Author has written 11 stories for Lord of the Rings, Lost, and Chronicles of Narnia. Luthien: Eeerm. Lets see here. Not a whole lot about me. Teenager. Boring. Like Lord of the Rings, Lost, Alias, Star Wars (I know, I'm a geek. :D), etc. Wanna read a good story? Then Read "Detour to Destiny" and "Welcome to Rivendell Mr. Anderson." (Although Welcome to Rivendell seems to have been abandoned. :( ) They're both awesome stories :D If you want to read great LotR fanfics, check out Evendim or lindahoyland. They're both excellent authors. Another story you should REALLY read is "The Crazy Misadventure" by TroublesDaughter. It is awesome, and really worth reading! And if you want to read a good story/poem, which will touch your heart, check out Lady Moofin. She is an awesome author-ess, and she writes with a lot of heart. :) Tari: I'm and 18 year old college freshman, so sadly that takes up the majority of my time! I do try (contrary to what my erratic posting habits might suggest) to update on a semi-regular basis: if you're patient, good things will come to you! I promise. :) My stories (as of now) are: There is No Way! Caitlin is a regular (or maybe not so much) American female, struggling to find where she fits in society, and dealing with her eccentric family. All that changes when she finds an oddly dressed and injured man claiming to be Boromir of Middle Earth. Watching Theodwyn brings her two young children to Edoras to stay with her brother. Eowyn and Eomer have their first encounter with Grima, a man who would eventually change both their lives forever. (Complete) Sunshine and Shadow She was everything he was not. A Grima/Eowyn drabble. (Complete) Redemption: A warrior yearns to be redeemed. A Boromir drabble. (Complete) I have only written Lord of the Rings fanfiction so far, but I do love Harry Potter fics, C.S. Lewis, and Phantom of the Opera fics. If you ever read something really good, please feel free to tell me about it! I do not, however, read non-canonical slash fics or MPREGs (sorry, the latter's just a little too weird for my tastes, and I feel that with the former, unless implied or explicitely said by the author are sort of inappropriate. Don't hate me! That's just my personal preference! I love stories about the misunderstood characters/tragic villains. For example: Grima, Boromir, (LotR) Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Percy Weasley,(Harry Potter) and Alex Mahone. (Prison Break) Hopefully this has given you a little idea of who I am. I love humor--especially dry humor--but I also love drama and angst. Thanks for reading this! |