Reviews for Harry Potter and the Season of the Heart
H chapter 9 . 9/4
That was a completely unique premise. That they didn’t disclose they are magical to their daughter was also quite different. Liked most of the interactions between Hermione and Harry. Didn’t understand Harry’s animosity towards Sirius. Good one overall. Thanks.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/8
I don't understand this story
mumphie chapter 9 . 6/15
Good story idea.
I think Harry should have apologized to Sirius, and that they should have had a renewed relationship. And, if Harry had many vaults, did he have a Wizengamot seat that he neglected?
And (yes I am harping on this) after saving the world, wouldn't they give him back his right to play quidditch and his broom?
mumphie chapter 5 . 6/15
1. Why hasn't Harry been complaining all school year about getting his expensive professional grade broom back? It is ridiculous that he was banned from the game, she had no right - but to steal the broom? No, he should have it back.
2. Why wouldn't Harry be excited that Sirius wasn't dead?
suziq968 chapter 9 . 12/28/2019
So happy to read this again. Lovely.
sidaqlotay07 chapter 5 . 7/23/2019
I like it :P
dude356 chapter 9 . 6/13/2019
This might be the first fic I've read that made Lily the oldest of Harry and Hermione's children. I like it.
G Fawkes chapter 5 . 6/7/2019
do you have a (grown up) bank account? 1000 Galleons to have a muggle debit card?! Amex Gold Credit card is/ was $100 DOLLARS/yr fee- back when you were writing this (2005). (Visa Black (credit card)is currently $495/yr). Debit cards do not have yearly charges on them.
What is the exchange rate, by the way? 5 to 1, G to Pounds? 20 to 1? It matters! Is ANYONE really going to let a bank charge them 5000 Pounds to HAVE a card, before using it?! The richer you are, hopefully, the smarter one would be with money... dreaming, right?
I realize , now, that you were 22 when you wrote this but, come on!

And what is "a white card with a metallic color on it"? I know I'm getting testy, but wow! Really NOT thinking before writing, here.
G Fawkes chapter 5 . 6/7/2019
a) no one is going to go to the bank, un-announced, and just sit there and wait for a sixteen year old kid, or anyone else for that matter, to show up. Did they just SIT there, and not sleep, eat, PEE, or any other bodily need, species dependent? The mer-girl probably needs her water changed.

b) There were probably more guests, but the were and the vampire ATE THEM.

c) why wouldn't the Goblins let him know? Why would each emmisary not contact Harry for an appointment?

d) the Azkaban thing is a dementor, or the Head Dementor, or Ambassador to the Dementors, or some such. He is NOT a man.

e) asian magical assassins? really? I haven't looked at your bio, but are you TEN?

f) quit perving on the Fairy
G Fawkes chapter 5 . 6/7/2019
Oooohh! Very tempted to quit at the phrase " bigger than a rhinocerous" ! Is that not like, ten stages over the top, or what?!
Harry is like, five-five? Maybe shorter? (But not a head shorter than Hermione like you wrote) So maybe you make him grow to six feet five, 300 pounds, in his panther form. And why is he standing? I didn't see any note about a Marvel- "Black Panther" crossover.
I would NOT have read that!
Rhinocerous size is ridiculous! And I . I have a Rhino puppet golf club cover! Rhinos are two or three TONS, or something? Harry can't go upstairs! The wood won't support his weight!
Second floor joists are built to like, 30 pounds per square foot live load. Your bathtub doesn't fall through because it takes up ten square feet. Put four thousand pounds on TWO square feet and you get a big hole in your kitchen ceiling.
G Fawkes chapter 4 . 6/7/2019
The wormtail bit was excessive. Are you sure you don't want to wrap him in Wonder Woman's rope and put a chunk of Kryptonite near him, too?
Magic inhibiting cuffs were all that was needed. Take his wand. Done You already stomped all over Canon with your animagus and apparition changes. Now live with it.
Bubbles? Grindylows? Seriously?
G Fawkes chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
If Harry passed Dudley at the park, then how did he nearly run into him coming out of his room? Dudders ain't that fast to get home and BE in the way.
Just sayin'.

Tell Tonks to mind her own damn business. If he wants to live out of his trunk until Hogwarts, it's not her problem! Unpack as needed, and don't take out anything you don't have to!

What-the! What does the second year Chamber incident have to do with OWLS?!

Your OWL scorecard is horrifying. Why bother?
tyrannicpuppy chapter 9 . 5/25/2019
Such a great story. I was a smidgen disappointed that so much of the early stuff was spent on Harry's animagus form, he hid the true form from the Grangers Attack all the way through the Tournament and then didn't use it in the final battle. But what a battle. Hours in the middle of the station, pretty badass. Very nice work.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 4 . 5/13/2019
A very nice chapter. Good fun throughout, and we see Malfoy thoroughly trounced. And the Harmony was all so sweet and brilliant.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 3 . 3/13/2019
Now that we've passed all the extraneous info, this has really come into its own. The contest was interesting and revealing, and Harry's situation is hilarious. I love how this chapter ended too. Very cute.
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