Author has written 5 stories for Teen Titans, Inuyasha, Kim Possible, and Fruits Basket. Well let's see, I'm a girl and my name's Violet Julia Poter (as my pen name says). For all who don't know, Maiyuna is my cousin (read her stories they're REALLY good!) I live in Canada where we don't live in igools nor do we ride to school on polar bears. Believe it or not, but we actually get hot weather and the temperature can go into the high thirties in the summer. I'm a BIG Teen titans, and Inuyasha fan (I used to love Kimpossible but now I think that she's a bitch, excuse my french,but I love Ron and Rufus. They're so cool). And I love, LOVE the Harry Potter books. I am currently obsessed with Underworld. PLEASE READ THIS UPDATE! 04/15/07 I am really, really sorry to all those who read my stories and liked them. I do not think I will be continuing any of them because I have lost interest in the shows. As well, I have found that the writing I publish on here is not protected. I have found a better site, Your works are published and copyright. I can by found on fictionpress under the account 'J. Abigail' or clicking on this link: Thanks. ~Violet And read 'The Gothic Kagome' stories! They are THE BEST! I like: dogs and BLOODY CARROTS! (sorry folks, only a joke my friend Kerrie would understand) Age: 15, Gr.10 I play: the piano I eat a lot of: chocolat I'm hyper around family, not so much at school. I like classical music. I like math, english, french and history. I don't play any video games, instead I like to watch my brother and sister play them. I have an olderbrother, Mathew and two older sisters, Sarah and Emily. So yes, I'm the 'baby' in this family. And I mean in the extended family too...(except Emily could very well get married soon and who knows...) I wish I had a dog, cat and rabbit but I don't. If you haven't watched the movie Final Fantasy: The spirits Within, WATCH IT! It is soooo good. I like Harry Potter (who doesn't?) and any historical fiction books. I'm half Italian, half english so I have brown hair with greenish-hazel eyes. My favourite colours are violet (hehe) and green but for some reason my room is pink. I had it painted when I was eight and back then my favourite colour was the same as all little girls: pink. But I got to have my bathroom painted and I picked violet! My bestest (not a word but oh well) friend in the whole entire world is Suzanne! She is the best friend anyone could have. She understands you and is your friend for who you are, not what you look like or your 'outside' personality. I met her at band camp and since then, we've been best friends. I was so shy and didn't know what to do but she took time to become my friend and was very patient with me, knowing that I would one day reveal my real personality. I did this year when I went back. I used to have this other friend called Madeline but I'm sorry to say she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. I really tried to be a good friend and all to her, but nothing worked. She ditched me. And the sad thing is, we were such good friends in elementary school, like two peas in a pod, but when I changed schools she stopped being my friend. I'll always be waiting by the phone for her to call. For the rest if my life. And she may never care. That's all for now on my profile! (Who's interessted in it anyway besides Maiyuna?) Okay, I decided to add some more. The pairings I like are: Tohru and Yuki all the way! They fit together so well! And hasn't anyone read the tenth book? Yuki told Tohru he loved her! He's like her prince. Kyo and Kagura all the way! Even though Kagura is always beating up Kyo and Kyo is always saying how he hates her, they fit so well together. In the episodes, I felt so sorry for Kagura! When she was crying because she knew Tohru was the only who could help Kyo. Kisa and Hiro! Awww so cute together! It's so obvious, you'd have to be blind and deaf not to notice Haru and Rin - they seem like a good couple Tohru and Kyo - I don't mind it even though I mostly perfer Tohru and Yuki romance Selene and Micheal - LOVE IT! They are SOULMATES! Rachel/Bruce - Please, they are perfect for each other! They kissed in the movie! Harry/Ginny - They kissed in the books. That should be good enough for you. Harry/Hermione - it's okay...sometimes Ron/Hermione - they soo belong together Neville/Luna (If there aren't any there should be) Tonks/Lupin Starfire/Robin - I'm not even going to say anything Beast Boy/Terra - yes yes yes yes yes! They are very good for each other. See under all my pairings for a little note on what I think about Terra Beast Boy/Raven - I won't even say anything here either Draken/Shego - Kim and Ron are good together, Draken and Shego are BETTER together Kagome/Inuyasha - ... Sango/Miroku - same here: ... Pairings I don't like: Harry/Hermione (Sometimes I don't like it if the story isn't good) Ron/Lavender - sorry, i don't like it Ron/Romilda - he doesn't like her! Robin/Raven - more like a brother and sister Starfire/Beast Boy - what kind of drug are you on? Robin/Terra -just no Just so anyone reading this profile knows: I