Ooooh. A SetoxJou fic. Yaaaaaaaaaay/ Be merry and happy and… yeah. Anyway.

WARNING: This contains slight shounen-ai and Yaoi. So, if you don't like it, don't read!

: I do not own any of the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh! They all belong to Kazuki Takahashi!

O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O - End of Scene, or Dream Sequence. I'll let you guess which is which XP/

When All Else fails, Chapter 1

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
-Langston Hughes

He arched against the body above him, a moan escaping his throat as the man above him kissed his swollen lips hungrily. God, everything burned! His touches, kisses, murmurs, moans, everything. He wasn't even sure what was his anymore, because it felt to good to even think about anything besides the feelings this was producing.

He knew, in an essence, that this was 'wrong'. Many people weren't accepting if this sort of thing, two men sleeping together and liking it. And, God, did he ever like it, but this was supposedly wrong.

But he didn't care.

His hands, stained white from gripping and holding and restraining, were twisted in hair while his golden eyes were closed, hiding the pleasure and lust that filled them, the feelings this man was provoking, bringing forth and twisting them to his like.

Hell, he was good at provoking.

Skin met skin as he was thrust into, the pain nothing compared to the pleasure this was causing. It felt too good, too wrong, and what was wrongness without the pleasure that came with it?

A throaty moan, this time released by two mouths, as pleasure was presented before them in a white, sticky substance. While, some of it anyways. He could practically feel the seed inside him swirling in his heat and marking him his.

The man that brought him to the conclusion of 'fuck everyone who disagrees with this' collapsed beside him, bringing the blonde into his embrace, close to a heaving chest. Who ever said sex was tiring and fulfilling was right, that was for sure.

The after glow of sex was only a few seconds before the man holding him spoke, voice sounding deep and scratchy from the throaty growls he had made himself.

"You're my puppy, forever and always, you know."

"Yeah..." He was surprised his voice still worked.

"You only answer, scream, and plead for me, right?"


"Then who is your master, Jou-pup?"


And the dream ended right there.

Of course, it always did. With none to pleasant results stained into his bed sheets. Sniffing the air, the blond wrinkled his nose and snorted in disgust. It always smelled that bad when he thought of the damned guy in his dream. He could always see cold blue eyes, knew it was a male, and knew the other wasn't fat. He had a... a body, that was for sure.

He sighed heavily as a blush painted itself on his cheeks, hurriedly getting up from the sheets and putting them into a bundle. He padded out of his room and opened his apartment door, heading for the laundry room with the dream still circling his head.

He only noticed another slight problem when he found himself in front of the laundry room, which was two stories down from his apartment.

"Oh shit..." The teen cursed softly as he stood stoic, one hand resting beside his still rather large... Problem. The blush refused to let go of it's strangle hold on his face as he noticed, also, that the front of his boxers were wet. And sticky.

He could just tell that this day wasn't going to be a pleasant one. At all.

A few minutes of thought put the blonde into action. A man everyone hated was usually in this room around this hour, and it was no secret he was homeless. He slept in the damned laundry room, and if that didn't scream 'I have no home!', he didn't know what did.

He opened the door quietly and crept in when he noticed that said man was asleep.

Blessing and thanking any God available, he dashed to the washer and stripped, making good time as he walked over to the man. Now, he scowled, all he had to do was get the damned coat off of the guy.

The blonde stopped every few minutes between grunts and groans when the man made a sound, a cross between a snore and a snort. A small smirk crept itself onto his lips as he recognized a few names coming from the man's lips. Horny old bastard. Of course, he really couldn't say much for himself. The whole reason he was down here was because he had had a 'wet dream'. What was he, 13?

After another bout of 'Oh, Hinata-chan!', the blonde absent-mindedly decided never to go down here at that hour again.

His goal finally accomplished as the coat slid easily off the man, the chocolate-eyed boy shrugged the ratty old coat on. If he could steal from stores (of course, that being a long time ago, before he met up with Yugi and them), he could steal from an old, homeless man.

Now to tend to the other problem...


A sigh was heard as Jou leaned back into his chair, chocolate-eyes closed off to the world. History was boring. Class was boring. School was boring. So why the hell did he have to learn about the different eras of Japan? Again? He wished they could at least come up with some new material so he could fail at something he didn't know.

One eye cracked open lazily as a breath slid out from behind white teeth, rolling in it's socket to look out the corner of his eye. He half-glared at the male beside him as he wrote, neat, cursive writing filling the page he was on. Figures. A girly boy like Kaiba had to have girly writing.

He closed the eye again as he shifted positions, hand now held captive under his chin as he pretended to write notes. The sensei was too damn busy being boring to notice that the blonde's 'writing' had no pattern to them. One reason Jou loved teachers sometimes. They were so easy to fool.

Thoughts circulated his head as he thought back onto his most previous dream, and the effects of it. He had to...relieve himself before school, and that took a little while. So he was almost late. So he had to skip breakfast. So he was hungry. And it showed, too. He heard a snort from his left as his stomach rumbled loudly, the students around him looking around to see what had made the offending noise.

The blonde glowered at Kaiba as the other continued to ignore him, hand furiously scraping the paper with lead. His eyes glanced briefly down at the page again, and he noticed something. Kaiba wrote with his left hand. He always thought rich boy wrote with his right hand. Or maybe he was one of those people that could write with both hands. A whatchamacallit...

His process of thought was stopped abruptly as he remembered who he was thinking about. Kaiba. Otherwise known as moneybags, rich boy, Bastard (yes, with a capital), girly boy, ice man, and the stuck-up owner of Kaiba Corp.. Why the hell would Jou be thinking about him?

