NOTE: Hey, all! Yep, I'm back with the promised Fruba fic AND my friend, MuGgLeNeT27 to co-write it with me! (Seriously, if you're a Harry Potter fan, check out her stories! They're REALLY good! …REALLY! And I'm not just saying this from a friend's point of view! THEY ARE REALLY GOOD!)
Now then, back to Fruits Basket. So! Welcome to it! We hope you like it! A couple notes though: we are alternating writing chapters (LuvinAniManga is starting off first), so we'll update as often as possible, okay? And this is a song-fic! A song for at least ALMOST every chapter! Anywho, enjoy! We hope it's up to snuff! (Haha, this'll be different for both of us…who are used to writing like…just one category…and different ones at that.)
Yes, the pairing is like…a love square: Yukix(Tohru)xHarx(Tohru)xMomiji; oh and KyoxKagura.
PS: We're pretty new to Fruits Basket, having only read the first six volumes…so if parts of this are wrong or not up to date, we're sorry. We'll learn soon enough.
Disclaimer: We don't own Fruits Basket or "Headstrong" by Trapt.
LuvinAniManga and MuGgLeNeT27
Chapter 1:
Five Years from the Present (in the Manga)
"Get out."
Tohru Honda blinked her eyes uncertainly, "E-Excuse me?"
"I said, get out."
"But I just came like you requested-"
"Not out of this house you stupid girl," Akito turned to face her, anger etched on his face, "Out of our lives! Out of Shigure's house! OUT!"
Tohru sat on her knees, frozen in shock, "Akito-san…why?"
"Because you don't belong here."
"But I've been with your family for six years! Why come to me now!"
"You're old enough to be on your own and you're out of high school. If you're worried about the others, they'll live, don't worry."
"Has my being here not shown you anything? I've-"
"I'll tell you what you've done," Akito glared at her, "You've destroyed this family. You've instilled ideas in their heads that are unacceptable."
Tohru fought the urge to stand up, "Like what?" She was feeling testy all of the sudden.
Akito sneered, "Let me count the ways…. You've made the cat and rat get along – it defies the laws of nature; you've made them think they can fit in with normal people and most of all," he walked over towards her slowly and bent down in front of her, gripping her chin tightly; so tight that it hurt, "You've made the believe they can love outside this family."
Tohru blinked back tears, "I don't understand-"
"Of course you don't," he threw her chin aside, snapping her neck. Tohru shut her eyes, begging herself not to cry.
She would not cry in front of him. She would not show weakness in front of Akito.
It was just what he wanted.
She could not cry…but no one was here to help her. She was alone. When she had walked through the gates to the main Sohma home, she felt an air of desertion around the home. No one was walking around. Momiji had not greeted her as usual. No one was there….
And then, there he was.
Standing in front of her, from a distance, his usual kimono loosely robed around him. He had his arms crossed as he waited for her on this cold winter's day. Tohru had been anxious to know what it was that Akito wanted to speak to her about. He had asked for her secretly, like Hatori had done when she first met him.
He had led her inside, and she had sat, waiting for him to speak. And then, his words had cut through the air and stung her, "Get. Out."
Akito regarded the silence and looked back at her, "You really think you can stay here? You really think you can make yourself part of the family, don't you?"
Tohru started to say, No! Not PART of the family…not literally…but she stopped herself. All these years of sucking up to Akito just because he believed he had a power over the rest of them….
It was time to show him that he wasn't all that.
"Yes. And I thought that after a good six years, it would be clear enough that I was rather…initiated as some part of the Sohma household."
Circling, circling, circling your head
Contemplating everything you ever said
Now I see the truth
I got a doubt
A different motive in your eyes and now I'm out
See you later
"And that is where you are mistaken," Akito replied, placing his hand on a pillar and directing his attention towards it, "You are not part of this family. You never were…you never will be. This is not were you belong."
I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads, yeah
Well now that's over
"I've arranged for your transportation to America. After all, it's the day before New Year's Eve. You shall be flying on New Year's Eve itself. Why not start the New Year somewhere new with a new life? Now, you will be leaving at four-thirty tomorrow morning by plane, to go to New York City-"
"That's so expensive!" Tohru's selfless side suddenly emerged.
Akito turned towards her, "I don't care." As long as you're gone…. He began to laugh, "This just proves you need to go off. You're becoming more like Haru…two different sides of the same person."
Tohru looked at her lap and took a deep breath hesitating, "…Will…my memories…be erased?"
Akito looked thoughtful for a moment, "…I don't think so. You will no longer be a threat. …But one day…maybe I'll be feeling less forgiving…."
Tohru's eyebrows furrowed, "And you can't just call Hatori to do it? He won't cater to your every whim?"
Akito turned stony eyes to her, "I had an interesting chat with him the other day…."
