Reviews for Pillow Talk
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
Love this. It is very Caskett. We read only Castle.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
Aww that's so sweet
nolesome chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
So sweet! I can see Kate doing that, not wanting to bring down his mood while away with Alexis so it letting him know how bad her day was or how it's bothering her.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2014
Would have been really good without him calling her Katie.
spaceman-earthgirl chapter 1 . 9/9/2014
That was so adorable and I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/29/2014
Really really cute but the "Katie" is just ... no.
Gabione chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
I again, so sweet and kind that story.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
Whoa, you really write these characters perfectly, and with interestIng story lines. You should still be writing Castle fanfics.
GT500RonSmith chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Sweet story! Thanks!
CassieBookWorm8 chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Oh my gosh, so absolutely adorable! And yet such deep thoughts! Perfect portrayal of them both - routines, responses, concerns. Thanks for an "awesome" (Castle voice) story! Love Ricardo too!
lalaland chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Oh my gosh, so absolutely adorable! And yet such deep thoughts! Perfect portrayal of them both - routines, responses, concerns. Thanks for an "awesome" (Castle voice) story!
xShippyAngelx chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
Fantastic! (I could go on, but I'm speechless right now... :))
muppet47 chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
How have I never read your stuff before? You're so good. I should be working on my own WIP that has been going on for months, but instead I'm going through your backlist because I've been all sucked in.

I love this story. Every bit of it. Ricardo! And they both are very in character, but this is such a good Kate. Reserved, but not hard, you know? I think that's so difficult to get right, but you have.

I loved their discussion about whether you can ever really know someone, and that the conclusion was maybe not, but you can keep trying always, and that they turned that into a positive thing.

(Side note: I hate hearing news stories about men who've killed their wives. I'm always like, How did you get here? How did you get from loving each other enough to get married, to murder? It does sort of rock your foundations a little to think that people who have been happy - like you - can end up in that place. Very realistic that Kate would be troubled after a case like that.)

Really loved this. I'm going to have to ration your stories, come back and read them a little at a time.:)
Huckaby chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
Really really good...
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