Author has written 2 stories for Hana-Kimi, Skip Beat!, and Kurosagi/クロサギ. My name is Debby. I'm 26 years old. I teach at a Headstart preschool. I'm totally in love with all things Japanese, from their language, to their art, and everything in between including dramas, manga, anime, plants, food, clothes, music, etc. I took two years of Japanese in high school, but due to non-use I unfortunately forgot most, if not all, of it. Sad I know hehe. My current Japanese obsession is one singer/actor by the name of Yamashita Tomohisa. I love him, although I am not in love with him. That would be difficult seeing as we live on opposite ends of the earth, and I have never spoken to him online nor in real life :P So far I'm working on only one fanfiction, KuroHana, which I tried to include as many of Yamashita-san's roles as possible. It is taking a while to write, only because I'm being anal about details, and thus I feel the need to go back and re-watch Kurosagi and re-read Hana Kimi. Updates are far and in between :/ It's hard to write when you have no time, or your not in a writing mood. I also now take evening classes at a local community college as supplementary info for my work, so I have even less time to write :\ Obviously, I did not meet my self-imposed deadline for finishing KuroHana, seeing as it is now waaaay past the release of Kurosagi the movie. I hope you will continue to support me in my writing nonetheless. As in the words of Kurosagi, Maidoari. (Thank you as always for your patronage.) |
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