Author's Note: OK, a fair warning to all. This is my first fanfiction. I have been reviewing many people's stories for a long time, and I'm finally trying my hand at one of my own!! So yeah, please review and be kind! I am all for constructive criticism, so go ahead and give some, but if you don't insult me in a nice way, I'm not listening!!! Hehehe, does that make any sense at all? Oh well, just review and I'll deal with the rest! Please, I'll love you forever if you do! Ahem, anyway, on with my fiction!


Chapter 1: Arguments A small, five-year-old boy ran along the shoreline. He stopped abruptly to stare in awe across the bay at the large, T-shaped building floating in the middle. His parents caught up to him, his mother pushing a stroller containing the boy's younger sister. "So that's where they live?" he asked, under his breath, as if afraid to break the trance the impressive building caused.

His father chuckled at the boy's enthusiasm. "Yes, that's the place. I don't know if you're aware of it, but you're an extremely lucky boy. You live in a city protected by the best. They're a highly trained, well- organized team. Our city can rest easily knowing they're out there, watching over us."

The family continued to gaze out across the water, the waves lapping at the beach. (Although, the toddler was only wondering why the heck they had stopped, and, as with all two-year-olds, became very bored within four seconds, and began to squirm.) The mother began to push the stroller again, and the father placed his hand protectively over the top awning. The little boy waited a few extra seconds, before scurrying to catch up with his parents.

Unbeknownst to the happy family, the "highly trained, well-organized" team was currently in the middle of an all-out war. Though it was still early, all the Titans were up, milling about the tower. At least, they were, until it came time for them to eat.

"I'm not going out at 7:30 in the morning for groceries! You should have gone yesterday! It's not my job this week!" the largest member of the team yelled. Cyborg was standing near the fridge, its door wide open to reveal its contents, which, much to the dismay of the teen, were nothing.

"It's not my fault! How was I supposed to know we were so low on food?" Beast Boy snapped back. His fang was even more apparent as he sneered up at his large friend.

Cyborg ground his teeth together, but instead of continuing his verbal sparring with his green friend, he turned on the unsuspecting girl behind him. "Yo Raven, wanna go to the store for me?"




"You convince her!" he cried, throwing his arms over his head, whirling back around. Beast Boy recoiled slightly in surprise. He flushed, but soon regained his ground.

"It's not her job to go! If it's bothering you that much, I'll go!"

Cyborg snorted. "You think I'd let you go? You'd come back with nothing but tofu!"

"Wait... didn't you just say... it was my...?" Beast Boy faltered, confused. But it took too much brain capacity from that point on so he let it go, and moved on to Cyborg's last comment. "...And your point?"

"I'm not choking down one more crumb of it!" Cyborg exploded. "It's disgusting! Get over it!"

"Tofu is not 'disgusting!' It's healthy, and not meat!" Beast Boy retorted.


At that moment, the leader of the quarreling teens walked into the kitchen area. He took one look at the bickering friends and immediately switched into his diffusing mode. He held up his gloved hands, as if hoping to deflect the insults that might suddenly fly his way. "Um... guys? What happened?"

"What happened? We ran out of food, that's what happened!" cried Cyborg.

"OK... so the logical thing to do would be to go out and buy food." Robin said, trying to remain calm.

"But it's 7:30 in the morning! I'm not going out this early, and no way is Beast Boy going to buy anything edible!" Cyborg protested.

"Well, then what do you suggest we do?"

Cyborg shrugged. "I don't know, anything. I'm starving to death." Raven rolled her eyes behind her thick book. However, there was no way she was going to let herself get roped into shopping this early, so remained silent.

At that moment, Starfire floated sleepily into the main area. Her hair was in disarray, and her eyes were merely slits, trying to block out the sun. However, at the sight of a certain Boy Wonder, she squeaked, and quickly began ripping her fingers through her tousled hair, attempting to tame the wild locks.

Robin turned to see her battling a particularly stubborn knot. "Uh... are you alright?"

She looked up quickly, dropping the clump of hair she'd been struggling with. "Yes! Yes, I am fine. How are you this glorious morning?" she said, grinning widely. However, her attempt fix the knot had caused the hair to frizz, so it was currently standing out in a large lump, making her look very disheveled. Robin didn't seem to notice, since all he did was give a dazed smile.

Raven held back a snort of laughter. It was so obvious, even Beast Boy had said something just the other day.