LOVE TERRA AND SHE IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS IN TEEN TITANS! (The other one is Raven) I think that Terra is just a misunderstood teenage. But aren't we all? Who can blame Terra? She never had any good friends and she's insecure because she knows she can't control her powers. All she wants is acceptance, friends and a good home. Who can blame her if Slade sounded really convicing when he told her that if she agreed to work for him he could help her? Plus, at the end of 'Aftershock II', Terra risked her stinkin' life to save the whole city! Plus she told everyone that she was sorry AND theTitans forgave her! They said that she was a true friend and that they would find a way to bring her back. So tell me how people in the their fanfics can say that the titans hate Terra? I don't have a problem with people who pair BB and Raven but you don't have to go around saying that the Titans hate Terra because it clearly shows in the episode that they forgave her! That is all I have to say in this blob. My favourite songs are (in order): #1 song I love: Beautiful by Christina Aguilera (is that how you spell her last name) Listen to your heart by Roxette My Immortal by Evanescence Going Under by Evanescence Bring me to life by Evanescence Breathe (2 AM) byAnna Nalick Because ofyou by Kelly Clarkson Sunshine by Sonny O'Brien (did you know she was a woman? I sure didn't) Citadel by Anna Nalick Satellite by Anna Nalick Behind these Hazel eyes by Kelly Clarkson Gone by Kelly Clarkson Where is your heart by Kelly Clarkson Dance of the sugar plum fairy by Tchaikovsky (it's sooooo nice) Incomplete by the Backstreet Boys Bad day by Daniel Powter Lean on me by Bill withers Come Fly with me (I don't know who it's from) Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson I try by Macey Gray Favourite Quotes from all around: "The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side" "Only Time will tell" (if that even is a quote) "People themselves don't change, it's the situations that do" "The random person married a random person, had a random job, bought a random house, had random children, lived randomly, died randomly and was burried randomly." - A random thing I thought of "Life is full of mysteries and strangely enough, no one solves them" - Abby (my secret name) and Uzanne (Suzanne's secret name) "Something bad in the short term, can result in something very good in the long term." "Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow wherever they lead." - Louisa May Alcott (best quote I've ever heard) "When you feel like hope is gone, look inside and be strong and you'll finally see the truth...that a hero exists in you." - A line from the song 'Hero' by Mariah Carey that's been modified to a quote "Cool Beans!" - Me being hyper to Maiyuna "Can I get off you now?" "Yeah that'd be great." - Me and my friend Lauren (I said the first line lol) "Just 'cause I'm here doesn't mean I'm your maid." - Me talking to Mathew (he's ALWAYS trying to get me to be his maid, much like Shigure is to Tohru...but not quite as pervetish) "You know sarcasm is a bad habit to get into." "So is lying." - Me and my EXTREMEMLY sarcastic cousin, Anna (let's hope she doesn't read this...or who knows what she might do to me! JK, Anna loves me! She's a sixteen year-old goth and once beat up this girl who called me a 'stupid little cry baby whose scared of the ball'. Yeeaahh...that was back in elementary school when I was scrared of the ball and wouldn't go near one. But I've overcome that fear! Heh heh...sort of...) "Oh yeah and Elise has a hot sister and Marie's got a real hot sister and Christina's got a hot sister...I think that's about it." "Would someone please get Kyle a girlfriend?" - First person is Kyle and the second is my teacher, Mr. Burns "I gotta go swimming-" "I gotta go pee!" - lol the first person is my friend Karen and the second! (My friend Lauren jumps onand then off ofElise's chair) Elise: "Hey I'm sitting on that!" "I hate Mr. Wong," - Lauren "I love Mr. Wong," - Karen "I have Mr. Wong," - Me (In math class when our teacher was asking everyone how we were with the supply teacher) Kyle: "Everyone was acting up except me!" Half the class: "Yeah right!" Mrs. T (while cleaning the board): "Be quiet Kyle or this brush is going to end up in your mouth." (Anna in band rehearsel) Mr. H: "Why are you playing like that?" Anna: "Because I think it's cool." Joseph: "It's 'Anna' style!" "Hey! You can't talk to me like that!" - Me "Oh I can and I will." - Lauren (Kyle walks in with one skate) Mr. Burns: "Everyone watch out! Kyle's got a skate...anything can happen." Qotes from shows: Teen Titans: "I may not be smart enough to do everything but I'm dumb enough to try anything!" -BB "Terra." "Raven." "Traitor." "Witch." (Raven, Terra, Raven, Terra) "Why did the ardvark cross the road?" "To beat up the idiot telling jokes about it?" (BB, Raven) Starfire: "Why does the Punk Rocket wish to hurt people with his music? Music is a glorious expression that is supposed to make one feel happy!" Raven: "You obviously haven't heard any of my