Reviews for Adagio
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
This is great but also so sad xxx
98RockAngel chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
This was so good. I've always wanted a backstory if you would on Beckett and Royce and you gave me just that. I loved how it was written in Royces POV and how the story flowed in general.
RomyNotSchneider chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
.heart (to pieces)
FromParis chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I've just discovered this amazing story.
I'm a fan of the author and love the way she described the tortuous "relationship" between young KB and mature MR.
sinetimores chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
This is beautiful! I really have no words,it's one of my favorites :)
fracas chapter 1 . 3/30/2013

I've just found this - I go thru the favorite stories of authors whose stories I've enjoyed. I really loved this and can hear Mike's voice narrating the whole story. Thank you so much as I think Mike was responsible for quite a few of Kate's bricks, especially the ones afixed with trust issues.
the frenchie chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
What a beautiful story...
I loved how you described Kate's strong personality and Mike's feelings towards that wonderful woman that he trained.
It is beautifully written, well done, I had a great time reading it!
honeyandvodka chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
This is excellent, it's one of the fics that I truly believe to be Canon, you know?
jareya chapter 1 . 1/4/2013
Awesome story, you really found a way into Royce's head. I could just *see* him reminiscing like this. You made it all work beautifully.
CassieBookWorm8 chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
I am in such great pain right now that I hesitate to write this review for fear I drown you in either adulation or agony-induced acrimony. This is perhaps the most beautiful story I have ever seen (and I do not say that lightly). Although my praise is emotion based, please do not mistake it for asinine commendation, for although I feel strongly on the matter it is not made trivially as it seems. I love the mentor relationship these two share and you have done the seemingly impossible: made me ache for Beckett to love someone other than Castle (gasp, I know). Your story puts into a new light Royce's letter to kate and all of its bitter poignancy. This is the perfect backdrop for that story-line. So thank you for your wonderful words and know they have truly touched me. Keep writing!
s3rp3nts chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
Not sure if I've ever reviewed this (it's possible that I've forgotten). I re-read this every so often because it's one of the best representations of melancholy and loss and regret on this website. I loved the Royce episodes, I love old, gruff guys like him and to have turned down Beckett... He's insane. Clearly. Not the time to fall on your sword, bro.

But yes, wonderful, wonderful evocation of emotion in here. Brava.
firtree chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
this story is so well written, feels so real. good job!
nik47 chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
This was amazing. I'm never gonna be able to watch the show again without imagining this EXACT back-story between the two of them. The way you wrote it was so real, so true, so heartbreaking, the pieces - the two of them - not quite clicking. You had me wishing it had happened. Wow. This is the first time EVER I've wanted Beckett to end up with someone other than Castle on the show, in fanfic, EVER. Just...awesome job. Truly.
AgentGabs chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
I'm going to start considering this Cannon, specially with that whole Beckett showing up at Royce's apt after walking in the rain :)
Great job, great fic. Amazing.
Jenny.Simone.Kate chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
Great story! I really like it that you told this one from Royce's point of view. It's very believeable and I can imagine it really happened that way.
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