Disclaimer: I own Margaret, Sulwen, and any other OCs.


" He said I was filthy," Margaret said to Glorfindel," I dont understand. I was clean. Very clean! He also said I didnt deserve the hospitality of the elves. Glorfindel, have I been bad or done something wrong?"

"No! No," said Glorfindel with a sad smile, " You have done nothing. That elf just does not trust humans."

Glorfindel sighed as he looked at her quizzical face. She had just told him the story about the incident with the elf of Mirkwood. He had to swallow the urge to yell at the top of his lungs. He didnt want to scare Margaret, but he was angry. Angry at that elf for causing this seven year old so much stress after she had just gotten ride of the heavy weight of her mothers death. He would definitely be sending a message to Thranduil about his messengers behavior.

" Forget what he said," Glorfindel told her this time, " You deserve the world."

" I do?" asked Margaret, " But why?"

" Because you are but a small girl. And you are living in a world apart from your own."

"I do not understand," said Margaret with a frown.

Glorfindel smiled, " You will, eventually. You said you hailed from this.... New York?" Margaret nodded. " Do you know that I have never heard of New York, Margaret? Are you sure that this place is real?"

Margaret stood up from her place on the bed which she shared with Glorfindel at the moment.. " I would not lie to you," she said in almost a whisper, " I lived there for seven years."

" Alright," said Glorfindel not really believing her. He wondered when she would be ready to tell him the truth. ' Surely she cant really believe that such a place exits?' he thought.

" There is something I want to talk to you about, Margaret."

She stared at him, waiting for him to speak. Glorfindel ran a hand over his hair before he patted the bed, wanting her to sit down.

" I have told you that you will stay here for the time being, correct?"

Margaret nodded, not really understanding what he was talking about.

" You are living among elves, a being different from your own. You are human. It is a world apart from your own as I said. There will come a day when Lord Elrond will ask you if you wish to take up permanent residence in Imladris or be among other humans."

Margaret remained silent for a moment. She looked at Glorfindel with those big, brown, beautiful eyes, so innocent of the world and yet, knowing more than she should of its cruelty. It was in that moment that Glorfindel realized he didnt want her to ever leave. She had a special place in his heart, and he realized that she was the closest thing he had ever had to a family. Of course he loved Elronds family dearly, but Margaret didnt have a family of her own and neither did he. ' Perhaps we can have each other,' he thought with hope. He vowed then and there that he would protect her and keep her safe from anything evil that may ever befall her, no matter what decision she made.

"Glorfindel," Margaret spoke at last, " I dont want to leave. I want to stay with you."

Glorfindel felt his heart tighten at the thought of this little girls words giving him so much joy. But sadly, he also knew that she was still young and her decision might change. She had only been in Imladris for a short period of time.

" Im glad Penneth, but you will be asked again years from now."

Margaret nodded, although Glorfindel knew that she did not understand why she was to be questioned again when she had already made her choice.

" Come now," He said to her, " It is time for bed."

As Margaret lay down, Glorfindel tucked the covers around her. He seemed to hesitate before he place a delicate kiss the top on her head. " Good night, little one. Sweet dreams."

Margaret watched him go and smiled. 'He kissed me just like Ma used to,' she thought with joy, ' I have found a home, Ma. It is here in Imladris. It is here in Rivendell. I have found a home, and someone to love me like you once did.'

With that, the small child drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.


A/N: OK, I am making this a series. The next story should be up between one to three weeks (hopefully not three weeks, but you never know. Life is unpredictable). It will also be a little more together than this one. So look out for it then. I would tell you the name of it, but I dont know : ) Any suggestions you have or anything you would like me to write, feel free to tell me. Review if you have any comments!

Special thanks to all my reviewers! Replies are below!

Idril Miriel- I have to say that I have been eager to reply to your review. I noticed the holes too,and it is driving me crazy! Thats one of the reasons I decided on a series. I knew that there would be too many holesif I put this into one fic. Your review definitely helped me with my decision. Im glad you like it, and I thank you for your suggestion.

Dark Lady Arantraneth - I agree that Mirkwood elf was a pain. But I still like Mirkwood elves, especially the prince!( by the way, I feel stupid for asking, but what did you mean by 'PE'TAQ'?)LOL!

Luthien Oronar- Thank you!

lhuntathraeil - Im glad you think so. Thank you!