![]() Author has written 14 stories for Digimon, Naruto, Teen Titans, iCarly, Avatar: Last Airbender, Gossip Girl, Code Lyoko, Young Justice, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Xiaolin Showdown, and Godzilla: The Series. Things about me... I don't know what to say about my self... I'm 26 years old, employed, and 100 percent fail. I'm also highly unmotivated, Twitchy as fuck, jumps at load noises, can't finish the Amnisa game, Antisocial and I only updated when I feel like it. See if you can find me in tumblr... Quotes... Pardy: "Hell, if he had a 'gina, you'd'a married him, too. Girl: "Doves are anything but holy." “Could be a pileup,” said Treading in Dogshit (formerly All Foreigners Especially The French, formerly Things Not Working Properly Even When You’ve Given Them a Good Thumping, never actually No Alcohol Lager, briefly Embarrassing Personal Problems, formerly known as Skuzz).-Good Omens It would take a lot to faze a copper from the Met. Thunder didn’t just rumble overhead, it tore the air in half.-Good Omens And instead of pulsing whine sliding up the octaves, it just went putputputputput… A high-pitched kneeing noise, haunting and strange. Like a thousand glass harmonicas being played in unison, all slightly off-key; like the sound of the molecules of the air itself wailing in pain. -Good Omens "I am free to write the worst junk in the world." - Writing as a Practice "I fart in your general direction" -French Man from Monty Python and the Holy Grail "The older I grow, the less important the comma becomes. Let the reader catch his own breath." -Elizabeth Clarkson Zwart "Do what you love, love what you do, leave the world a better place and don't pick your nose." -Jeff Mallett UPDATES! I'm not dead!!!! Through I may as well be... Untitled Pokemon: Emerald story: I've actually lost the note book that had this story in it... 46 pages have been written. Follows the story line of Pokemon Emerald with an OC who doesn't want to be there at all but needs to be if they are going to find their sister. This story is stupidly awful, not going to lie. 100 Reasons Why: UPDATES: Never Current chapter is at 1 o/o This is the Story!: Being written (and edited once) before posting. The sequel to This is a Prologue! Bloosided Shika/Frankie. I've also lost the note book for this one too. Chapter 1: 80 o/o Needs Editing/to be typed up Stories that may or may not happen: These are just a few plot bunnies that I have/had running through my head. Please feel free to use any of these as you please. The stories that are in Italics out are the ones the plot bunnies escaped and are no longer in my head. Young Justice cartoon/Toy Story fusion: Artemis is the new toy to be produced from a long line of action figures. She meets the others and learns their story. Young Justice (cartoon)/JLAU crossover: kids are some how transported to the JLAU verse and things happen. Might take a prompt over at YJanon meme. YJ cartoon/Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes crossover: Big alien dimension hopping bad guy sends evil robots to both worlds. Somehow the Avengers find /are thrown through/fall through a portal to the YJ verse/Earth 16. Steve finds he misses Bucky more then he thought, Hawkeye is not impressed by Green Arrow/Red Arrow/Artemis and vise versa. Wasp, Ant Man, Kid Flash and Flash geek out. Robin tries to hack Iron Man. And Thor is impressed with Superman, Superboy, and Wonder Woman. The unwritten rules of training: Real Life training/Our world. A failure of a trainer must once again venture out into the world to find her little sister. Lots of work needs to be done if this is going to be written. Currently being written as Untitled Pokemon: Emerald story because I'm too lazy to make up my own plot, kthx. Meeting you: Five crossover that could happen, drabbles. I'm thinking each page will have five different crossovers, updates will be two weeks and forever just like all my other fics. Finding Articuno: Original trainer story. No special powers or pokemon, no evil organization out to take over the world, just good plain old plot. OneShot drabbles Mendel's down a well: Godzilla the series fic. In which Godzilla and Mendel fall down a ravine and can't get back out, so they journey to the ocean. Godzilla/Mendel friendship Harry Potter AU: A story in which Snap takes Draco and runs to the States, which don't want anything to do with the war and are thus neutral. Takes place directly after the death of Dumbledore. There Snap is offered a job as a potion's professor in a small local school of witchcraft and wizardry. Having no where else to turn Snap agrees and Draco is enrolled there for the remainder of his education. Before long the duo must return to Europe to help with the on going war. Cast of OC's, no pairings Code Lyoko fic: I'm still debating on whether or not I should actually write this one. If I do it'll be short, 4 or 5 chapters. Fed up with Ulrich's lack of discipline Mr. Stern sends his son to military school over in the states. Years later he comes back and nothing is the same. Yumi is married to William and has three kids, Odd's a male hooker, Aellita is some crazy homeless person, while Jeremey is working for a mysterious new benefactor known as Anna X. His only ally is Sissy. Future's Past: A Godzilla the series fic. About how Godzilla and Mendel grow closer when Nick and the others disappear into a mysterious fog. They now must work together to save humanity from the Mutants not knowing that the future will bring something to test them both. Godzilla/Mendel friendship fic, Mendel/Elsie |