Okeez, after alllll this loonngg time, here is da new and improved version of Zodiac Love! I'm soooooo sorry tht it took so long, I had so many things 2 do but now tht its summer vacation ill be updating more! Well, tht is once I get my lazy ass up 2 actually rite more! Lol! Okkeez, newayz on with the reading!
Zodiac Love-Chapter1- An Almost Kiss
"Ohayo goziamasu Kyo-kun!" greeted Tohru cheerfully from the kitchen where she saw Kyo enter the dining room.
"Ohayo." The neko replied dully.
"Breakfast is almost ready." Tohru informed him from the kitchen. "Hai." Kyo mumbled back mostly to himself as he dropped his head on the table. Soon the tantalizing aroma of Tohru's cooking roused Shigure from the confines of his room. "Tohru-kun!" he called out in his sing-song voice as he entered the dining room. Kyo groaned wearily as the hentai inu seated himself next to Kyo. Great my morning just got worse. Kyo thought to himself. "Tohru-kun, where's breakfast!" exclaimed Shigure in mock surprise and anger.
"You shut up! She's working on it!" Kyo suddenly yelled angrily at him.
"Oooooo Kyo-kun, soft spot for Tohru-kun eh?" Kyo was about to make a smart reply, but Tohru luckily intervened at that moment. Se quickly walked in carrying a tray of that morning's simple breakfast of different flavored onigiri and natto.
"Ah, gomen nasai Shigure-san for taking so long!"
"Not to worry my flower, I forgive you!" he replied in an overly dramatic voice much like Ayame's.
"She didn't do anything for her to be apologizing or for you to be forgiving in the first place!" Kyo all but yelled in irritation. This shout fell on deaf ears though, as Shigure was already immersing himself in Tohru's fabulous cooking. "Oi! Baka inu! Are you listening…" Tohru shook her head fondly at the two. Suddenly, she noticed some one missing. Now where's Yuki-kun? She wondered, sighing to herself as she thought he was probably over sleeping again. Tohru quickly exited the dining room and climbed up the stairs and knocked on Yuki's door.
"Yuki-kun?" called out Tohru, pausing for a reply. Hearing none, Tohru opened the door to find Yuki tangled in his bed sheets, still asleep. (A/N: OMG HOTNESS! SQUEAL) Tohru giggled as she saw his position, it looked uncomfortable as Yuki was half on and off the bed and he lay at an angle, but he slept peacefully enough none the less. Tohru smiled fondly as she crossed the room and squatted down by Yuki's side. She reached out and gently brushed some of his bangs from his face. However, it seemed that Yuki was on the verge of waking, but was too lazy to actually get up as his eyes fluttered open at Tohru's simple touch.
I must have died and went to Heaven. Yuki thought to himself as he woke to see Tohru's adorable smile and beautiful face inches away from his own.
Tohru giggled, "Nice to see you up Yuki-kun!"
Yuki blushed lightly. "Have I overslept again?" Yuki enquired.
Tohru shook her head, "Iie, not really. Kyo-kun and Shigure-san have just sat down to eat. I was waiting for you." Yuki felt touched at his angel's thoughtfulness.
"Arigato, Honda-san." He said in a soft, caring voice.
Tohru blushed, "It's nothing."
After a moment of silence, Yuki asked, "Ano…do you mind waiting here for me for a few minutes while I get ready Honda-san?"
Tohru smiled brightly, "Iie. Not at all."
Yuki smiled, "Arigato." Tohru simple nodded. Yuki quickly untangled himself from the bed sheets, got up, grabbed his uniform and went into the bathroom to change and quickly brush his teeth. True to his word, Yuki came back out few minutes later. "Shall we go?" he enquired in a princely tone.
Tohru blushed as she replied, "Iie. Not yet, your tie is crooked." Yuki looked down and sighed wearily in a 'not-again' way. Tohru giggled as she stepped closer to Yuki to fix the tie. "Here," she offered. "Yuki-kun, you really need to work on your tie skills." Yuki just grinned sheepishly. He loved it when Tohru giggled and laughed and even when she just smiled. But he loved it even more when she was this close to him. Tohru finished fixing Yuki's tie with a, "There you go!" and looked up to smile at him, but found that Yuki was already observing her. Their eyes suddenly locked, intense violet eyes swirling together with innocent chocolate brown ones.
How long they stood there, neither knew, but it felt like they could stand there for eternity. One of Yuki's hands went up to caress Tohru's cheek while the other rested on her waist. The two leaned closer to each other. "Yuki-kun…" whispered Tohru, her breath flowing over Yuki's lips. Tohru's arms reached up to rest on Yuki's shoulders as his hand dropped from her cheek and joined the other one on her waist. Their lips were the merest of millimeters away…. Suddenly the two sprang apart as they heard a crash from downstairs. Both teens were blushing so many shades of red that it looked like their heads would explode. But as shouting floated up from downstairs the two desperately tried to regain their composure.
