A/N: ok, 1st try at Fruits Basket... since no one likes Genki And Ice, here's what my efforts r going into... it's kyo/kagura so i hope u all like... And REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket, sadly... nor do i own Shigure and Ayame, my 2 fav characters... sniff


"I... I don't understand." I uttered painfully.

"I can't deal with your craziness! All those stupid boar related mood swings!" he yelled at me.

"I..." I was dumbfounded, to say the least. "Are you... rejecting me because of my... zodiac?"

"What else would I be talking about, dammit!"

"I... You know I can't control that, Kyo-kun!" I screamed, throwing him against the wall.

"See! This is exactly what I'm talking about!" He replied. "How do you expect this to work if you keep trying to kill me!"

"I've tried to control it! Really, I have! I know it's what standing in the way of us, so I've been working at it! For you!" I cried desperately.

"Well it didn't work, did it!"

"Ugh!" I suddenly found myself spinning him around above my head, my rage getting the better of me.

"This is it, Kagura. I'm done dealing with you. Never, I repeat, never come near me again." He said harshly after I'd dropped him.

"No..." I whispered in agony. This couldn't be happening. No...

"Yes." He contradicted and walked away before I could do anything more.

I forgot how to breathe for a moment... This pain in my chest... I hadn't known his rejection would hurt this much...

A/N: don't forget to drop a review! i no this isn't the happiest of chappies, but it'll get better, i promise!