Author has written 16 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Bleach, Megami Tensei, Death Note, and Supernatural. I am waist-deep in school and children. Not a whole lot of updating going on right now, but I get a lot of messages from readers here, so I'll be honest: some of these older fics aren't very good. Some are better. But I won't be taking any of them down, because I've been writing for a long time and it's because of that effort that I don't suck quite as bad as I once did. Thank you THANK YOU to everyone who has been sending the lovely reviews :) ETA Oct 2010: I am back to ficcing, and am currently writing for the Supernatural fandom, gen/Wincest. Will be posting here and to livejournal. Here is the LINK to lupe-lei's art for "Into the Land of Nod" ETA Feb 2012: I am now writing original fic full time, but will also be posting more Supernatural Wincest from time to time. When I am not playing Skyrim. |
Demented Duckie (2) |