Clear Vision
A Seto/Joey fanfic by subaruxkamui4ever (and ever and ever.....)
I hope everyone's not completely sick of this by now, I sure ain't. They're just so cute and angsty! And just for you who maybe haven't figured it out by now, this is yaoi. Yep, no way around this one at all. But secretly, you know you like it... Come on.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. No, really, I don't. I swear!
Well, here we go. Wish me luck!
There are many things that I don't understand. This is true for everyone. Things that may seem clear to me are a mystery to others, and vice versa. However, is it possible for something to suddenly be shrouded in darkness? Something that was clearer to me than anything else had ever been, can it, seemingly without reason, be stripped of its clarity? I had thought that, above all else, I knew my own self. Isn't that something we all take comfort in? The fact that no one can see the real Me, it is untouchable to all but myself. I have since realized that I have no idea who I am. If you asked me who I was, I would tell you that my name is Joey. But even that may not be true anymore.
Clear Vision
I awoke suddenly. My body was covered in sweat, and my sheets were tangled around my feet. I glanced frantically around my dark room, trying to find my way back to reality. 'It was only a dream' I chanted in my head over and over, waiting for my breathing to steady. Laying my head back on my pillow, I placed my hand over my heart, and felt the rapid beating. "It was only a dream!" I spoke aloud this time, determined to convince myself. It was a dream, it had to be! What else could it have been? It just... felt so real. When I felt that I had fully calmed down, I let my mind wander back to the dream, trying to remember what had happened. But no matter how hard I thought about it, I could never remember. Not one single detail. How long had I been going on like this? The dreams, at first, were few and far between, and could be easily passed off as nightmares. That had been the case until last week, when they took me every single night. I had been losing sleep each night since then, and it was starting to take its toll on my life. I was starting to feel like I was living in a strange midpoint between sleep and wakefulness, always only half-aware of my surroundings. And still, not one recollection, not a single shred of evidence to prove that anything was happening at all. There was nothing I could do, nothing to help or hinder my situation. I became desperate, I could think of nothing else except knowing. I needed to know what was happening to me. But more than anything else, I needed to know what these visions were. What was I seeing that took my breath away so violently? What could terrify me without even truly existing in my mind? I had too many questions and not enough answers. I lived my life this way for one more week, haunted every night, until I couldn't go on any longer.
It happened at school, as I was about to go home after a long day. As I prepared to leave the campus, I thought of the night ahead of me. I was truly afraid to go to sleep at this point, knowing what awaited me once I fell into slumber. My relationships with both friends and enemies were beginning to crumble away. Only a shadow of the life I had led beforehand existed, as my actions and responses became more rote memorization and less spontaneous. To be honest, I couldn't even recollect the reason why I had hated Seto Kaiba. And Seto Kaiba, as it happens, was the key to breaking the spell that my own mind had cast over me.
I crossed the front lawn of the school, and set off in the direction of my house. I was exhausted, and barely had the energy to keep my eyes from closing as I walked. So caught up was I, that I failed to notice anyone at all, even those directly in my path. As I shuffled across the grass, my focus slipped more and more. Suddenly, I was knocked backwards. There was no time to regain my balance, and before I knew what had happened, I was on the ground. I heard a dry voice from above me. "Watch where the hell you're going, Wheeler." Even in my tired state, I recognized his voice immediately. Just the sound of him angered me, and on top of all my troubles, I just couldn't stand it! I stood up in a huff and whipped around to face him. "You know what Kaiba?" I said, my voice teetering between tears and fury, "I..." My voice trailed off as we made eye contact. I had been so angry with him just seconds before, but now I felt...I can't even recall exactly what happened anymore. The second our eyes met, the world around us was torn away like a thin, fragile piece of paper. In his eyes I saw everything. I saw every dream that I previously could not recall, all at once, in a blinding rush. Familiar scents and sounds, feelings of desperation and fear, that I felt were mine, but from when? A whole lifetime of experiences and emotions that were alien to me and yet I knew, I knew that they were mine. Mine and...his. I was terrified. In my panic I called out, not really aware of what I was screaming. "Sethe!" I cried as I flung both of my arms out to Seto, who looked at me with a mixture of fear and confusion in his face. "Wheeler, what are you..." he began but didn't have a chance to finish. In that one instant I felt the burden of 5000 years in my heart, in my soul, and the pressure was far too great. I felt myself fall forward, but I did not hit the ground. Something stopped my fall, at least in the physical realm, but in my mind, I fell for what seemed like an eternity. I fell into the darkness, and I slept.
AN: So, we're off to an interesting start, huh? If you've made it this far, I'm assuming that you, like myself, are not completely bored with this whole "I totally remember you from my past life blah blah blah..." crap. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I just can't get enough of it. I'm mad, I tell you! I'm gonna keep writing it, so don't feel like you have to review just to get me to post (I hate it when people do that 'I won't write till I get this many reviews' like I'm not just writing it so I can read it myself anyway) but review if you liked it at all. Flames are cool too, it's cold here.