Beast Boy, soda in hand, walked behind the couch where Cyborg was perched. His face was screwed up in concentration, so he paid no mind to the green boy who just entered the room. Raven was scribbling furiously in her notebook, having just thought of a really good line to add to her dark poetry. Robin was reviewing some police files in the kitchen area when Starfire had walked in.

"I require assistance, friends. The lamp in my room has since ceased to function... and I have no idea how to repair it." said Starfire, quite cheerfully. Raven didn't even blink. Cyborg grunted as his animated figure took a hit. Beast Boy looked up, about to respond, when Robin jumped in.

"I'll help you, Star."

She cocked her head slightly. "Are you sure? You seem to be in the middle of something, and I do not wish to interrupt--"

"No problem," he cut her off. "This stuff can wait." He stood up quickly, knocking a sheet of paper to floor with a mug shot of a tattooed guy wearing a scowl. The snarling face stared up at Raven, and she looked up, surprised that someone could twist his mouth in such a disgusting way and capture it perfectly on camera.

"Oh, thank you Robin! I shall no longer be trapped in a world of darkness that should be my brightly lit room!" Starfire floated a few feet of the ground. She beamed at the Boy Wonder, and he felt a grin creep across his features. Starfire grabbed his arm and dragged him off-- not that he needed much encouragement. He allowed himself to be pulled along the hall, down to Starfire's room to change the light bulb, a feat that still went over her head.

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. He turned to his companions, Raven having resumed writing in her book of poetry, and Cyborg hadn't even blinked. "Umm... what just happened?"

Raven glanced up at Robin's retreating back. "I think we should send a chaperone in there too," she said slyly with a smirk. Beast Boy gave her a startled look and Raven felt a slight heat grow in her cheeks. She turned her flushed face back into her book. She really didn't want Beast Boy to think she had a sick mind. But to her immense relief, Beast Boy laughed.

"Didn't know you had it in you! You're right, we should. They're both head over heels," he took a sip from the can in his hand. But at that moment their conversation was cut short with an exasperated yell from their teammate, who had just lost his game.

End Flashback

Raven was jolted awake from her thoughts as Robin put a hand on her shoulder. "Did you hear me?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you where you put the grocery list." Raven was the only one trusted with the difficult task of keeping the list up-to-date. Starfire had no clue what some of the foods were in the store, Robin was often too distracted, Cyborg would have loaded it with all his favorites, which included but was not limited to, meats and really sugary crap that rotted their teeth and would attract so many rats it wasn't even funny, and Beast Boy... no one even wanted to think about that.

Raven stood up, walked over to the counter, and pulled open a drawer. There was a big stack of papers, all of which appeared to be receipts of some sort, but she dug underneath them and pulled out a piece of lined paper which, much to Robin's dismay, had a lot written on it.

"I had to hide it from some people who would have erased all the important things off the list and put their own on," she growled, stealing a glance at the green teen. But Beast Boy was oblivious at that point, since he already walked over to play a video game. Cyborg, seeing this, hopped the couch and picked up the second controller. Raven rolled her eyes, grabbed her book, and sat back down, this time on edge of the couch. She was so used to the noise of explosions and brawls on the TV, it didn't really matter where she read. But she could tell breakfast was a long way away, so she might as well be comfortable.

Robin shoved the list into his pocket. (Author's Notes: Does he even have pockets? Oh well.) He fixed his gaze then on the tousled Starfire. "Well, I better get going. Hopefully I get this all done quickly, there's a new training program I'd like to try..." he trailed off, lost in thought. He walked over to the elevator and pushed in the button for the bottom floor.

Starfire stepped forward. "Do you wish for me to accompany you?"

Robin looked up suddenly. "No, that's OK, don't worry about it. I've got it covered." Starfire's face fell, but she nodded. The elevator doors closed and Robin was left staring at the cold metal wondering if he had said the right thing.

None of the rest of the Teen Titans had been paying any attention so the exchange that had just went on. Beast Boy and Cyborg were pressing buttons on their controllers so rapidly, it looked as if they would combust at any second. Raven was once again immersed in her readings, and didn't notice the outside world at all. If any of them had been paying attention, they would have seen their last team mate staring wistfully at the elevator doors.


Author's Notes: Ahh! Oh WOW, I actually finished that!! Wheee! Ahem, anyway, please, please, please review! I need your feedback! It shall be crucial to me. I really will take what you say into account. Please review! I will love you forever! Hmm, I appear to be begging. bangs head repeatedly on keyboard I don't want to beg. BUT I WOULD LOVE A REVIEW! Ahh, please! All I need is one review for me to update. I swear! Please.