Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, and Castle. I'm a female in her mid-twenties. I'm still a student... in fact, I should be studying right now, but I'm not. Fanfiction is my dirty little secret--none of my family or friends know that I read or write it! (I hope.) I have no background in English or creative fiction, but I still have a lot of fun. I'm always so impressed and humbled by the wonderful stories I've seen. And by trying it out myself, I know how much work goes into it. Something that takes me five minutes to read may have taken someone five hours to write (the best pieces probably took longer!). I also know how thrilling it is to get reviews--just an acknowledgment that someone out there has enjoyed what you've produced. Fantastic stories on livejournal by fantastic authors. My summaries, not theirs. - So quickly came round two (Castle/Beckett, PG-13) by austen. Castle and Beckett banter at the Old Haunt and attempt the classic couple cover. - All the songs make sense (Castle/Beckett, R) by wingsss. A short piece featuring little but significant Castle and Beckett moments, focusing on season 3. - Sometimes it's a real disaster (Castle/Beckett, PG) by fated_addiction. Castle visits Beckett's apartment for the first time. - When every no turns into maybe (Castle/Beckett, PG) by zinke. Castle and Beckett grow as friends and partners over the years. - Take one down and pass it around (Castle/Beckett, PG) by zinke. Castle and Beckett share drinks and secrets at the Old Haunt. - Fallout and companion Frisson (Castle/Beckett, R) by rosie_spleen. A look into the L.A. hotel room scene from both Beckett's and Castle's points of view. - And I am waiting for you (Castle/Beckett, PG) by bayloriffic. The trip to see Forbidden Planet. - And all the lights that lead us there are blinding (Castle/Beckett, PG-13) by anuna_81. Castle thinks of his relationship to Beckett as a story as he ponders exactly what he means by always. - A story in moments (Castle/Beckett, PG) by missymeggins. How Beckett and Castle might get together, slowly but surely. - The confusion of straight lines (Castle/Beckett, PG) by missymeggins. Beckett stays with Castle after Boom. Now AU. - A blank page is just history erased (Castle/Beckett, PG) by missymeggins. Beckett and Castle find their way back to each other. Season 3 opener, now AU. - Endings can take you by surprise (Castle/Beckett, PG) by missymeggins. Beckett and Castle take the next step after Knockdown, now AU. - Just hold onto me (Castle/Beckett, PG) by missymeggins. Countdown post-ep. - The road to nowhere (yet) (How I Met Your Mother, Barney/Robin, PG-13) by veils. Robin tries to sort out her possible feelings for Barney through the haze of alcohol. - We put the 'meh' in Merry Christmas (How I Met Your Mother, Barney/Robin, PG-13) by elodia47. Barney and Robin spend Christmas together, playing dirty Scrabble and making Canada jokes. - Different meanings by the same word (Law and Order, Mike/Connie, R) by daygloparker. Connie tries to avoid getting attached to Mike. To no one's surprise, she fails spectacularly. - From the Greek paradeigma, meaning "example" (Bones, Booth/Brennan, PG-13) by daygloparker. Yes, Booth and Brennan have a baby. Yes, everyone else is overjoyed. Yes, they fall in love in the process. You may be rolling your eyes, but don't. This story, written years ago, turns the most cringe-worthy cliche into a tale full of humor and emotion. Booth responds with equal parts happiness and cluelessness, Brennan turns everything into a science lesson, and supporting characters are their usual nosy selves. - Pim-p my love (The Office, general with some Jim/Pam, PG) by daygloparker. Michael Scott uses Photoshop for his usual creepy Michael purposes. Enough said. |