instantly.

Kio frowned at the voice Soubi used when speaking of himself. It was a dull and lifeless voice that spoke in volumes about how Soubi viewed himself. For the millionth time Kio dammed Aoyagi Seimei to the blackest depths of hell.

"You're beautiful to me, scars and all." Kio demonstrated this by pulling down the bandage and kissing the barbed wire that wrapped around Soubi's neck.

Soubi went taut for a second—his mind and heart battling heatedly. Slowly he relaxed against his friend and Kio sighed with relief.

"I love you Soubi." Kio murmured and smiled as Soubi nodded slowly. Kio knew that mean that Soubi loved him too.