"Hatori…my dear Hatori," Akito said with a wise tone as he gazed out the window with his back turned towards the doctor, "Tell me. …Hypothetically, if I asked to suppress Miss Honda's memories…would you do it?"
"You doubt my loyalty to your word?"
"I am merely seeing if you too have succumbed to her. Most of the rest of the family has…. Now then, would you?"
A difficult decision…. Hatori liked Tohru so much; she was such a sweet girl. She had brought happiness back to his life. She reminded him of his beloved Kana….
But to defy Akito? Whose word had been law for all of their lives? It was unthinkable….
I see your motives inside, and your decisions to hide
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we're Headstrong
"You can't belong…outsiders cannot be one with this family. Look what happened to Momiji…" Akito changed the topic, only slightly.
Tohru set her face, "She didn't know beforehand! I know about the curse! …KANA knew about the curse and she accepted Hatori just the way he was! Why didn't you SEE that!"
So they were back to Hatori….
She would not let this go. Why was she so set on defying him and staying here?
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
And this is not where you belong
Tohru suddenly stood up, "You blame everything on "the Curse," Akito!" Tears threatened to spill from her rage. Akito watched her with interest. "But you know what? Nothing bad has happened to them yet because of this curse! NOTHING! Everything would be fine…if not for YOU! You know what, Akito? It's you!"
Akito's eyes widened slightly at her audacity.
I can't give everything away
I won't give everything away
Conclusions manifest
Your first impressions got to be your very best
I see you're full of $#!t and that's alright
That's how you play I guess you get through every night
Well now that's over
Akito froze. He turned his head slowly to face her, "W-What!"
Tohru huffed a little; her words not yet even fazing her, "You heard me…."
A snarl formed on Akito's lips and he suddenly lashed out, striking her across the cheek and shoving her harshly into the back wall. She hit it and a gasp of pain escaped her before she crumpled to the floor, her chocolate hair falling in curls around her.
I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads, yeah
Well now that's over
I see your motives inside, and your decisions to hide
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we're Headstrong
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
And this is not where you belong
I cannot cry…I must refrain from it…. Tohru felt herself twitching as she tried to hold back the tears.
"You freak…you think you can say those things to me? LEARN SOME RESPECT!" he kicked her shins, leaving rather large bruises. Tohru curled up for a moment, trying to sooth the pain.
"Now…you have you instructions. You're dismissed."
Tohru struggled to a sitting position. She bit her lip, also biting back a retort. She stood on wobbly legs and suddenly ran out of the room, through the outside entrance.
I can't give everything away
I won't give everything away...
Akito suddenly turned to the other doorway, "And just how long have you been here…Ayame?"
Ayame visibly jumped from behind the doorframe and seemed to shrink a bit. He then decided to become bolder and appeared in the threshold, "Long enough o know that you're sending our Tohru-kun away."
I know, I know all about your motives inside
And your decision to hide
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we're Headstrong
Akito smirked to himself and walked over to Ayame putting a hand on his shoulder, "Come…walk with me."
Ayame narrowed his eyes, but Akito forcefully tugged him along. He led him down some hallways and came to stop at a certain door.
Akito looked over Ayame, "You're looking quite wrapped up today. Is it chilly much?"
Ayame protectively pulled his three coats on more, "Perhaps a little chilly…." As the snake, he could not stand the cold as well as some.
Akito opened the door. He suddenly shoved the elder Sohma into the room.
Ayame instinctively rubbed his arms, feeling the temperature drop significantly, "Akito-"
"You will tell no one about this. You will not reveal where Tohru Honda is going or who sent her off. You will not tell her friends, family, or any Sohma. No one. I am keeping you in here just as a precaution, until tomorrow. The cold will not kill you…but you will become rather inactive."
Ayame rushed up and an towards the door, "You know I may as well just tell when I get out-"
Akito's smirk heightened, "And what if I told you this…" his voice became a whisper as Ayame neared, "…If you tell a soul…I'll make sure Yuki spends some time with himself in that special room I designed…just for him….."
Ayame froze. His eyes widened and shook considerably. Even though he and his brother were not close, he loved him dearly and wanted them to be so! And with Akito threatening his brother's fears and sanity like that-
"I will not tell," Ayame slumped to the floor – his confidence dashed for once.
"Good day to you, Ayame. I'll see you soon enough." With that, Akito closed the door and locked it from the outside.
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
And this is not where you belong...
I can't give everything away...
I won't give everything away...
Well? How was the first chapter? Does it sound good enough to continue? Tell us what you thank! Thanks so much! PLEASE REVIEW! (PS: We know Tohru is a bit out of character, but that only lasts for this chapter! …Mostly. But she'll be back to her innocent self next time! We think… But we explained why she was how she was!)