"Yuki-kun…" braved Tohru hesitantly. "Ano…"
"Gomen nasai Honda-san. I should have controlled myself." Interrupted Yuki, turning his head. "Onegai, forgive me and try to forget about this. Gomen nasai." Yuki apologized again. I am such a baka! Yuki berated himself. Why did I do that! What if Honda-san doesn't forgive me? Our friendship would be ruined and I'd be miserable! Baka, baka, baka!
Tohru tried to say something to Yuki that she didn't need to forgive him, but he suddenly turned towards her with a charming smile and apology still in his eyes. He elegantly offered her his arm, "Anyway, shall we go?" His charm threw Tohru completely off and her blush reclaimed her face again as she accepted the offer.
The two descended down the stairs with their backpacks like that until they reached the dining room. "What happened here?" asked Yuki, barely containing his anger. All of Honda-san's cooking gone to waste! Some onigiri lay strewn across the floor and table as did a bowl if natto. There was also a hole punched in one of the paper walls. Kyo was sulking in a corner and Shigure was no where to be seen.
Tohru sweat dropped, "Ano….maybe it's better if we don't know what happened…" Yuki shook his head as he calmed himself down and started to walk away. "Yuki-kun, where are you going?" asked Tohru.
"To get something to drink at the very least since the baka neko and hentai inu seem to have ruined breakfast!"
"Nani! What did you say kuso nezumi!" yelled Kyo, suddenly extremely angry as opposed to his previous sulky self.
"I said 'ba-ka ne-ko' baka!" Yuki replied, stressing the syllables as if talking to a little child. Kyo then began the trading of insults and such in earnest. Normally, Kyo would have tried to attack Yuki by now, but since his true form was revealed… it had been Tohru and Yuki that had helped him though Kyo wouldn't admit that! So now, he began to slowly tolerate Yuki more and more and maybe they could even be on friendly terms if not friends. So with these thoughts, insults, and more, Kyo continued to argue with Yuki. A few minutes later Tohru managed to break up the argument with a small, "Ano, we really do have to get going…or we'll be late." Yuki and Kyo immediately shut up, but threw each other glares to make up for the loss of argument. Pretty son, you could see the three teens walking to school chatting aimlessly about random things.
Later that afternoon:
"Honda-san!" Yuki called out as he spotted her among the swarm of many students eager to go home and have fun. Tohru turned as she heard her name being called. "Yuki-kun!" she cried out with a smile and blush. Yuki quickly caught up to her. "I just wanted to know if you were working today."
"Iie, I'm not." Tohru replied.
"Yo kata. I don't have student council duties today either. I was just wondering if you wanted to work on the secret base with me."
Tohru smiled brightly, "Ah, I'd love to!"
Yuki smiled at her but then began to fidget nervously. "Ano…I actually also wanted to apologize again for this morning."
"Dai ja bou, demo ne… you don't need to apol…" Tohru didn't get to finish because Kyo came up at that moment.
"Oi!" Kyo called out at the two. "Are you guys gonna just stand there and talk forever, or are you coming!"
"Gomen nasai Kyo-kun!" Tohru quickly apologized. Yuki just rolled his eyes at Kyo and hesitantly grabbed Tohru's hand as they began walking again. Tohru gave him small smile and lightly squeezed his hand as she blushed lightly; reassuring him that everything was fine.
"Tadaima!" "Tadaima!" "Tadaima!" three voices rang out.
"Ah, okaerie minna-san!" called out Shigure, suddenly appearing out of nowhere from around a corner.
"Shigure! Don't do that!" yelled Kyo, very much startled.
"Nani! Did I scare you Kyon-Kyon! Sugoi! I'm getting good!" exclaimed Shigure, striking a pose. (A/N: can't u picture shi-chan doing tht! omg, im laughing just thinking about it! Lol! Don't wry shi-chan! We still luv u! lol!)
"Shut up and don't call me that!" yelled Kyo.
"Ah Kyon-Kyon, I'm hurt!"
"Ja mai o!"
"Kyon-Kyon…" Soon the sounds of Shigure's teasing and Kyo's arguing faded away and left Tohru and Yuki awkwardly standing in the entrance.
"Ano, I'm going to go to the secret base after I change ne?" Yuki informed Tohru, breaking the silence.
"Hai, do you want me to bring a snack?"
"Whatever is easier for you." Yuki replied with a shrug.
"In that case, I'll change too and bring some snacks to the base." Yuki nodded as he watched Tohru disappear down the hall ad up the stairs to her room. He shook his head and sighed wistfully.
I no, I no, real crappy way 2 end this! But I'm not into writing this rite now and I have a bit of a writer's block! Me sooo sry! Ill update ASAP! Okeez, me g2g! READ AND REVIEW! U no, push the little purple square at the bottom of this page and REVIEW!