Further thoughts were disrupted as the teacher slapped a ruler on his desk, a resounding 'smack!' coming off at the contact. All of the students jumped slightly, and the offending sound had almost knocked Jou out of his desk. He looked up at the rather tall man, and cringed at his expression. This wasn't good.

"Jounouchi Katsuya, may I ask just why you were staring at Mr. Kaiba?"

Shit… Ok... Time to come up with a good excuse.

"... Uh... I was bored?" He heard a few giggles from the girls and the ever resounding sigh from Yugi when he got into trouble. Oh, was that ever smooth. Smooth as the guy's in his dream ski-

He coughed, deciding not to go there, and saw the man's face darken enough to rival a coming storm.

The blonde started counting how many veins were popping out on the man's head. Could you say 'anger management'? Seriously. He practically had a map being drawn on his forehead.

"Jounouchi Katsuya, I expect to see you after school, right here, and ready to wash the walls of this room until I see not one smudge on them. Do I make myself clear?"

He resisted the urge to moan. That was going to take hours! There was already a big stain of icing on the wall near the chalk board, where a kid had decided to 'hand' Mr. Yuriko a cake for his birthday oh-so-nicely. That kid was expelled, though. Good for him, the dumb ass.

"Hai, Sensei. I'll be here." He restrained himself from making any rude comments and getting himself into deeper shit. All teachers liked politeness, right?

Apparently they did, because the man's face softened enough to resemble a dark and rainy day. "Good. Glad you understand. Pay attention before I make you wash the windows too. Now, where were we?"

The teacher drifted off into another little speech about the Meiji era and the effects it had on modern day Japan, and it was only then the Jou looked over to where Kaiba was sitting.

He noticed the brunet shift ever so slightly from his position, eyes still downcast onto the paper, and he observed another little detail.

He was writing with his right hand now.


"No worries, Yug'! I'll be jus' fine with Mr. Yuck. As long as he doesn't make me do windows or sweep." A genuine smile tossed over to the shorter boy as the arm slung over his shoulder removed itself for a small wave. It wasn't fun to make Yugi worry about him or anything, right? The boy already had to deal with spirits and freaky Egyptian stuff. Yeah...

"Alright, Jou..." The boy sounded reluctant as he waved back, the frown replaced by the childish smile that usually adorned his face a second later. "I'll phone you later, alright?"

Said boy nodded enthusiastically as the shorter teen started running towards home, golden pyramid swinging in it's usual place around Yugi's neck. "Alright Yug'! Seeya!"

He waved one last time before finally turning his back, a small smile still playing itself on his face. Now all he had to do was get through the stupid detention.

The thought of having a half pleasant detention was banished as he heard an all too recognizable chuckle sound near his right, and a scowl presented itself on his face as he placed a face with that chuckle. Whoop-do-fuggin-do. Kaiba.

"Whadda ya want, moneybags? If it's to torture me, piss off. I have to go to detention." A snapped out tone as he glared at the brunette to the right of him. He was getting even more pissed off at the damned smirk the other was sporting. Glowering as the other chuckled again, the deep noise echoing off of the walls near them, he cursed who ever watched over his luck. Stupid God-people...

"I think the mutt needs a rabies shot. I only came to ask a simple question, dog."

The blonde had the childish urge to stamp his foot and stick out his tongue at the other, but instead settled for an even angrier glare. That'd show the stuck-up rich boy!

"I'm not a mutt, moneybags. And if ya wanted ta ask a stupid question, do it without the doggie comments." He wasn't really in the mood for the one that supposedly caused him a detention. He was alive, so therefore, he was responsible for Jou staring at him.

It was always good to put the blame on something - or someone - else.

A smooth scowl twirled in with a cool voice was sent towards him, the young CEO leaning his weight onto his back heels, his posture radiating arrogance as he spoke. "Fine... Dog." He knew the other couldn't resist! Stuck up bastard. "The one question I have is the one question that Yuriko-sensei asked you today. Why were you staring at me?"

Half-demanding and half-questioning. The chocolate-eyed boy froze as the question hung in the air. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, what was he supposed to say? 'Ah, I was just staring at you because I was thinking about you and all your… Kaiba-ness, and especially your oh-so-manly handwriting! By the way, do you write with your right or your left? Both? Ok! Seeya in class tomorrow!'.

Yeah. That'd work real well.

A fish expression must have been on his face, because the other sighed angrily, and they both opened their mouths at the same time before a stern voice beat them both to speaking. "Jonouchi Katsuya, you now have to wash the windows for being fashionably late. Now get in here before I decide to make it even worse."

Right now, the blonde could have kissed the old man. But of course he didn't. That would be gross, and he wasn't that grateful. Plus he had to do windows. He could have come up with a witty comment in a few more seconds!! But it was best to quit while you were ahead, in some cases, right?

A small victory smirk as he glanced at the angry brunet, and he couldn't resist saying something. "Well, seeya moneybags. Nice talkin' to ya, but ya know..." Another smile sent over, and a little wiggle of his fingers, as he all but dashed to the door nearest to him. He walked in quickly, leaving a stunned teenager behind.

Of course, the blonde couldn't resist the rude gesture he made behind his back at the boy.


Well, there ya go!!! I have done the unthinkable and actually started another fic!! So that's about... Uh... Three of four fics. God I suck. This was relatively short, too...

Oh yeah... a note or two... Mr.Yuriko is the history teacher, if you haven't guessed.

So…. Yeah? Yeah. Until the next chapter!!!