music." I knew her better than anyone. I know all the terrible things she's done. And I know exactly how messed up she is. But she's not evil. And we can't just give up on her." Beast Boy: "Red X? I thought Robin was Red X!" "I am not creepy. I'm just different. I wish there was someone who could understand that. Someone I could talk to. Someone more like me." Raven: "Having that thing inside doesn't make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man." (These quotes are all from the episode "Bunny Raven") (When they're all getting pulled into the hat): Robin: Raven! Starfire: Robin! Cyborg: Starfire! Beast Boy: Dudes! "Cute magic. Ready to see some REAL magic." -Raven "Let me get this straight. We're inside Mumbo's hat and Raven's inside Mumbo's hat inside Mumbo's hat?" -Cyborg (Beast Boy is turned into a phone. Cyborg 'answered' it and BB started babling so Cyborg slammed down the phone) "Well, at least we found a way to shut him up." -Cyborg BB (When he's a phone and Starfire 'answered' him): Ooo, let me help! I'll prank call them." (These giant hands throwing BB around in the air) BB: Guys, I could use a hand here!" (The hands start clapping) From the episode 'Troq': BB: Vailior (sp?) said he's never seen anything like me! Raven: Yeah, most people haven't BB: Did we blow up yet? Raven: Yup, that's why your still talking From the third Inuyasha movie: Miroku touches Sango's butt: Actually, I got this habit from my father. One day I hope to overcome it. Sango slaps him: Overcome this you pervet! Sesshomaru: I Sesshomaru have no one to protect! (does his dragon scar) Sword: What? (sounds like he's saying 'what' to what Sesshomaru was just said but it was actually because of Sesshomaru's dragon scar) From my favourite anime...Fruits Basket! From the actual book (Volume 9): Hana, Tohru and Megumi all go to the place where Arisa works. Megumi is behind Tohru and Hana so Arisa doesn't see him. Arisa: "Hey, no fair! While I'm stuck here, working my ass off, you two go on a date?" Hana: "Oh no, we're not alone..."Megumi is shown from behind her back Arisa: Oh Megumi! Long time no see, squirt! Megumi: Yeah..long time... Tohru: He's our bodyguard! Megumi: There is that...and they told me that if I came, I would get to see Arisa in a looks good on you. Arisa: You know you really don't act like a middle schooler. In writing underneath the bubble: More like a lecherous old man. From the episodes, episode #6: (Hana picks up one of Shigure's, how should I say...sexual books) Hana:"How sad, love doomed from the start." Arisa: "You're reading that?" Shigure: "That silly little thing! I'm flattered...So what do you think?" Hana: "You don't want to know...what I think..." Shigure (very nervously twitching): "Uh, no?" Hana: "But when is volume 2 coming out?" Arisa: "Look can we just knock it off with the books, okay." (This is the part when they decided to play seven's instead of rich man poor man)Shigure:Your playing seven's, right? That sounds like fun...think you have room for one more? Arisa: "Well if it isn't the master any could at this game?" Shigure: "Well in the old days they used to call me the seven's bandit!" Tohru: "Oh really? That's incredible!" Arisa: "I'll say, it's a lie." From the 11th volume of Fruits Basket...(When Tohru and Rin meet and Tohru goes to get come clothes for Rin) Tohru: And such a graceful figure... AAHH! I get the feeling my clothes won't fit her... I really get that feeling... (In the morning, Kyo and Yuki are going at it) Hana: "A cat and a mouse..." (Everyone in the room stops) "That's what they're like..." (everyone relaxes)(Underneath bubble) Hana: "See? They're always fighting. Wasn't there a cartoon like that?" Arisa: "Tom and Jerry?" (In normal bubbles) Arisa: "You two really don't get along, do you?" Yuki: "I suppose not..." Hana: "Even so, this seems like a pleasant enough house. Which is good because if it had been a poor environment for Tohru to be living in...there are many things I would have to do to correct it...yes...many things..." Kyo and Yuki: "What kind of many things?" Well those are all my quotes for now. I just put in those Fruits Basket quotes now because I'm am TOTALLY obessesed with the series! Another of my really good friends, Jessica, lent me the DVD's and I got to watch the series on tape!I couldn't resist putting these quotes in! They're just so funny, especially the last one. Saki rocks! So does Arisa. I just love how they're always protecting Tohru. I also love Kisa! I took this quiz to see which character I am, and it said I was most like Kisa! And second most like Tohru! Hey you know when you're outside on a windy day,talking on a cell phone, and the other person keeps saying how they can't hear you? It's because the cell phone picks up wind so the person can't hear YOU because they are hearing you talk as well as the WIND. Ain't that just the most wildest thing you've ever heard? P.S. You may be thinking, 'what a geek for putting that there', but actually, I didn't get this from my physics class, I got it from my COMPUTER ANIMATION CLASS! (Brings it to a whole new level, eh?) |