![]() Author has written 18 stories for Harry Potter, and Glee. A few of years ago ... in a fit of anger and depression ... I REMOVED all of my work from FFN ... it wasn't the first time I had removed work but it was much more than that ... I had lost my husband, my children and had no muse to speak of anymore. While the three of them still live, I have no contact with any of them what so ever and am alone in the world. Recently, my father talked to me about my writing ... ever since I was in the car accident that lost my vehicle and my computer discs that had my original manuscript for the novelization of the Massacre of Little High Rock ... I slowly began to lose my desire to write. Spirited on by my Father (Santa Pop) I have begun to write again. I am not going to promise when my new stories will be posted as I am going to have them Complete before I post word one as it's too easy to forget a story when it's going slow ... I will probably post the past stories in a single header so you can read (and possibly adopt) what I have previously written. The only thing I do ask is that if you use anything that I have written, to please acknowledge where it came from ... To this day, I still have NOT seen the last two movies especially after seeing the 6th movie ... I am and always will be a Harmony Shipper and the movies showed more passion for H/Hr than anything ... and STILL it ended poorly. I could reiterate the reasons why the shipping in the books was not logical but that has been done before. I have created my own HP Universe and it also includes Hermione's middle name as Jane (whether it is Delores's middle name or not!) So As Always, Muirnin - who will ALWAYS ship what is right over what was easy (and sleazy!) and would not wish the name of Albus Severus on any child! 03 November 2011 - Just thought I would let you know that I am not attempting NaNoWriMo this year. I am working on my Little High Rock fiction and will continue working on some of my Harmony stories that are brewing in my noggin ... I have finally seen DH pt 1 since I didn't have to pay for it but it will probably be awhile before I see pt2 ... I miss you all and let me know if you want me to post unfinished works in progress or only my finished works ... your choice ... Hugs from Muirnin 24 April 2012: If it hadn't been for getting a DVD of DH2 for a Christmas present I probably still wouldn't have seen it yet ... there are parts of the movie that still blatantly scream Harmony! Like many of my fellow Harmony Shippers I was very dissatisfied with the last two books (I literally kept checking the covers to make sure I was reading a real book and not a made up fanfiction version as neither book read the way the first 5 did) and I will NEVER ship Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as that is just a divorce waiting to happen. I also wouldn’t ship Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley as that is too much like incest since he looks at Ron as his brother and Ginny is his sister … also that is just too … ick … when you think about Ginny looking just like Lily? I am sorry that is really planting images and I do not want to go there … I’ll be 51 years old this summer and have seen many relationships (including my own marriage) come and go … I know of one couple whose marriage is very similar to that of Ron and Hermione and after 25 years of marriage THEY are getting divorced as the only reason they stayed married was for the children and nothing else ... Anyway, with my husband and my children no longer in contact with me and trying to rebuild my life I decided to try and write again ... obviously this particular story is NOT Harry and Hermione but seeing as it is part of the history for my Potterverse if it continued on to present day it would be *LOL* As for the names of Hermione and Ron's children in canon, I hear a lot of readers go on and on about why would you name a child Hugo or give your daughter a flower name (I actually love the name Rose since that was what I named my first born daughter and she turned 13 in March … love you baby girl!) when that would be something that would be done with Harry’s child (obviously) so why would you use a flower name if you aren’t married to Harry … Now, I firmly believe that Hermione wanted to have a sense of connection to her muggle roots and named her children after her parents ... Rose and Hugo Granger … when you have a father named Forrest its not hard to figure out how someone could be named Hugo ... and Dad was the 2nd generation to be named Forrest! My brother was the third generation! So on that note I figure that Rose Molly Weasley and Hugo Arthur Weasley are their full names just like Fred and George had Gideon and Fabian as their middle names respectively ... My theory of Harry and Ginny naming their 2nd son Albus Severus ... that was all Molly's doing as she wanted to honor the two men responsible for providing her and Ginny with the love potions that had been used on Harry ... the compulsion charms that she used also didn't hurt either ... *LOL* 20 August 2012: shock of all shocks! I am writing again! Much of my writing is a culmination of my own musings which is to say … I have held a dislike for the last two books of canon and have chosen explore my own delusions … yes I ship Harry and Hermione … I believe that if Petunia had not been abandoned by her friends (i.e.: Lily and Severus) then she would not have had such a hatred for magic … 29 July 2013: Amazingly, I am still alive and while I have been trying to write it's been painfully slow ... I celebrated my 52nd birthday last friday by myself and was still depressed ... but I am back to work and hope to get something written fairly soon ... my latest passion is Ugly Betty ... and I really have been stoked to write a new story about it ... I know I will probably be killed if I ever wrote some sort of H/Hr-Detty story on the USS Discovery (My ship in StarTrek) that is just taking fandom a bit too far ... anyway I will work to post some day ... and I am still updating my Live Journal once in a blue moon but it's there ... 24 October 2013: In a week it will be November ... time for NaNoWriMo again ... in the past I have written (and most of the time failed) for the challenge ... but this year I am so tempted to try my hand at it again but rather than doing a Detty or H/Hr story I may try a silly Hummelberry story that has been plaguing my sleep. Work has been doing well when I am not getting sick again ... You all will know if I do accept the challenge of NaNoWriMo ... its been awhile for me. As Always, |